occt: master 185e6ec0

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
kgv kgv master 2012-09-27 08:43:54 master 3695b8c2
Affected Issues  0023425: diffimage generate OSD_Exception during execution/
Changeset 0023425: diffimage generate OSD_Exception during execution

diffimage out-of-image access during border filter execution

Verify neighbor pixel position for out-of-image access
A list of referenced articles and books is added to Image_Diff.hxx file.

Adding test case bugs/vis/CR23425

Image_Diff - fix compilation error on x86_64 target using msvc
There no std::abs for ptrdiff_t in Microsoft STL implementation

Image_PixMap - fixed compilation on gcc 3

Removed extra newlines in TCL script
Image_Diff, move back extra modifications
mod - src/Image/Image_Diff.cxx Diff File
mod - src/Image/Image_Diff.hxx Diff File
mod - src/Image/Image_PixMap.cxx Diff File
add - tests/bugs/vis/CR23425 Diff File