occt: master a0b4c5ea

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
abv abv master 2012-04-02 11:00:32 master 298f9ad7
Changeset 0022698: Add OCC_VERSION_DEVELOPMENT definition in Standard_Version.hxx

New macros added to Standard_Version.hxx to identify OCC version more precisely:

- OCC_VERSION_DEVELOPMENT is to be defined as string in any version different from official release, to indicate that it is modified

- OCC_VERSION_COMPLETE is string form of the complete version number major.minor.maintenance

- OCC_VERSION_STRING_EXT is extended string for of the version equal to OCC_VERSION_COMPLETE and adding OCC_VERSION_DEVELOPMENT as suffix if it is defined

Version promoted to 6.5.3.beta1
mod - src/Standard/Standard_Version.hxx Diff File