occt: master 22db40eb

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
abv abv master 2012-11-09 12:41:36 master 9ced84ff
Affected Issues  0023372: "diffimage" using in tests commands
Changeset 0023372: "diffimage" using in tests commands

Comparison of images is implemented in testdiff command; output in HTML form generated
Add measurement of memory (working set) delta in test case execution
Add memory statistics to output of testdiff command
Treatment of parameter -outdir of command testgrid corrected.
Function locate_data_file and code to run tests in parallel revised to be usable with Tcl 8.4.
Added function testsummarize: regenerate summary log of tests from test case logs
Command testdiff is protected against exception raised by diffimage if images have different formats
mod - src/DrawResources/TestCommands.tcl Diff File