occt: master 259b9303

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
abulyche smoskvin master 2022-09-09 13:21:03 master 3536158f
Affected Issues  0023954: Modeling Algorithms - BRepPrimAPI_MakeRevol fails to recognize a torus case
Changeset 0023954: Modeling Algorithms - BRepPrimAPI_MakeRevol fails to recognize a torus case

Fixed the Toroidal surface recognition;
The test case bugs/moddata_1/bug22296: the result is a torus with parameters: u [0, 2*PI], v [PI, 3*PI];
The test case bugs/modalg_5/bug23954: BAD -> OK.
mod - src/GeomAdaptor/GeomAdaptor_SurfaceOfRevolution.cxx Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_5/bug23954 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/moddata_1/bug22296 Diff File