View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0033333CommunityOCCT:Modeling Algorithmspublic2024-02-15 14:32
ReporterPeterB Assigned Toakaftasev  
Status closedResolutionno change required 
PlatformWindowsOSVC++ 2017 
Product Version7.6.0 
Summary0033333: Modeling Algorithms - Generating 2D view from STEP file: circles in STEP file should remain circles in 2D view
Description=== feature request ===
generating 2D view from STEP file:
=> circles in STEP file should remain circles in 2D view

=== status quo ===
Currently circles in STEP result in line segments in 2D views

Would be great if - in general - OpenCascade returned more complex graphic objects (e.g. circles) instead of exclusively line segments.

=== related bug ===
0033332: Modeling Algorithms - Generating 2D view from STEP file results in incomplete circles: the last line segment is missing
Steps To Reproducesee attached:
   NOTE: contains ReadMe.txt
+ STEP file
   NOTE: contains four circles on Front / Back views
+ screenshot of Front view

The contained Visual Studio 17 solution exemplifies in an STEP to DXF command line tool
how we use OpenCascade to read STEP files and generate the six 2D views (front, back, right, left, top, bottom)

generating 2D view from STEP file:
=> circles in STEP file should remain circles in 2D view
TagsNo tags attached.
Test case number

Attached Files

  • CAD_MPL_1553.500--Front.png (10,181 bytes)
  • (10,277 bytes)
  • CAD_MPL_1553.500.stp (90,578 bytes)


related to 0033332 closedPeterB Modeling Algorithms - Generating 2D view from STEP file results in incomplete circles: the last line segment is missing 



2023-02-16 19:03

reporter   ~0113161

CAD_MPL_1553.500--Front.png (10,181 bytes) (10,277 bytes)
CAD_MPL_1553.500.stp (90,578 bytes)


2023-02-16 19:07

administrator   ~0113162

Last edited: 2023-02-16 19:09

Dear @PeterB,
Is it a dublicate of 0033332. Why you create current ticket?
If it is a missclick, please send to bugmaster with asking to close current issue.


2023-02-16 19:10

reporter   ~0113164

Dear @dpasukhi,
please not that this 0033333 is a feature request.
The other one 0033332 is a bug versus the current implementation (2D views composed of line segments).
Kind regards,
Peter B.


2024-02-07 17:33

reporter   ~0115051

Reminder sent to: akaftasev, dpasukhi

Hello @akaftasev,
Hello @dpasukhi,

>>> feel free to close this feature request <<<

We noticed that circles are already supported (see enum below)
and have a successful proof of concept on our side.

Best regards,

//! Identifies the type of a curve.
enum GeomAbs_CurveType
GeomAbs_Circle, < < <


2024-02-14 22:31

reporter   ~0115090

Reminder sent to: akaftasev, dpasukhi

Hello @akaftasev,
Hello @dpasukhi,

>>> feel free to close this feature request <<<

We noticed that circles are already supported (see enum above)
and have a successful proof of concept on our side.

Best regards,

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-02-16 19:01 PeterB New Issue
2023-02-16 19:01 PeterB Assigned To => oan
2023-02-16 19:03 PeterB Note Added: 0113161
2023-02-16 19:03 PeterB File Added: CAD_MPL_1553.500--Front.png
2023-02-16 19:03 PeterB File Added:
2023-02-16 19:03 PeterB File Added: CAD_MPL_1553.500.stp
2023-02-16 19:05 dpasukhi Relationship added duplicate of 0033332
2023-02-16 19:07 dpasukhi Assigned To oan => PeterB
2023-02-16 19:07 dpasukhi Status new => feedback
2023-02-16 19:07 dpasukhi Note Added: 0113162
2023-02-16 19:09 dpasukhi Note Edited: 0113162
2023-02-16 19:10 PeterB Note Added: 0113164
2023-02-16 19:16 dpasukhi Relationship replaced related to 0033332
2023-02-16 19:16 dpasukhi Assigned To PeterB => oan
2023-02-16 19:16 dpasukhi Status feedback => assigned
2023-02-16 19:17 dpasukhi Summary generating 2D view from STEP file: circles in STEP file should remain circles in 2D view => Modeling Algorithms - Generating 2D view from STEP file: circles in STEP file should remain circles in 2D view
2023-08-01 15:33 dpasukhi Assigned To oan => akaftasev
2024-02-07 17:33 PeterB Note Added: 0115051
2024-02-14 22:31 PeterB Note Added: 0115090
2024-02-15 14:32 dpasukhi Status assigned => closed
2024-02-15 14:32 dpasukhi Resolution open => no change required