View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0032728 | Community | OCCT:Data Exchange | public | 2021-12-14 16:25 | 2023-01-17 03:42 |
Reporter | ventu | Assigned To | bugmaster | ||
Priority | normal | Severity | major | ||
Status | closed | Resolution | no change required | ||
Product Version | 7.6.0 | ||||
Summary | 0032728: Data Exchange - STEP Model is imported with no colours | ||||
Description | The attached STeP file has colours, but they are not imported (using XCAF). Post on the Forum: | ||||
Steps To Reproduce | pload XDE MODELING VISUALIZATION ReadStep D 11PI0391_F001-Dima_x_B006_B007.stp vinit View1 XDisplay D -dispMode 1 vfit | ||||
Additional information and documentation updates | Using either: _ ColorTool->GetColor(Shape,XCAFDoc_ColorGen,color) _ ColorTool->GetColor(Shape,XCAFDoc_ColorSurf,color) _ ColorTool->GetColor(Shape,XCAFDoc_ColorCurv,color)) always returns false. | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
Test case number | |||||
| (164,923 bytes) |
draw_step_colors.png (9,284 bytes) |
Imported model contains colors as could be seen on attached screenshot from Draw Harness. Could you please clarify which exactly colors are lost / attach screenshot with expected different colors? |
Thanks for the attention. Maybe I'm doing something wrong (but this is what I use to import all files and all but this work as expected). Please see the attached source: _ it first shows top level shapes: we have a compound with no colours, then three solids (with colours); _ then it shows a tree-like structure of shapes: the compound is still there, but the solids are not, since they are "used" (by the compound I guess). When accessing shapes in this latter way, there's no colour at all. octest.cxx (2,972 bytes) |
Your code looks very low-level as it doesn't rely on tools like XCAFDoc_ShapeTool::GetFreeShapes(), XCAFDoc_ShapeTool::IsAssembly(), XCAFDoc_ShapeTool::GetReferredShape(), XCAFDoc_ShapeTool::GetSubShapes() - so that I can't foresee what kind of a tree structure it might display. This particular STEP file consists of a single Compound having 9 children. Children are represented by 3 unique Solids instanced 9 times - with different Locations. Each Solid defines a basic surface color, and this color is overridden by some Faces inside Solid. Using XCAFDoc_ShapeTool::GetShape() taking TopoDS_Shape on input might be quite tricky, as shapes should be specified with correct Locations, and color might be specified at every shape level. Tools like XCAFPrs::CollectStyleSettings() might help to create a lookup map of styles. Displaying a Tree in a usual way prints all shape colors in this document. #include <Message.hxx> #include <STEPCAFControl_Reader.hxx> #include <TDataStd_Name.hxx> #include <TopExp_Explorer.hxx> #include <XCAFApp_Application.hxx> #include <XCAFDoc_ColorTool.hxx> #include <XCAFPrs_DocumentExplorer.hxx> #include <XCAFDoc_VisMaterial.hxx> #include <XCAFDoc_ShapeTool.hxx> static TCollection_AsciiString getLabelName (const TDF_Label& theLabel) { Handle(TDataStd_Name) aNodeName; return theLabel.FindAttribute (TDataStd_Name::GetID(), aNodeName) ? TCollection_AsciiString (aNodeName->Get()) : TCollection_AsciiString(); } static const int THE_NB_COLOR_CAT = 3; static const XCAFDoc_ColorType THE_COLOR_CATS [THE_NB_COLOR_CAT] = { XCAFDoc_ColorGen, XCAFDoc_ColorSurf, XCAFDoc_ColorCurv }; static const char* THE_COLOR_CAT_NAMES[THE_NB_COLOR_CAT] = { "Generic