occt: master a3476a9f

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
pkv bugmaster master 2015-02-26 10:39:13 master 9a6ea9c4
Changeset 0025847: Wrong result obtained by General Fuse operator.

I. New features:
   No new features.

II. Changes:
II.1. class BOPAlgo_PaveFiller
- method:
 void BOPAlgo_PaveFiller::PerformEE()
 has been changed.
 Intended set of VE interferences has been refined
 to avoid unwanted overlaps of pave blocks

- method:
 void BOPAlgo_PaveFiller::ForceInterfVE(const Standard_Integer nV,
                                       Handle(BOPDS_PaveBlock)& aPB,
                                       BOPDS_MapOfPaveBlock& aMPBToUpdate)
 The initialization of increment of VE interferences has been added.

- method:
 Standard_Boolean BOPAlgo_PaveFiller::ForceInterfVF
  (const Standard_Integer nV,
   const Standard_Integer nF)
 The initialization of increment of VF interferences has been added.

III. Modified entities:

Test case for issue CR25847
mod - src/BOPAlgo/BOPAlgo_PaveFiller_3.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BOPAlgo/BOPAlgo_PaveFiller_5.cxx Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_5/bug25847 Diff File