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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0033566CommunityOCCT:Foundation Classespublic2024-06-07 14:59
Reporterfestive-shrimp Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformLinuxOSUbuntu 22.04 
Product Version7.8.0 
Summary0033566: BVH_BoxSet::Center has improper return type.
DescriptionBVH_BoxSet is a templated class deriving from BVH_PrimitiveSet with a numeric type “NumType”. While the base class expects the Center method to return a NumType, BVH_BoxSet::Center has the following signature:

  virtual Standard_Real Center (const Standard_Integer theIndex, const Standard_Integer theAxis) const Standard_OVERRIDE;

This hardcodes Standard_Real meaning that it will not compile with e.g. Standard_ShortReal since the function signature in question is no longer overriding.
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-01-04 17:15 festive-shrimp New Issue
2024-01-04 17:15 festive-shrimp Assigned To => akaftasev
2024-06-07 14:59 akaftasev Assigned To akaftasev =>