occt: master a6ebe9fc

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
nbv bugmaster master 2018-10-26 11:06:28 master 100be67a
Changeset 0028493: [Regression vs 7.0.0] Intersection algorithm produces curve with loop

1. New testgrid "lowalgos/intss" has been created. It will contain all test cases on geometrical intersection of two surfaces ("intersect" DRAW-command) and two faces ("bopcurves" DRAW-command).

2. New test case for the issue #28493 has been created because the problem is not reproduced on MASTER.

3. Test case (lowalgos/intss/bug24472) for the issue 0029501 has been modified in order to check loops of the resulting intersection curves.
mod - tests/lowalgos/grids.list Diff File
add - tests/lowalgos/intss/begin Diff File
add - tests/lowalgos/intss/bug28493 Diff File