View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0033664CommunityOCCT:Visualizationpublic2024-07-19 02:31
ReporterJerome Monaco Assigned Toiko  
Status resolvedResolutionopen 
PlatformWindowsOSVC++ 2022 
Product Version7.8.0 
Target Version7.9.0 
Summary0033664: Visualization - Selection does not work for simple shape
DescriptionHi gentlemen, I just checked that picking and selection are not working for a simple shape (OCC 7.8.0, windows 10, VS 2022).
I wanted to register a bug in bug tracker but do not find a way, so I post it here.

Please find in the attached .zip a brep file and a small tcl script to reproduce on you systems.

When the brep is displayed, it is possible to pick and select all faces of the arrow except the cylindrical body face.
I do not know at which version this problem comes but I am quite sure it was OK in 7.6.0.

Thanks in advance.
Best regards.
Steps To ReproduceLoad the attached .brep and try to pick or select the arrow cylindrical body face. On my computer I can pick/select all faces except the cylindrical one.
I have this problem on OCC 7.8.0 (I cannot select the good version in product version combo box).
TagsNo tags attached.
Test case number

Attached Files

  • select-fails.brep (35,969 bytes)
  • select-fails.tcl (183 bytes)
  • cylinder_surface.brep (17,961 bytes)


Jerome Monaco

2024-04-04 18:08


select-fails.brep (35,969 bytes)
select-fails.tcl (183 bytes)


2024-07-19 02:16

administrator   ~0116260

Branch CR33664 has been created by mzernova.

SHA-1: 70e6be168688b9c8c0d867f1b0a2dcefe07145a6

Detailed log of new commits:

Author: mzernova
Date: Fri Jul 19 00:16:11 2024 +0100

    0033664: Visualization - Selection does not work for simple shape
    Fixed direction calculation for Select3D_SensitiveCylinder created from Geom_CylindricalSurface


2024-07-19 02:16

developer   ~0116261

cylinder_surface.brep (17,961 bytes)


2024-07-19 02:31

developer   ~0116262

Please review CR33664


Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-04-04 18:08 Jerome Monaco New Issue
2024-04-04 18:08 Jerome Monaco Assigned To => sshutina
2024-04-04 18:08 Jerome Monaco File Added: select-fails.brep
2024-04-04 18:08 Jerome Monaco File Added: select-fails.tcl
2024-04-04 20:54 dpasukhi Summary Selection / picking does not work for simple shape => Visualization - Selection does not work for simple shape
2024-04-04 20:56 dpasukhi Product Version => 7.8.0
2024-04-04 20:56 dpasukhi Target Version => 7.9.0
2024-07-15 17:09 dpasukhi Assigned To sshutina => mzernova
2024-07-19 02:16 git Note Added: 0116260
2024-07-19 02:16 mzernova Note Added: 0116261
2024-07-19 02:16 mzernova File Added: cylinder_surface.brep
2024-07-19 02:31 mzernova Assigned To mzernova => iko
2024-07-19 02:31 mzernova Status new => resolved
2024-07-19 02:31 mzernova Note Added: 0116262