View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0024110CommunityOCCT:Documentationpublic2021-11-17 16:28
ReporterRoman Lygin Assigned To 
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Product Version6.6.0 
Summary0024110: Documentation - add description of OCCT_MMGT_OPT_DEFAULT macro parameter
Description0023592 introduced support of a preprocessor macro OCCT_MMGT_OPT_DEFAULT which can be used in compile time to specify default value of a run-time environment variable MMGT_OPT.
The documentation does not document it yet. The documentation could describe it for usage on Windows and Linux/MacOS.

For instance, on Windows, it could be supported via env.bat/custom.bat scripts extended to accommodate adding it into CSF_DEFINES macro similar to HAVE_TBB, HAVE_GL2PS and other components.
Steps To ReproduceCheck product documentation
TagsNo tags attached.
Test case numberNot required


child of 0023592 closedRoman Lygin Enabling TBB allocator by default for OCC built with -DHAVE_TBB 


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2013-08-12 13:46 Roman Lygin New Issue
2013-08-12 13:46 Roman Lygin Assigned To => atp
2013-08-12 13:47 Roman Lygin Relationship added related to 0023592
2013-09-19 12:47 atp Assigned To atp => abv
2017-07-24 13:54 apv Test case number => Not required
2017-07-24 13:57 apv Assigned To abv => ysn
2017-07-24 13:57 apv Status new => assigned
2021-11-17 16:28 kgv Relationship replaced child of 0023592
2021-11-17 16:28 kgv Assigned To ysn =>
2021-11-17 16:28 kgv Summary OCCT_MMGT_OPT_DEFAULT macro support => Documentation - add description of OCCT_MMGT_OPT_DEFAULT macro parameter