View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006474Open CASCADEOCCT:Modeling Algorithmspublic2012-01-16 19:17
ReportermsvAssigned Tomsv 
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Fixed in Version5.2.1 
Summary0006474: Incorrect result of intersection of a plane and an extrusion surface
DescriptionThe direction of extrusion lies in the plane. The result is expected as 1
direct line. But we have got 4 overlapping bspline curves lying on that line.
The script to reproduce is following:

restore s1
restore s2
intersect i s1 s2
if {[llength [directory i*]] != 1} {
    error "more than 1 intersection line is got"

The surfaces are attached in the data.tgz file.

The possible solution is to treat such a case as a particular one and give as a
result the line whose direction is a direction of extrusion and origin is got
by intersection of the basis curve of extrusion surface and the plane.
Additional information
and documentation updates
Documentation remark, added by MSV 2004-10-01 12:42:27:

Intersection of a surface of linear extrusion with a plane parallel to the
direction of extrusion now stably produces a direct line instead of a set of
overlapped bspline curves.
Modified entities:
only *.cxx and *.gxx files.
TagsNo tags attached.
Test case number

Attached Files

  • data.tgz (216 bytes)
  • OCC6474_patch.tgz (19,418 bytes)


related to 0006143 closedmsv Correct handling of exceptions on WNT 


2004-08-20 12:06


data.tgz (216 bytes)

2004-08-23 09:26


OCC6474_patch.tgz (19,418 bytes)

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2004-08-20 14:08 msv BugsThisDependsOn => 6143
2004-09-13 08:31 bugmaster Assigned To bugmaster => msv
2004-09-13 08:31 bugmaster Status new => assigned
2004-09-13 08:31 bugmaster Status assigned => tested
2004-09-13 08:32 bugmaster Status tested => verified
2004-11-01 12:09 bugmaster Status verified => closed
2004-11-01 12:09 bugmaster Resolution @0@ => fixed
2011-08-02 11:31 bugmaster Category OCCT:MOA => OCCT:Modeling Algorithms
2012-01-16 19:17 atp Description Updated
2012-01-16 19:17 atp Additional Information Updated