View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0025110CommunityOCCT:Modeling Algorithmspublic2025-03-05 16:53
Reportershoogen Assigned Toifv 
Status closedResolutionduplicate 
PlatformLinux 64-bitOSDebian 
Product Version6.7.1 
Target VersionUnscheduled 
Summary0025110: Modeling Algorithms - TCollection_IndexedDataMap::FindFromKey error when sweeping circle along BezierCurve
Description TCollection_IndexedDataMap::FindFromKey error when sweeping along BezierCurve
Steps To Reproduce
pload ALL
restore unsweepable1-draw-Sweep-0-spine.brep
renamevar unsweepable1-draw-Sweep-0-spine Sweep-0-spine
mksweep Sweep-0-spine
setsweep -CF
restore unsweepable1-draw-Sweep-0-section-00-Circle.brep
renamevar unsweepable1-draw-Sweep-0-section-00-Circle Sweep-0-section-00-Circle
addsweep Sweep-0-section-00-Circle 
buildsweep Sweep -C -S
Additional information
and documentation updates
Dump of SweepApproximation
Error 3d = 24188.4831432816
30 Segment(s) of degree 11
Sweep : Degenerated case
An exception was caught 0x7f045d441b27 : Standard_OutOfRange: TCollection_IndexedDataMap::FindFromKey
** Exception ** 0x7f045d441b27 : Standard_OutOfRange: TCollection_IndexedDataMap::FindFromKey

in our project
0000005 0x00007f955ec02fd9 in TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape::FindFromKey (this=0x7fff41394450, K1=...)
    at occt/inc/TCollection_IndexedDataMap.gxx:354
0000006 0x00007f955f6404c6 in IsSameOriented (aFace=..., aShell=...)
    at occt/src/BRepFill/BRepFill_PipeShell.cxx:198
0000007 0x00007f955f643637 in BRepFill_PipeShell::MakeSolid (this=0x65b3440)
    at occt/src/BRepFill/BRepFill_PipeShell.cxx:840
0000008 0x00007f955d4c98c8 in BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipeShell::MakeSolid (this=
    at occt/src/BRepOffsetAPI/BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipeShell.cxx:274
TagsNo tags attached.
Test case numberbugs modalg_7 bug25110

Attached Files

  • (2,901 bytes)


related to 0025104 closedbugmaster Prism from BSpline curve can not be chamfered 
related to 0033308 newastromko Modeling Algorithms - NCollection_IndexedDataMap::FindFromKey exception in BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipeShell 



2014-07-30 01:05

reporter (2,901 bytes)


2014-08-08 18:00

reporter   ~0030638

This bug is confirmed for a different geometry (but same procedure). If the sweep geometry is changed from a bezier to a circle it executes as expected.

OS: Windows 7
Word size: 32-bit
Version: 0.14.3700 (Git)
Branch: releases/FreeCAD-0-14
Hash: 32f5aae0a64333ec8d5d160dbc46e690510c8fe1
Python version: 2.6.2
Qt version: 4.5.2
Coin version: 3.1.0
SoQt version: 1.4.1
OCC version: 6.5.1


2014-08-08 18:32

reporter   ~0030639

Last edited: 2014-08-08 21:19

Thanks for reproducing the problem. Unfortunately your version information does not show if you use a certified version of OCCT or if your binary was linked against OCE. In the past there has been at least one problem in OCE which was not reproduce-able with OCCT.
EDIT: recent windows binaries of FreeCAD ship with OCE.


2017-08-02 18:26

tester   ~0069068

Problem described in issue is reproduced on current state of OCCT.


2025-03-05 16:51

administrator   ~0116975

The Issue is moved:

Pre-analyzing done

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2014-07-30 01:05 shoogen New Issue
2014-07-30 01:05 shoogen Assigned To => ifv
2014-07-30 01:05 shoogen File Added:
2014-08-08 18:00 dougszumski Note Added: 0030638
2014-08-08 18:32 shoogen Note Added: 0030639
2014-08-08 21:19 shoogen Note Edited: 0030639
2014-09-11 18:59 abv Target Version => 7.1.0
2016-10-28 11:54 msv Target Version 7.1.0 => 7.2.0
2017-07-21 11:34 msv Target Version 7.2.0 => 7.3.0
2017-08-02 18:26 apv Test case number => bugs modalg_7 bug25110
2017-08-02 18:26 apv Note Added: 0069068
2017-08-03 11:56 kgv Summary TCollection_IndexedDataMap::FindFromKey error when sweeping circle along BezierCurve => Modeling Algorithms - TCollection_IndexedDataMap::FindFromKey error when sweeping circle along BezierCurve
2017-08-03 11:57 kgv Steps to Reproduce Updated
2017-08-03 11:57 kgv Additional Information Updated
2017-12-05 17:01 msv Target Version 7.3.0 => 7.4.0
2018-02-18 00:04 abv Relationship added related to 0025104
2019-08-12 17:45 msv Target Version 7.4.0 => 7.5.0
2020-09-14 22:53 msv Target Version 7.5.0 => 7.6.0
2021-08-29 18:51 msv Target Version 7.6.0 => 7.7.0
2022-10-24 10:43 szy Target Version 7.7.0 => 7.8.0
2023-01-06 13:45 dpasukhi Relationship added related to 0033308
2023-08-01 15:06 dpasukhi Target Version 7.8.0 => Unscheduled
2024-03-01 23:30 dpasukhi Severity minor => crash
2025-03-05 16:51 dpasukhi Note Added: 0116975
2025-03-05 16:53 dpasukhi Status new => closed
2025-03-05 16:53 dpasukhi Resolution open => duplicate