occt: master 8a262fa1

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
abv abv master 2012-12-07 12:12:01 master 3994ec41
Affected Issues  0023586: The test execution process should correctly stop on user demand
Changeset 0023586: The test execution process should correctly stop on user demand

Possibility to break DRAW commands by user break (Control-C) is implemented as follows:

- Treatment of Control-C (SIGINT signal) on UNIX in OSD::SetSignal() is made coherent with Windows implementation: instead of attempt to raise exception (simulated by longjump, does not work anyway), signal handler just sets a flag which can be later checked by OSD::ControlBreak()

- Call to OSD::ControlBreak() is added to common entry point for OCCT DRAW commands; this causes command interruption if Control-C has been pressed before its start.

- Command "dbreak" added allowing to check Control-Break status from Tcl script (raises Tcl exception if break was signaled)

- Command "dversion" added printing information on OCCT version, used build options, compiler, etc.

- Test system modified to properly handle and report user breaks and add version info in the summary log

Fix compiler error on Linux
mod - src/Draw/Draw_BasicCommands.cxx Diff File
mod - src/Draw/Draw_Interpretor.cxx Diff File
mod - src/DrawResources/TestCommands.tcl Diff File
mod - src/OSD/OSD_signal.cxx Diff File