occt-products: master 58c277e1

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
msv bugmaster master 2021-01-22 18:52:50 master 2f854ccc
Changeset 0032075: Express Mesh - enormously long run on a face with many holes

QMBgr_FacetBuilder has been improved so that to update the quad tree min depth parameter if the number of inner wires is greater than 50. This allows avoiding creation of polygons with many holes, on which the cubic complexity of the algorithm begins significantly impact performance.
QMBgr_QuadTree has been improved so that it divided a quad cell along the longest side while making unconditional division according to min depth parameter.
The test case has been added to follow the algorithm execution time on a specific case.
mod - diff Diff File
mod - src/QMBgr/QMBgr_FacetBuilder.cxx Diff File
mod - src/QMBgr/QMBgr_QuadTree.cxx Diff File
add - tests/emesh/bugs/bug32075 Diff File