color: ", "Surface color: ", "Curves color: " }; int main (int theNbArgs, char** theArgVec) { Handle(XCAFApp_Application) anApp = XCAFApp_Application::GetApplication(); Handle(TDocStd_Document) aDoc; anApp->NewDocument ("BinXCAF", aDoc); STEPCAFControl_Reader aReader; if (!aReader.Perform (theArgVec[1], aDoc)) //if (!aReader.Perform ("c:/11PI0391_F001-Dima_x_B006_B007.stp", aDoc)) { Message::SendFail() << "STEP file '" << theArgVec[1] << "' reading failed"; return 1; } for (XCAFPrs_DocumentExplorer aDocExp (aDoc, XCAFPrs_DocumentExplorerFlags_None); aDocExp.More(); aDocExp.Next()) { const XCAFPrs_DocumentNode& aNode = aDocExp.Current(); TCollection_AsciiString anIndent (aDocExp.CurrentDepth() * 2, ' '); TopoDS_Shape aShape; XCAFDoc_ShapeTool::GetShape (aNode.RefLabel, aShape); std::cout << anIndent << aNode.Id << " " << (!aShape.IsNull() ? TopAbs::ShapeTypeToString (aShape.ShapeType()) : "") << "\n"; std::cout << anIndent << "Reference name: '" << getLabelName (aNode.RefLabel) << "'\n"; if (aNode.RefLabel != aNode.Label) { std::cout << anIndent << "Instance name: '" << getLabelName (aNode.Label) << "'\n"; } const XCAFPrs_Style& aStyle = aNode.Style; if (aStyle.IsSetColorSurf()) { std::cout << anIndent << "Surface color: " << Quantity_ColorRGBA::ColorToHex (aStyle.GetColorSurfRGBA()) << " [" << Quantity_Color::StringName (aStyle.GetColorSurf().Name()) << "]" << "\n"; } if (aStyle.IsSetColorCurv()) { std::cout << anIndent << "Curves color: " << Quantity_Color::ColorToHex (aStyle.GetColorCurv()) << " [" << Quantity_Color::StringName (aStyle.GetColorCurv().Name()) << "]" << "\n"; } if (!aStyle.Material().IsNull()) { std::cout << anIndent << "Material: " << Quantity_ColorRGBA::ColorToHex (aStyle.Material()->BaseColor()) << " [" << Quantity_Color::StringName (aStyle.Material()->BaseColor().GetRGB().Name()) << "]" << "\n"; } if (!aNode.IsAssembly) { TDF_LabelSequence aLabSeq; XCAFDoc_ShapeTool::GetSubShapes (aNode.RefLabel, aLabSeq); Quantity_ColorRGBA aColor; anIndent = TCollection_AsciiString ((aDocExp.CurrentDepth() + 1) * 2, ' '); int aSubShapeIndex = 0; for (TDF_LabelSequence::Iterator aShapeIter (aLabSeq); aShapeIter.More(); aShapeIter.Next()) { const TDF_Label& aSubShapeLab = aShapeIter.Value(); TopoDS_Shape aSubShape; if (!XCAFDoc_ShapeTool::GetShape (aSubShapeLab, aSubShape)) { continue; } std::cout << anIndent << "Subshape " << TopAbs::ShapeTypeToString (aSubShape.ShapeType()) << " " << ++aSubShapeIndex << "\n"; for (int aCatIter = 0; aCatIter < THE_NB_COLOR_CAT; ++aCatIter) { if (aDocExp.ColorTool()->GetColor (aSubShapeLab, THE_COLOR_CATS[aCatIter], aColor)) { std::cout << anIndent << THE_COLOR_CAT_NAMES[aCatIter] << Quantity_ColorRGBA::ColorToHex (aColor) << " [" << Quantity_Color::StringName (aColor.GetRGB().Name()) << "]" << "\n"; } } } /*for (TopExp_Explorer aFaceExp (aShape, TopAbs_FACE); aFaceExp.More(); aFaceExp.Next()) { TopoDS_Shape aSubShape = aFaceExp.Current(); std::cout << anIndent << "Subshape " << TopAbs::ShapeTypeToString (aSubShape.ShapeType()) << " " << ++aSubShapeIndex << "\n"; for (int aCatIter = 0; aCatIter < THE_NB_COLOR_CAT; ++aCatIter) { if (aDocExp.ColorTool()->GetColor (aSubShape, THE_COLOR_CATS[aCatIter], aColor)) { std::cout << anIndent << THE_COLOR_CAT_NAMES[aCatIter] << Quantity_ColorRGBA::ColorToHex (aColor) << " [" << Quantity_Color::StringName (aColor.GetRGB().Name()) << "]" << "\n"; } } }*/ } std::cout << "\n"; } return 