occt: master b6ec1ef9

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
pkv bugmaster master 2015-05-21 09:56:26 master 3285a59a
Changeset 0026224: Wrong result obtained by Common operator.

class BOPTools_AlgoTools2D
 - method:
Standard_Integer BOPTools_AlgoTools2D::AttachExistingPCurve
(const TopoDS_Edge& aE2,
const TopoDS_Edge& aE1,
const TopoDS_Face& aF,
const Handle(IntTools_Context)& aCtx)
has been changed.
The treatment of the curves that need to be reversed has been modified
taking into account reversed parameter

Test case for issue CR26224
mod - src/BOPTools/BOPTools_AlgoTools2D_1.cxx Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug26224 Diff File