View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0033209Open CASCADEOCCT:Visualizationpublic2024-02-21 13:54
Reporteroan Assigned Tohossamali  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Target VersionUnscheduled 
Summary0033209: Visualization - No possibility to select only objects visible to user using API of AIS_InteractiveContext
DescriptionIn contrast to SelectDetected() neither SelectPoint(), nor SelectPolygon(), nor SelectRectangle() allow to select objects that are visible to user only, i.e. having two objects one of which is behind another, both will be selected using these methods despite of the first one is visually hidden and may be omitted. In other words current selection scheme allows to select objects by X-Ray so it passes through the entire scene, however in some scenarios it is preferable to stop at the first hit on the closest object.

Changing PickingStrategy parameter seems to have no effect.
Steps To Reproduce
pload ALL

box b 10 10 10
box c 20 0 0 10 10 10

vsetdispmode 1
vdisplay b c


# Select visible object in viewer using rectangular selection and rotate view so both boxes are visible.
# Result: both boxes are selected, despite one of them is completely hidden by an another.
TagsNo tags attached.
Test case number

Attached Files

  • 33209_Fix.png (288,148 bytes)


related to 0033607 assignedhossamali Visualization - Implementation of hardware occlusion queries 



2024-02-16 14:18

administrator   ~0115117

Branch CR33209 has been created by hossamali.

SHA-1: 20955d88da8615c54bd9f4221a3ff9fbe90fd915

No new revisions were added by this update.


2024-02-16 14:35

developer   ~0115119

33209_Fix.png (288,148 bytes)

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-11-16 17:34 oan New Issue
2022-11-16 17:34 oan Assigned To => kgv
2022-11-16 17:36 oan Assigned To kgv => vpozdyayev
2023-03-06 19:42 ebelouso Target Version 7.7.1 => 7.8.0
2023-08-01 15:06 dpasukhi Target Version 7.8.0 => Unscheduled
2024-01-08 15:41 hossamali Assigned To vpozdyayev => hossamali
2024-02-12 20:31 hossamali Time allocated 11.2.2024: 8 h. => set
2024-02-16 14:18 git Note Added: 0115117
2024-02-16 14:35 hossamali Note Added: 0115119
2024-02-16 14:35 hossamali File Added: 33209_Fix.png
2024-02-16 14:45 dpasukhi Status new => assigned
2024-02-16 14:45 dpasukhi Summary No possibility to select only objects visible to user using API of AIS_InteractiveContext => Visualization - No possibility to select only objects visible to user using API of AIS_InteractiveContext
2024-02-16 14:45 dpasukhi Steps to Reproduce Updated
2024-02-16 16:16 hossamali Time allocated 1.2.2024: 8 h. => set
2024-02-16 16:18 hossamali Time allocated 2.2.2024: 8 h. => set
2024-02-16 16:19 hossamali Time allocated 3.2.2024: 8 h. => set
2024-02-16 16:19 hossamali Time allocated 5.2.2024: 8 h. => set
2024-02-16 16:19 hossamali Time allocated Deleted 2024-02-03: 8,00 h. => deleted
2024-02-16 16:21 hossamali Time allocated 6.2.2024: 8 h. => set
2024-02-16 16:22 hossamali Time allocated 7.2.2024: 8 h. => set
2024-02-16 16:23 hossamali Time allocated 8.2.2024: 1.3333333333333 h. => set
2024-02-16 16:23 hossamali Time allocated Deleted 2024-02-08: 1,33 h. => deleted
2024-02-16 16:24 hossamali Time allocated 8.2.2024: 8 h. => set
2024-02-16 16:25 hossamali Time allocated 9.2.2024: 8 h. => set
2024-02-16 16:25 hossamali Time allocated 10.2.2024: 8 h. => set
2024-02-16 16:27 hossamali Time allocated 12.2.2024: 8 h. => set
2024-02-16 16:28 hossamali Time allocated 13.2.2024: 8 h. => set
2024-02-21 13:54 ebelouso Relationship added related to 0033607