View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0032084Open CASCADEOCCT:Visualizationpublic2023-01-17 02:37
Reporterkgv Assigned Tobugmaster  
Status closedResolutionno change required 
Product Version7.5.0 
Target Version7.8.0 
Summary0032084: Visualization - WebGL sample errors when run in Safari browser with experimental WebGL 2.0 option
DescriptionSafari developers are trying to implement WebGL 2.0 support to their browser, but so far it remains partially broken and can be enabled only as experimental feature:

Enabling this flag within OCCT WebGL samples on modern Safari 14 on both macOS and iOS devices shows that it's implementation is indeed still incomplete.
So far within OCCT viewer the issue with glUniform* methods have been observed (glUniform2fv, glUniform4fv, glUniformMatrix4fv actually triggered) - Safari generates weird GL_INVALID_OPERATION error message.

Investigation shown that issue happens specifically with "garbage-free entry points" introduced by WebGL 2.0 used by Emscripten SDK implicitly for optimization purposes.
Disabling this feature allows OCCT viewer to be initialized:
  function _glUniform4fv(location, count, value) {
      GL.validateGLObjectID(GL.uniforms, location, 'glUniform4fv', 'location');
      assert((value & 3) == 0, 'Pointer to float data passed to glUniform4fv must be aligned to four bytes!');
      if (GL.currentContext.version >= 2) { // WebGL 2 provides new garbage-free entry points to call to WebGL. Use those always when possible.
-        GLctx.uniform4fv(GL.uniforms[location], HEAPF32, value>>2, count*4);
-        return;
+        //GLctx.uniform4fv(GL.uniforms[location], HEAPF32, value>>2, count*4);
+        //return;
      if (count <= 72) {
        // avoid allocation when uploading few enough uniforms
        var view = miniTempWebGLFloatBuffers[4*count-1];
        // hoist the heap out of the loop for size and for pthreads+growth.
        var heap = HEAPF32;
        value >>= 2;
        for (var i = 0; i < 4 * count; i += 4) {
          var dst = value + i;
          view[i] = heap[dst];
          view[i + 1] = heap[dst + 1];
          view[i + 2] = heap[dst + 2];
          view[i + 3] = heap[dst + 3];
      } else
        var view = HEAPF32.subarray((value)>>2,(value+count*16)>>2);
      GLctx.uniform4fv(GL.uniforms[location], view);

Unfortunately, this code is part of Emscripten SDK, so cannot be easily worked around on OCCT level.
This issue is to track state of the bug - when it will be fixed in Safari, Emscripten or another proposals will be given for implementing a workaround.
Additional information
and documentation updates
WebGL2EntryPoints are NOT implemented by experimental WebGL 2.0 context feature in Safari 14.x causing functions like `glUniform4fv()` to fail with `GL_INVALID_OPERATION`.

The first Chrome versions implementing WebGL 2.0 have similar issue, so that Emscripten had even workaround for this in code based on Chrome version check, however this workaround has been removed since Emscripten 1.39.5, so that there is no place for it in up-to-date Emscripten versions:

----------------------------- src/library_webgl.js -----------------------------
index d3051022c..6e53d920c 100644
@@ -807,21 +807,25 @@ var LibraryGL = {
 {{{ makeSetValue('handle', 4, '_pthread_self()', 'i32')}}}; // the thread pointer of the thread that owns the control of the context
+ // workaround Safari bug returning WebGL 1.0 context by canvas.getContext("webgl2") if WebGL context was already created
+ var majVerWebGl = (typeof WebGL2RenderingContext === 'undefined' || !(ctx instanceof WebGL2RenderingContext)) ? 1 : webGLContextAttributes.majorVersion;
 var context = {
 handle: handle,
 attributes: webGLContextAttributes,
- version: webGLContextAttributes.majorVersion,
+ version: majVerWebGl,
 GLctx: ctx
 // BUG: Workaround Chrome WebGL 2 issue: the first shipped versions of WebGL 2 in Chrome did not actually implement the new WebGL 2 functions.
 // Those are supported only in Chrome 58 and newer.
+ // The same is for the first experimental WebGL 2.0 implementations in Safari 14.
 function getChromeVersion() {
 var raw = navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrom(e|ium)\/([0-9]+)\./);
 return raw ? parseInt(raw[2], 10) : false;
- context.supportsWebGL2EntryPoints = (context.version >= 2) && (getChromeVersion() === false || getChromeVersion() >= 58);
+ context.supportsWebGL2EntryPoints = (context.version >= 2) && (getChromeVersion() === false || getChromeVersion() >= 58)
+ && !navigator.userAgent.includes("AppleWebKit/");
TagsNo tags attached.
Test case number


related to 0032083 closedbugmaster Open CASCADE Visualization, TKOpenGl - PBR rendering is unavailable on Apple A12 Bionic (iPad) 
related to 0032081 closedbugmaster Open CASCADE Visualization - WebGL sample errors when run in Safari browser with WebGL 1.0 
related to 0032082 closedkgv Open CASCADE Visualization, TKOpenGl - improve formatting of error messages 



2022-02-10 00:53

developer   ~0106839

Please close the issue - should be a problem since Safari 15+.


2023-01-17 02:37

administrator   ~0112844


Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2021-01-25 00:52 kgv New Issue
2021-01-25 00:52 kgv Assigned To => kgv
2021-01-25 00:53 kgv Relationship added related to 0032083
2021-01-25 00:53 kgv Relationship added related to 0032081
2021-01-25 00:53 kgv Relationship added related to 0032082
2021-02-15 09:37 kgv Additional Information Updated
2021-02-15 09:38 kgv Additional Information Updated
2021-09-09 22:28 kgv Target Version 7.6.0 => 7.7.0
2022-02-10 00:53 kgv Note Added: 0106839
2022-02-10 00:53 kgv Assigned To kgv => bugmaster
2022-02-10 00:53 kgv Status new => feedback
2022-10-24 10:43 szy Target Version 7.7.0 => 7.8.0
2023-01-17 02:37 vglukhik Status feedback => closed
2023-01-17 02:37 vglukhik Resolution open => no change required
2023-01-17 02:37 vglukhik Note Added: 0112844