View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0030851Open CASCADEOCCT:Configurationpublic2025-01-22 12:47
Reporterapn Assigned To 
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Target VersionUnscheduled 
Summary0030851: Qt installation procedure doesn't work properly
DescriptionCreate cmake procedures for successfull Qt installation (necessary libs and dlls for inspector and qt samples)
TagsNo tags attached.
Test case numberNot needed


child of 0029308 closedbugmaster Configuration, Inspectors - search of Qt in CMake scripts is separated from search of other 3rd-party libs 


There are no notes attached to this issue.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2019-07-19 14:22 apn New Issue
2019-07-19 14:22 apn Assigned To => apn
2019-07-19 14:23 apn Test case number => Not needed
2019-07-19 14:23 apn Status new => assigned
2019-07-19 14:27 apn Relationship added child of 0029308
2020-09-11 15:37 utverdov Assigned To apn => inv
2020-09-11 15:40 utverdov Target Version 7.5.0 => 7.6.0
2020-09-11 17:08 bugmaster Assigned To inv => bugmaster
2021-09-03 14:13 bugmaster Target Version 7.6.0 => 7.7.0
2022-10-24 10:38 szy Target Version 7.7.0 => 7.8.0
2023-08-01 15:09 dpasukhi Target Version 7.8.0 => Unscheduled
2023-09-29 17:47 vglukhik Assigned To bugmaster =>