occt: master f0bf70e8

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
ika bugmaster master 2016-04-07 11:57:51 master 8f8398f6
Changeset 0027372: Import/Export dimension text position

Modify Import/Export STEP.
Add Draw commands to set and get orientation and position of dimension text.
Add Draw commands to set and get presentation.
Add test.
mod - src/STEPCAFControl/STEPCAFControl_GDTProperty.cxx Diff File
mod - src/STEPCAFControl/STEPCAFControl_Reader.cxx Diff File
mod - src/STEPCAFControl/STEPCAFControl_Writer.cxx Diff File
mod - src/XDEDRAW/XDEDRAW_GDTs.cxx Diff File
add - tests/gdt/dimensions/A8 Diff File
mod - tests/gdt/dimensions/begin Diff File
mod - tests/gdt/dimensions/end Diff File