occt: master ee9e67ed

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
rkv bugmaster master 2015-09-30 06:36:04 master 839b8d3c
Affected Issues  0026668: Eliminate compile warnings obtained by building occt with vc14: conversion requires a narrowing conversion
Changeset 0026668: Eliminate compile warnings obtained by building occt with vc14: conversion requires a narrowing conversion

Warnings "conversion requires a narrowing conversion" were eliminated: IVtk_IdType is defined via vtkIdType from now.

Check of bitness of VTK libraries is added, to ensure that OCCT and VTK use the same bitness.

HashCode() function for long long int added in Standard_Integer.hxx to handle 64-bit integers
mod - src/IVtk/IVtk_Types.hxx Diff File
mod - src/Standard/Standard_Integer.hxx Diff File