View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0023908Open CASCADEOCCT:Modeling Algorithmspublic2013-05-16 17:40
ReporternbvAssigned Tobugmaster  
Status closedResolutionno change required 
Summary0023908: Computing of tangents and normals is wrong, when methods from LProp package are used
DescriptionMethods of classes LProp_CLProps and LProp_SLProps returns wrong result for tangent and normal in singularity point.
TagsNo tags attached.
Test case numberNot needed


related to 0023706 closednbv Cannot project point on curve 



2013-04-17 16:48

developer   ~0024191

CR23908 is ready to review.


2013-04-17 16:54

developer   ~0024192

Dear apn.

Test CR23908 branch together with CR23706_15, please.

It is necessary to compare results.


2013-04-17 18:10

developer   ~0024194

CR23908 is ready to review again.


2013-04-17 18:16

developer   ~0024195



2013-04-18 11:44

developer   ~0024199

CR23908_1 is ready to review.


2013-04-18 13:03

developer   ~0024204

CR23908_2 is ready to review.


2013-04-19 10:14

developer   ~0024215



2013-05-08 11:38

administrator   ~0024329

Last edited: 2013-05-08 11:39

Dear BugMaster,

Branch CR23908_2(and products from GIT master) was compiled on Linux and Windows platforms and tested without rebase.
SHA-1: b4dae534f6e252be570261c07cffcc427b156cc3

Number of compiler warnings:

occt component :
Linux: 2 (2 on master)
Windows: 0 (11 on master)

products component :
Linux: 0 (0 on master)
Windows: 64 (64 on master)

bugs moddata_1 buc60890 (Linux)

No improvements

Testing cases:
Not needed

Testing on Linux:
Total MEMORY difference: 366072240 / 366110212
Total CPU difference: 44027.56000000109 / 43868.11000000104

Testing on Windows:
Total MEMORY difference: 421549272 / 421368884
Total CPU difference: 36060.265625 / 32294.5

There are not serious differences in images found by testdiff.


2013-05-15 12:58

developer   ~0024394

I think, this bug must be closed, because after testing we have got the same regressions as for 0023706.

All changes from CR23908_2 branch I will push in CR23706_17 branch. I.e. CR23908_2 branch is not necessary more.


2013-05-15 13:22

developer   ~0024395

Agree with nbv


2013-05-15 15:15

developer   ~0024398

Last edited: 2013-05-15 15:38

Branch CR23908_2 is not needed to push into Git-repository, because it is a part of CR23706_17 branch.


2013-05-16 17:40

administrator   ~0024422

Fix is duplicate of 0023706

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2013-04-17 15:50 nbv New Issue
2013-04-17 15:50 nbv Assigned To => nbv
2013-04-17 15:50 nbv Status new => assigned
2013-04-17 15:52 nbv Relationship added related to 0023706
2013-04-17 16:48 nbv Note Added: 0024191
2013-04-17 16:48 nbv Assigned To nbv => ifv
2013-04-17 16:48 nbv Status assigned => resolved
2013-04-17 16:54 nbv Note Added: 0024192
2013-04-17 17:12 nbv Assigned To ifv => nbv
2013-04-17 17:12 nbv Status resolved => assigned
2013-04-17 18:10 nbv Note Added: 0024194
2013-04-17 18:10 nbv Assigned To nbv => ifv
2013-04-17 18:10 nbv Status assigned => resolved
2013-04-17 18:16 ifv Note Added: 0024195
2013-04-17 18:16 ifv Status resolved => reviewed
2013-04-18 11:44 nbv Note Added: 0024199
2013-04-18 11:44 nbv Assigned To ifv => nbv
2013-04-18 11:44 nbv Status reviewed => assigned
2013-04-18 11:44 nbv Assigned To nbv => ifv
2013-04-18 11:44 nbv Status assigned => resolved
2013-04-18 13:02 nbv Assigned To ifv => nbv
2013-04-18 13:02 nbv Status resolved => assigned
2013-04-18 13:03 nbv Note Added: 0024204
2013-04-18 13:03 nbv Assigned To nbv => ifv
2013-04-18 13:03 nbv Status assigned => resolved
2013-04-19 10:14 ifv Note Added: 0024215
2013-04-19 10:14 ifv Status resolved => reviewed
2013-05-08 11:38 apn Note Added: 0024329
2013-05-08 11:39 apn Note Edited: 0024329
2013-05-08 11:39 apn Test case number => Not needed
2013-05-08 11:39 apn Assigned To ifv => letexier
2013-05-08 11:39 apn Status reviewed => assigned
2013-05-08 11:44 apn Assigned To letexier => nbv
2013-05-15 12:58 nbv Note Added: 0024394
2013-05-15 12:58 nbv Assigned To nbv => ifv
2013-05-15 12:58 nbv Status assigned => resolved
2013-05-15 13:22 ifv Note Added: 0024395
2013-05-15 13:22 ifv Status resolved => reviewed
2013-05-15 15:15 nbv Note Added: 0024398
2013-05-15 15:38 nbv Note Edited: 0024398
2013-05-15 15:57 mkv Assigned To ifv => bugmaster
2013-05-15 15:57 mkv Status reviewed => tested
2013-05-16 17:40 bugmaster Note Added: 0024422
2013-05-16 17:40 bugmaster Status tested => closed
2013-05-16 17:40 bugmaster Resolution open => no change required