View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0033620CommunityOCCT:Data Exchangepublic2024-09-25 11:00
Reporterebknudsen Assigned Toika  
Status closedResolutionduplicate 
PlatformLinuxOSUbuntu 20.04 
Product Version7.7.0 
Target Version7.8.1 
Summary0033620: STEP-import of DEGENERATE_TOROIDAL_SURFACE can be misinterpreted.
DescriptionIn some cases the step import of a degenerate toroidal shape can fail, depending on the location of the toroid rotational centers.

If 2*r_min > r_maj > r_min _and_ the toroidal surface is cut by a plane above the midplane of the toroid (meaning that the minor center of rotation of the toroid is below the cut-plane), the generating curve appears to have the wrong orientation. See attached report degenerate_toroid_bowls.pdf. If OTOH the minor center of rotation is above the cut plane or r_maj<r_min, the surface gets generated correctly.

See attached report with sketches "degenerate_toroid_bowls.pdf".

I have created a version of the sample glfw-program to visualize without anything else than occt (attached) . Also I have attached a set of step files used in the report. Anything labelled "*left_below*" fails, whereas "*right*" and "*above*" work.
Steps To Reproducecompile the attached version of glfwocct using the attached CMakeLists, (just as for glfw-sample but linking with TKSTEP).
run with a step-file as command-line argument.
TagsNo tags attached.
Test case number

Attached Files

  • degenerate_toroid_bowls.pdf (341,393 bytes)
  • GlfwOcctWindow.cpp (5,440 bytes)
  • bowl_right_below.step (4,594 bytes)
  • bowl_right_above.step (4,358 bytes)
  • bowl_left_below.step (4,382 bytes)
  • bowl_left_below_214.step (4,452 bytes)
  • bowl_left_above.step (4,396 bytes)
  • bowl_inside_below.step (4,253 bytes)
  • bowl_left_below_oblcut.step (4,902 bytes)
  • bowl_left_below_extended.step (5,168 bytes)
  • bowl_left_below_extendedtoaxis.step (4,305 bytes)
  • bowl_left_below_cutout.step (6,205 bytes)
  • bowl_fc_outside_below.step (4,225 bytes)
  • CMakeLists.txt (1,486 bytes)


duplicate of 0033618 newdpasukhi Data Exchange, STEP-import - Support of DEGENERATE_TOROIDAL_SURFACE 



2024-03-01 13:23


degenerate_toroid_bowls.pdf (341,393 bytes)
GlfwOcctWindow.cpp (5,440 bytes)
bowl_right_below.step (4,594 bytes)
bowl_right_above.step (4,358 bytes)
bowl_left_below.step (4,382 bytes)
bowl_left_below_214.step (4,452 bytes)
bowl_left_above.step (4,396 bytes)
bowl_inside_below.step (4,253 bytes)
bowl_left_below_oblcut.step (4,902 bytes)
bowl_left_below_extended.step (5,168 bytes)
bowl_left_below_extendedtoaxis.step (4,305 bytes)
bowl_left_below_cutout.step (6,205 bytes)
bowl_fc_outside_below.step (4,225 bytes)
CMakeLists.txt (1,486 bytes)


2024-03-01 22:57

administrator   ~0115215

looks like there are more files


2024-03-01 23:07

developer   ~0115219

In its duplicate the files were zipped but contents are the same. I created a set of duplicate issue by mistake because the system reported an error when I attached the files, so tried in a few ways before realizing the issues had been stored correctly.


2024-03-01 23:11

administrator   ~0115220

Yes, my apologies for the error. Sometimes I have the same, but our IT team can't reproduce that.
If you can share your browser version and scenario that you did it can help us to avoid that kind of problem.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-03-01 13:23 ebknudsen New Issue
2024-03-01 13:23 ebknudsen Assigned To => ika
2024-03-01 13:23 ebknudsen File Added: degenerate_toroid_bowls.pdf
2024-03-01 13:23 ebknudsen File Added: GlfwOcctWindow.cpp
2024-03-01 13:23 ebknudsen File Added: bowl_right_below.step
2024-03-01 13:23 ebknudsen File Added: bowl_right_above.step
2024-03-01 13:23 ebknudsen File Added: bowl_left_below.step
2024-03-01 13:23 ebknudsen File Added: bowl_left_below_214.step
2024-03-01 13:23 ebknudsen File Added: bowl_left_above.step
2024-03-01 13:23 ebknudsen File Added: bowl_inside_below.step
2024-03-01 13:23 ebknudsen File Added: bowl_left_below_oblcut.step
2024-03-01 13:23 ebknudsen File Added: bowl_left_below_extended.step
2024-03-01 13:23 ebknudsen File Added: bowl_left_below_extendedtoaxis.step
2024-03-01 13:23 ebknudsen File Added: bowl_left_below_cutout.step
2024-03-01 13:23 ebknudsen File Added: bowl_fc_outside_below.step
2024-03-01 13:23 ebknudsen File Added: CMakeLists.txt
2024-03-01 14:53 ebknudsen Relationship added duplicate of 0033618
2024-03-01 22:57 dpasukhi Note Added: 0115215
2024-03-01 23:07 ebknudsen Note Added: 0115219
2024-03-01 23:11 dpasukhi Note Added: 0115220
2024-09-25 11:00 dpasukhi Status new => closed
2024-09-25 11:00 dpasukhi Resolution open => duplicate