occt: master e119b6c3

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
gka bugmaster master 2018-07-10 16:20:50 master c520fb2a
Affected Issues  0029944: Porting to Debian80 64 bit : Regressions on the gcc (Debian 4.9.2-10) 4.9.2. Exception is raised during load STEP file
Changeset 0029944: Porting to VC 2017 : Regressions on the gcc (Debian 4.9.2-10) 4.9.2. Exception is raised during load STEP file.

Boolean parameter "same_sence" from class RWStepShape_RWAdvancedFace.cxx is now initialized correctly.
mod - src/RWStepShape/RWStepShape_RWAdvancedFace.cxx Diff File
mod - src/StepData/StepData_StepReaderData.cxx Diff File