View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0026168Open CASCADEOCCT:Data Exchangepublic2023-01-21 19:20
ReporterinkAssigned Tobugmaster  
Status closedResolutionunable to reproduce 
Target Version7.8.0 
Summary0026168: Lost colors for IGES import
DescriptionColors of parts of the shape which contains transformation are lost.
Steps To ReproduceReadIges D pencil_1.igs
XShow D
TagsNo tags attached.
Test case numberbugs xde(005) bug26168

Attached Files

  • pencil_1.igs (294,626 bytes)


parent of 0026047 closeddpasukhi Data Exchange - Lost colors for IGES export 



2015-04-30 12:03


pencil_1.igs (294,626 bytes)


2015-04-30 12:11

administrator   ~0040465

Branch CR26168 has been created by ink.

SHA-1: 6da4d451c1cc48468623eda4a234caa870bb95f2

Detailed log of new commits:

Author: ink
Date: Thu Apr 30 12:11:14 2015 +0300

    0026168: Lost colors for IGES import


2015-04-30 15:29

developer   ~0040485

Branch CR26168 is ready to be tested


2015-04-30 19:33

administrator   ~0040528

Branch CR26168 has been updated forcibly by mkv.

SHA-1: 9a133f618832eefe5a99b899298bacbab329cdb9


2015-05-05 17:02

tester   ~0040568

Dear BugMaster,
Branch CR26168 was rebased on current master of occt git-repository.
SHA-1: 9a133f618832eefe5a99b899298bacbab329cdb9


2015-05-05 17:02

tester   ~0040569

Dear BugMaster,
Branch CR26168 from occt git-repository (and master from products git-repository) was compiled on Linux, MacOS and Windows platforms and tested on Release mode.
SHA-1: 9a133f618832eefe5a99b899298bacbab329cdb9

Number of compiler warnings:

occt component :
Linux: 18 (18 on master)
Windows: 0 (0 on master)

products component :
Linux: 4 (4 on master)
Windows: 0 (0 on master)

sat doc_1(001) E9
sat doc_4(004) E7
sat doc_6(006) D3, H5

Testing cases:
bugs xde(005) bug26168: OK

Testing on Linux:
occt component :
Total MEMORY difference: 94908376 / 94622623 [+0.30%]
Total CPU difference: 56630.35999999946 / 51017.289999999455 [+11.00%]
products component :
Total MEMORY difference: 23688476 / 23704343 [-0.07%]
Total CPU difference: 19308.65000000003 / 17176.339999999956 [+12.41%]

Testing on Windows:
occt component :
Total MEMORY difference: 57254693 / 57268356 [-0.02%]
Total CPU difference: 15671.096055098955 / 15811.184953098971 [-0.89%]
products component :
Total MEMORY difference: 15536889 / 15541642 [-0.03%]
Total CPU difference: 6213.379429099968 / 6258.52611849997 [-0.72%]

There are no differences in images found by testdiff.


2015-05-05 17:02

administrator   ~0040570

Branch CR26168 has been updated by mkv.

SHA-1: 072036d594f6ef27cf1f2b74b95c9edba0379448

Detailed log of new commits:

Author: mkv
Date: Tue May 5 17:00:53 2015 +0300

    Test case for issue CR26168


2015-05-05 17:03

tester   ~0040571

Dear ink,
could you please review following test case
bugs xde(005) bug26168


2015-05-14 15:34

administrator   ~0040909

Branch CR26168 has been updated forcibly by ink.

SHA-1: 11a6e7c825ad59af6e0ce1518159bc8b8c566944


2015-12-30 14:10

administrator   ~0049682

Branch CR26168 has been updated forcibly by ink.

SHA-1: 1ea9fe5a0fe59c2536a371d2be2b3d271e56af9f


2016-03-16 15:22

tester   ~0051708

Dear gka,
Could you please check status this fix.


2022-12-07 12:41

manager   ~0112510

Dear bugmaster,

the problem is not reproduced in the current state of the master, please close the issue.


2023-01-17 01:47

administrator   ~0112837

The problem is not reproduced in the current state of the master.


2023-01-21 19:20

administrator   ~0112931

Branch CR26168 has been deleted by vglukhik.

SHA-1: 1ea9fe5a0fe59c2536a371d2be2b3d271e56af9f

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-04-30 12:03 ink New Issue
2015-04-30 12:03 ink Assigned To => gka
2015-04-30 12:03 ink File Added: pencil_1.igs
2015-04-30 12:11 git Note Added: 0040465
2015-04-30 12:13 ink Relationship added parent of 0026047
2015-04-30 12:15 ink Status new => resolved
2015-04-30 15:28 gka Target Version 6.9.0 => 7.1.0
2015-04-30 15:29 gka Note Added: 0040485
2015-04-30 15:29 gka Assigned To gka => bugmaster
2015-04-30 15:29 gka Status resolved => reviewed
2015-04-30 17:27 mkv Assigned To bugmaster => mkv
2015-04-30 19:33 git Note Added: 0040528
2015-05-05 17:02 mkv Note Added: 0040568
2015-05-05 17:02 mkv Note Added: 0040569
2015-05-05 17:02 git Note Added: 0040570
2015-05-05 17:03 mkv Note Added: 0040571
2015-05-05 17:03 mkv Assigned To mkv => ink
2015-05-05 17:03 mkv Status reviewed => assigned
2015-05-05 17:03 mkv Test case number => bugs xde(005) bug26168
2015-05-14 15:34 git Note Added: 0040909
2015-12-30 14:10 git Note Added: 0049682
2016-03-16 15:22 mkv Note Added: 0051708
2016-03-16 15:22 mkv Assigned To ink => gka
2016-03-16 15:22 mkv Status assigned => feedback
2016-03-16 15:27 gka Status feedback => assigned
2016-10-26 11:06 gka Target Version 7.1.0 => 7.2.0
2017-07-27 09:24 abv Target Version 7.2.0 => 7.4.0
2019-09-04 12:58 abv Target Version 7.4.0 => 7.5.0
2020-09-17 20:21 gka Target Version 7.5.0 => 7.6.0
2021-08-31 14:32 gka Target Version 7.6.0 => 7.7.0
2022-10-24 10:39 szy Target Version 7.7.0 => 7.8.0
2022-12-07 12:41 ika Assigned To gka => bugmaster
2022-12-07 12:41 ika Status assigned => feedback
2022-12-07 12:41 ika Note Added: 0112510
2023-01-17 01:47 vglukhik Status feedback => closed
2023-01-17 01:47 vglukhik Resolution open => unable to reproduce
2023-01-17 01:47 vglukhik Note Added: 0112837
2023-01-21 19:20 git Note Added: 0112931