occt: master eca6e7c5

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
kgv bugmaster master 2020-09-01 14:29:33 master a75f5cdd
Changeset 0031744: Configuration - add batch files to build OCCT for Android target

Added script adm/scripts/android_build.bat and template android_custom.bat.template
intended for automating building routines targeting Android platform.

OpenCASCADEConfig.cmake has been extended to detect "$INSTALL_DIR/libs/$CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH_ABI/cmake/opencascade" location.
add - adm/scripts/android_build.bat Diff File
add - adm/scripts/android_custom.bat.template Diff File
mod - adm/templates/OpenCASCADEConfig.cmake.in Diff File