View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0007667Open CASCADEOCCT:Visualizationpublic2018-04-27 13:55
ReporteraslAssigned Toasl 
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Fixed in Version5.2.3 
Summary0007667: Export contents of view to vector graphic file
DescriptionIt is necessary to export contents of viewer's view to vector graphic file, for
example, to PostScript (for all OS) and to Windows Metafile (for Windows OS only)
Additional information
and documentation updates
Documentation remark, added by ASL 2005-02-24 07:30:42:

New features:
Using GL2PS GNU library now it is possible to export view content to vector
format file. The usage may be as follow:

Handle( V3d_Vuew ) aView = ...
aView->View()->Export( "", Visual3d_EF_PostScript );

For more implementation details see attached doc.
Two methods was added to OpenGl_PrimitiveArray (draw_primitive_arrays() and
draw_primitive_elements()), which emulate the same effect as standard OpenGl
functions glDrawArrays() and glDrawElements() without a definition of any
arrays (vertex, colour, normal ...). They call instead of glDrawArrays() and
glDrawElements() only in GL_FEEDBACK render mode.
TagsNo tags attached.
Test case number

Attached Files

  • (8,011 bytes)
  • MeshToPS.doc (26,624 bytes)
  • asl_OCC7667_v1.tar.gz (71,128 bytes)
  • asl_OCC7667_v2.tar.gz (71,124 bytes)


parent of 0029520 closedbugmaster Visualization - drop deprecated V3d_View::Export() functionality and dependency from gl2ps 


2005-02-07 12:47 (8,011 bytes)

2005-02-24 07:30


MeshToPS.doc (26,624 bytes)

2005-03-01 09:19


asl_OCC7667_v1.tar.gz (71,128 bytes)

2005-03-02 07:09


asl_OCC7667_v2.tar.gz (71,124 bytes)

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2005-01-12 16:14 bugmaster Assigned To bugmaster => san
2005-01-12 16:14 bugmaster Status new => assigned
2005-01-12 16:28 san Assigned To san => asl
2005-01-31 14:20 asl Assigned To asl => skv
2005-01-31 14:38 skv Assigned To skv => skt
2005-02-07 14:48 skt Status assigned => resolved
2005-02-07 15:10 bugmaster Status assigned => resolved
2005-02-07 15:59 bugmaster Assigned To skt => apv
2005-02-07 15:59 bugmaster Status resolved => assigned
2005-02-07 15:59 bugmaster Assigned To apv => asl
2005-02-24 09:32 asl Status assigned => resolved
2005-03-10 11:00 apv CC => apv, aki
2005-04-25 10:14 bugmaster Status resolved => verified
2005-05-06 15:32 bugmaster Status verified => closed
2005-05-06 15:32 bugmaster Resolution @0@ => fixed
2005-07-11 10:21 bugmaster Type => FIP
2005-09-27 15:43 abv CC => abv
2011-08-02 11:24 bugmaster Category OCCT:VIZ => OCCT:Visualization
2012-01-16 17:50 atp Description Updated
2012-01-16 17:50 atp Additional Information Updated
2018-04-27 13:55 kgv Relationship added parent of 0029520