View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0026250Open CASCADEOCCT:Modeling Algorithmspublic2015-05-21 14:45
ReporternbvAssigned Topkv 
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Target VersionUnscheduled 
Summary0026250: Boolean operation should check, if faces are overlapped, before finding intersection result between these faces
DescriptionIf faces are overlapped intersection algorithm will not been able to find correct intersection line because every point in some region is intersection point. As result, found curve can be invalid (see bug #26151).

Therefore, it will be better to detect overlapping before intersection calling and to forbid calling intersection if overlapping is confirmed.
Steps To ReproduceTest case is not required.

Example of shapes can be found in bug #26151. However, fix for bug #26151 allows detecting tangencies in level of intersection algorithm
TagsNo tags attached.
Test case number



2015-05-21 14:45

developer   ~0041385

Dear Peter, could you analyze if it is possible to organize detection of overlapped faces just after E/F intersection?

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-05-21 12:37 nbv New Issue
2015-05-21 12:37 nbv Assigned To => msv
2015-05-21 14:45 msv Note Added: 0041385
2015-05-21 14:45 msv Assigned To msv => pkv
2015-05-21 14:45 msv Status new => assigned