View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0019943Open CASCADEOCCT:Foundation Classespublic2008-07-07 13:33
Reporterbugmaster Assigned Toapv 
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Summary0019943: FIP 24.12 Integration of OCCT Python module.
DescriptionThere was commercial request for Python module for OCCT was detected. This
module was developed in the framework of SALOME FIP.
It is proposed to prepare it for OCCT integration.
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Attached Files

  • OCAPY-initial.tgz (40,182 bytes)
  • OCAPY-windows.tgz (36,554 bytes)
  • (6,199 bytes)


2008-07-07 13:16


OCAPY-initial.tgz (40,182 bytes)

2008-07-07 13:29


OCAPY-windows.tgz (36,554 bytes)

2008-07-07 13:33 (6,199 bytes)

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2008-06-09 14:30 bugmaster CC => pdn, abv
2008-06-09 14:30 bugmaster Assigned To bugmaster => apv
2008-06-09 14:30 bugmaster Status new => assigned
2011-08-02 11:23 bugmaster Category OCCT:FDC => OCCT:Foundation Classes