0; } 0:1:1:1. COMPOUND Reference name: '11PI0391 F001-Dima x B006 B007' 0:1:1:1./0:1:1:1:1. SOLID Reference name: '11PI0391 B006-Stecca 1' Instance name: '11PI0391 B006-Stecca 1.1' Surface color: #FFFF00FF [YELLOW] Subshape FACE 1 Surface color: #008000FF [GREEN4] Subshape FACE 2 Surface color: #008000FF [GREEN4] Subshape FACE 3 Surface color: #FFFFFFFF [WHITE] Subshape FACE 4 Surface color: #FFFFFFFF [WHITE] Subshape FACE 5 Surface color: #FFFFFFFF [WHITE] Subshape FACE 6 Surface color: #FFFFFFFF [WHITE] ... |
> Your code looks very low-level as it doesn't rely on tools like XCAFDoc_ShapeTool::GetFreeShapes(),> XCAFDoc_ShapeTool::IsAssembly(), XCAFDoc_ShapeTool::GetReferredShape(), XCAFDoc_ShapeTool::GetSubShapes()> - so that I can't foresee what kind of a tree structure it might display. We are actually able to build all the structure we need; it seems only colors (and possibly also layers) are missing sometimes. I've based my code on: I see no mention there of, e.g, XCAFPrs_DocumentExplorer. Where can I find such info? > Using XCAFDoc_ShapeTool::GetShape() taking TopoDS_Shape on input might be quite tricky, as shapes should be specified with correct Locations, and color might be specified at every shape level. Since we already have a complex working system and I'd like to change it as little as possible, does "quite tricky" mean impossible? We can have shape+location: is it possible to get colours from this couple? > Tools like XCAFPrs::CollectStyleSettings() might help to create a lookup map of styles. Again, I see it's reference page, but descriptions are very short. Is there an overview document on all this? Thanks. P.S. I realize this is not a bug, then... so perhaps we should move somewhere else? |
> P.S. I realize this is not a bug, then... so perhaps we should move somewhere else? Sure, usually such topics are discussed on the Forum. |
Dear bugmaster, please close the issue as not a bug. |
Closed. |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2021-12-14 16:25 | ventu | New Issue | |
2021-12-14 16:25 | ventu | Assigned To | => gka |
2021-12-14 16:25 | ventu | File Added: | |
2021-12-14 16:29 | kgv | Summary | Model is imported with no colours => Data Exchange - STEP Model is imported with no colours |
2021-12-14 16:31 | kgv | File Added: draw_step_colors.png | |
2021-12-14 16:33 | kgv | Note Added: 0105979 | |
2021-12-14 16:33 | kgv | Assigned To | gka => ventu |
2021-12-14 16:33 | kgv | Status | new => feedback |
2021-12-14 16:33 | kgv | Steps to Reproduce Updated | |
2021-12-18 20:58 | ventu | Note Added: 0106073 | |
2021-12-18 20:58 | ventu | File Added: octest.cxx | |
2021-12-19 00:53 | kgv | Note Added: 0106074 | |
2021-12-19 00:53 | kgv | Note Edited: 0106074 | |
2021-12-19 00:55 | kgv | Note Edited: 0106074 | |
2021-12-19 00:55 | kgv | Note Edited: 0106074 | |
2021-12-19 00:55 | kgv | Note Edited: 0106074 | |
2021-12-19 00:56 | kgv | Note Edited: 0106074 | |
2021-12-19 00:59 | kgv | Note Edited: 0106074 | |
2021-12-27 17:56 | ventu | Note Added: 0106221 | |
2021-12-28 15:27 | kgv | Note Added: 0106231 | |
2022-01-11 22:51 | kgv | Assigned To | ventu => bugmaster |
2022-01-11 22:51 | kgv | Note Added: 0106305 | |
2022-01-11 22:52 | kgv | Description Updated | |
2023-01-17 03:42 | vglukhik | Status | feedback => closed |
2023-01-17 03:42 | vglukhik | Resolution | open => no change required |
2023-01-17 03:42 | vglukhik | Note Added: 0112866 |