View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0033392CommunityOCCT:Modeling Algorithmspublic2024-06-07 13:15
ReporterMatthias Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformWindowsOSVC++ 2017 
Product Version7.7.0 
Target VersionUnscheduled 
Summary0033392: Modeling Algorithms - Volume maker operation with wrong result
DescriptionResult of operation has artefacts.
Steps To Reproduce
restore s1.brep
restore s2.brep
mkvolume r s1 s2
explode r
vdisplay r_2
TagsNo tags attached.
Test case number

Attached Files

  • image.png (34,357 bytes)
  • s1.brep (452,220 bytes)
  • s2.brep (1,306 bytes)



2023-05-23 11:25

developer   ~0113576

image.png (34,357 bytes)
s1.brep (452,220 bytes)
s2.brep (1,306 bytes)

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-05-23 11:25 Matthias New Issue
2023-05-23 11:25 Matthias Assigned To => akaftasev
2023-05-23 11:25 Matthias Issue generated from: 0033376
2023-05-23 11:25 Matthias Note Added: 0113576
2023-05-23 11:25 Matthias File Added: image.png
2023-05-23 11:25 Matthias File Added: s1.brep
2023-05-23 11:25 Matthias File Added: s2.brep
2023-05-23 11:53 dpasukhi Target Version 7.7.2 => Unscheduled
2023-05-23 11:53 dpasukhi Summary Volume maker operation with wrong result => Modeling Algorithms - Volume maker operation with wrong result
2024-06-07 13:15 akaftasev Assigned To akaftasev =>