occt: master ab279b12

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
abulyche smoskvin master 2021-12-15 01:58:57 master e4753a7d
Affected Issues  0029745: Modeling Data - GeomAdaptor_Surface::VIntervals fails on periodic surfaces
Changeset 0029745: Modeling Data - GeomAdaptor_Surface::VIntervals fails on periodic surfaces
Fixed GeomAdaptor_Curve::LocalContinuity() for periodic curves.
Fixed GeomAdaptor_Curve::NbIntervals() for periodic curves.
Fixed GeomAdaptor_Curve::Intervals() for periodic curves.
Improved definition of length in tests.
Update Geom2dAdaptor_Curve to the same behavior.
mod - src/Geom2dAdaptor/Geom2dAdaptor_Curve.cxx Diff File
mod - src/GeomAdaptor/GeomAdaptor_Curve.cxx Diff File
mod - src/QABugs/QABugs_20.cxx Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug25908 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug27884 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/moddata_3/bug29745 Diff File
mod - tests/hlr/exact_hlr/A1 Diff File
mod - tests/hlr/exact_hlr/C20 Diff File
mod - tests/hlr/exact_hlr/D4 Diff File
mod - tests/hlr/exact_hlr/D5 Diff File