occt: master 1f45f213

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
jgv smoskvin master 2022-03-30 04:28:02 master d7f50721
Changeset 0032721: Modeling Algorithms - BOP wrong results on a cone and an extrusion

1. Modify method IntPatch_ALineToWLine::MakeWLine: add correction of end points of each line on 2 surfaces if an end point is a pole on a surface.
2. Modify method IntPatch_WLine::ComputeVertexParameters: adjust a point on curve to corresponding vertex the following way: set 3D point as the point of the vertex and 2D points as the points of the point on curve.
mod - src/IntPatch/IntPatch_ALineToWLine.cxx Diff File
mod - src/IntPatch/IntPatch_ALineToWLine.hxx Diff File
mod - src/IntPatch/IntPatch_WLine.cxx Diff File
mod - src/IntSurf/IntSurf_LineOn2S.hxx Diff File
mod - src/IntSurf/IntSurf_LineOn2S.lxx Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug29807_b3a Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug29807_b5a Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_8/bug32721 Diff File
mod - tests/lowalgos/intss/bug29807_i1002 Diff File
mod - tests/lowalgos/intss/bug29807_i1003 Diff File
mod - tests/lowalgos/intss/bug29807_i1004 Diff File
mod - tests/lowalgos/intss/bug29807_i1005 Diff File
mod - tests/lowalgos/intss/bug29807_i3002 Diff File
mod - tests/lowalgos/intss/bug29807_i3004 Diff File
mod - tests/lowalgos/intss/bug29807_i3005 Diff File