View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0033671Open CASCADEOCCT:Codingpublic2024-06-27 14:05
Reporterdpasukhi Assigned Todpasukhi  
Status resolvedResolutionopen 
Target Version7.9.0 
Summary0033671: Coding - GeomTools performance update
DescriptionUsing a large buffer for a double can impact performance.
It is possible to limit buffer to optimal size
Steps To ReproduceNot possible
TagsNo tags attached.
Test case number


related to 0033588 newdpasukhi Coding - Performance research 



2024-04-14 13:12

administrator   ~0115699

Branch CR33671 has been created by dpasukhi.

SHA-1: 36e3667128e60d696a389f6b8dfe0a304ef474de

Detailed log of new commits:

Author: dpasukhi
Date: Sun Apr 14 10:12:01 2024 +0000

    0033671: Coding - GeomTools performance update
    Update size of buffer for the brep parsing according standard


2024-06-01 14:58

administrator   ~0115928

Reminder sent to: dpasukhi


2024-06-01 15:15

administrator   ~0115929

Branch CR33671 has been updated forcibly by dpasukhi.

SHA-1: 55b89e095f599f959b43affb35a67ceea1be26fe


2024-06-27 14:05

administrator   ~0116072


Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-04-06 13:41 dpasukhi New Issue
2024-04-06 13:41 dpasukhi Assigned To => dpasukhi
2024-04-06 13:41 dpasukhi Relationship added related to 0033588
2024-04-14 13:12 git Note Added: 0115699
2024-06-01 14:58 dpasukhi Note Added: 0115928
2024-06-01 14:59 dpasukhi Status new => resolved
2024-06-01 14:59 dpasukhi Steps to Reproduce Updated
2024-06-01 15:15 git Note Added: 0115929
2024-06-27 14:05 dpasukhi Note Added: 0116072