occt: master 0a512187

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
pkv apn master 2015-03-26 12:41:00 master d4b867e6
Changeset 0025969: Wrong result obtained by 2d classifier algorithm.

Class IntTools_FClass2d
method:void IntTools_FClass2d::Init(const TopoDS_Face& aFace,const Standard_Real TolUV)
has been changed.
The cases where derivattive angles that are near to PI are considered as a sign to avoid express treatment for that wire

Test case for CR25969
mod - src/BOPTest/BOPTest_LowCommands.cxx Diff File
mod - src/IntTools/IntTools_FClass2d.cxx Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_5/bug25969 Diff File