View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0023494Open CASCADEOCCT:VISpublic2014-09-18 10:39
ReporterssvAssigned Tossv 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0023494: Picker operates worse on transformed Data Source
DescriptionThe attached main function illustrates usage of VIS Shape Picker on initially transformed OCCT Topological Shape. There are two simple pipelines in the attached example:

Main pipeline (representing OCCT shape):
  Data Source -> Mapper

Highlighting pipeline:
  Data Source -> Sub-shapes filter -> Mapper

No additional VTK filters are used here. The problem is that VIS picker sometimes stops working depending on the shape's location:

1. Start main function;
2. Press "r" key for fitting;
3. Try picking the displayed shape: faces are picked correctly (see the log window and highlighting in 3D);
4. Click right mouse button for applying different (random) transformations on the initial TopoDS_Shape (the corresponding polygonal source is rebuilt from scratch). Try picking for each new position:

===> BUG: sometimes picker stops working.

The workaround for this issue is re-construction of picker on each click event.
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Attached Files

  • VISMain.cpp (10,766 bytes)



2012-10-27 16:06


VISMain.cpp (10,766 bytes)

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-10-27 16:05 ssv New Issue
2012-10-27 16:05 ssv Assigned To => szv
2012-10-27 16:06 ssv File Added: VISMain.cpp
2012-10-27 16:08 ssv Description Updated
2012-10-27 16:08 ssv Description Updated
2013-02-14 13:39 bugmaster Project Open CASCADE => Internal
2013-02-20 09:38 szv Assigned To szv => ssv
2014-09-18 09:58 abv Category PRODUCTS:VIS => OCCT:VIS
2014-09-18 10:39 bugmaster Project Internal => Open CASCADE