occt-products: master fe27126e

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
ddzama smoskvin master 2022-09-12 11:14:05 master f1f2eb84
Affected Issues  0033140: Coding, Jt Import - Incrorrect layer's string conversion [REGRESSION since 0033125]
Changeset 0033140: Coding, Jt Import - Incrorrect layer's string conversion [REGRESSION since 0033125].

There is danger piece of code after changing type of `myActiveLayer` from
`TCollection_ExtendedString` to `TCollection_AsciiString`.

myActiveLayer = aLFProperty->Value;
myActiveLayer.Remove(1, aAFName.Length() + 1);

The problem is that the length of myActiveLayer could not
equal the length of `aLFProperty->Value`.
So, we should firstly trim `TCollection_ExtendedString` string,
and only after this casting it to `TCollection_AsciiString`.
mod - src/JTCAFControl/JTCAFControl_Reader.cxx Diff File