occt: master f67d0512

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
dbv dbv master 2012-07-20 13:18:29 master 312cd1f5
Affected Issues  0023260: Regression: Instability in parallel incmesh on Linux.
Changeset 0023260: Regression: Instability in parallel incmesh on Linux.

Added protection to the function which may have data race (according to the valgrind report).
Added protection to the BRepMesh_FastDiscretFace::RestoreStructureFromTriangulation function
Slight reordering to optimize use of mutex (lock once)
Now Standard_Mutex::SentryNested are created as named object.
Map inside TopTools_MutexForShapeProvider now store Handle_TopoDS_TShape as a key instead of TopoDS_Shape
mod - src/BRepMesh/BRepMesh_FastDiscretFace.cdl Diff File
mod - src/BRepMesh/BRepMesh_FastDiscretFace.cxx Diff File
mod - src/TopTools/TopTools_MutexForShapeProvider.cxx Diff File
mod - src/TopTools/TopTools_MutexForShapeProvider.hxx Diff File