View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0024651Open CASCADEOCCT:Shape Healingpublic2014-03-25 09:53
ReporteribsAssigned Toibs 
Status closedResolutionduplicate 
PlatformWindowsOSVC++ 2010 
Product Version6.7.0 
Summary0024651: fixshape changes source shape
Descriptionafter using command fixshape a source shape is changed
Steps To Reproducetodo
TagsNo tags attached.
Test case number

Attached Files

  • shape24651.brep (3,327 bytes)


duplicate of 0024658 closedbugmaster fixshape changes source shape 



2014-02-21 12:17


shape24651.brep (3,327 bytes)


2014-02-27 10:50

developer   ~0028043

dear bugmaster, please close the issue due to it is a duplicate of other one

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2014-02-21 12:15 ibs New Issue
2014-02-21 12:15 ibs Assigned To => gka
2014-02-21 12:16 ibs Assigned To gka => ibs
2014-02-21 12:17 ibs File Added: shape24651.brep
2014-02-21 12:17 gka Status new => assigned
2014-02-21 12:41 ibs Steps to Reproduce Updated
2014-02-27 10:48 ibs Relationship added duplicate of 0024658
2014-02-27 10:50 ibs Note Added: 0028043
2014-02-27 10:50 ibs Assigned To ibs => bugmaster
2014-02-27 10:50 ibs Status assigned => feedback
2014-02-28 09:26 bugmaster Status feedback => closed
2014-02-28 09:26 bugmaster Assigned To bugmaster => ibs
2014-02-28 09:26 bugmaster Resolution open => duplicate
2014-03-25 09:53 abv Target Version 7.0.0 =>