View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0024185CommunityOCCT:Modeling Algorithmspublic2023-01-21 19:37
ReporterVitezslav Zajic Assigned Tobugmaster  
Status closedResolutionunable to reproduce 
PlatformWindowsOSVC++ 2010 
Product Version6.6.0 
Summary0024185: Modeling Algorithms - Wrong projection of a wire to a face
DescriptionOpenCascade gives a wrong projection of the wire to the face1 (see attached files). The wire was constructed as an intersection between face1 and face2 and then smoothed by Approx_Curve3d. Both faces are attached, so you can compare the wire to the intersection of the faces yourself.
Steps To ReproduceDraw script:
restore face1.brep f1
restore wire.brep w
nproject r w f1

You can compare the wire in wire.brep to the intersection of the two faces:
restore face2.brep f2
section s f1 f2

TagsNo tags attached.
Test case numberbugs modalg_7 bug24185

Attached Files

  • wire.brep (10,280 bytes)
  • face1.brep (1,235 bytes)
  • face2.brep (2,600 bytes)


related to 0030090 closedbugmaster Open CASCADE Modeling Algorithms - BRepLib::FindValidRange does not find valid range for the edge 


Vitezslav Zajic

2013-09-17 14:43


wire.brep (10,280 bytes)

Vitezslav Zajic

2013-09-17 14:44


face1.brep (1,235 bytes)

Vitezslav Zajic

2013-09-17 14:44


face2.brep (2,600 bytes)

Vitezslav Zajic

2013-10-25 19:00

reporter   ~0026292

The bug seems to be caused by numerical instability when approximating the projection by a bspline curve. If you increase allowed number of poles of the bspline curve and/or increase precision, the projection looks fine:

nproject r w f1 0.0005 C0 14 1000

This is not so surprising, but maybe default precision/number of poles is too large or small, respectively? Even with few poles, could the approximation be more stable?


2017-07-25 14:53

tester   ~0068677

Problem described in issue is reproduced on current state of OCCT


2017-07-25 14:57

administrator   ~0068678

Branch CR24185 has been created by apv.

SHA-1: 5fb9e6a42158c6f780f0c552dc605f6181c115fb

Detailed log of new commits:

Author: apv
Date: Tue Jul 25 14:56:37 2017 +0300

    Test for 0024185: Wrong projection of a wire to a face


2022-02-02 23:38

developer   ~0106721

The problem isn't reproduced on current state of master. It has been fixed in related issues.
Dear bugmaster, please close the issue.


2022-02-03 00:03

developer   ~0106722

The proper status to close not-reproducible bugs is 'feedback'.


2023-01-17 03:42

administrator   ~0112865



2023-01-21 17:52

administrator   ~0112919

Branch CR24185_1 has been deleted by vglukhik.

SHA-1: 751c824ac9c6055a38f7e67f8e01298ae4e809fe


2023-01-21 19:37

administrator   ~0112934

Branch CR24185 has been deleted by vglukhik.

SHA-1: 5fb9e6a42158c6f780f0c552dc605f6181c115fb

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2013-09-17 14:43 Vitezslav Zajic New Issue
2013-09-17 14:43 Vitezslav Zajic Assigned To => ifv
2013-09-17 14:43 Vitezslav Zajic File Added: wire.brep
2013-09-17 14:44 Vitezslav Zajic File Added: face1.brep
2013-09-17 14:44 Vitezslav Zajic File Added: face2.brep
2013-10-25 19:00 Vitezslav Zajic Note Added: 0026292
2017-07-25 14:53 apv Note Added: 0068677
2017-07-25 14:54 apv Test case number => bugs modalg_7 bug24185
2017-07-25 14:57 git Note Added: 0068678
2018-08-28 11:35 emv Relationship added related to 0030090
2021-06-01 17:28 ifv Assigned To ifv => abulychev-ext
2021-06-01 17:33 kgv Summary Wrong projection of a wire to a face => Modeling Algorithms - Wrong projection of a wire to a face
2021-06-01 17:33 kgv Steps to Reproduce Updated
2022-02-02 23:38 abulychev-ext Note Added: 0106721
2022-02-02 23:46 abulychev-ext Assigned To abulychev-ext => bugmaster
2022-02-02 23:46 abulychev-ext Status new => resolved
2022-02-02 23:46 abulychev-ext Status resolved => reviewed
2022-02-03 00:03 msv Status reviewed => feedback
2022-02-03 00:03 msv Note Added: 0106722
2023-01-17 03:42 vglukhik Status feedback => closed
2023-01-17 03:42 vglukhik Resolution open => unable to reproduce
2023-01-17 03:42 vglukhik Note Added: 0112865
2023-01-21 17:52 git Note Added: 0112919
2023-01-21 19:37 git Note Added: 0112934