occt: master c5face6f

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
pkv apn master 2014-02-27 14:15:55 master cc88c2f6
Changeset 0024655: Boolean common produces incorrect result

class BOPAlgo_WireSplitter
   - method:
void BOPAlgo_WireSplitter::SplitBlock
                 (const TopoDS_Face& myFace,
                   BOPTools_ConnexityBlock& aCB);

 - static functions:
void RefineAngles(const TopoDS_Face& myFace,
                  const BOPCol_ListOfShape& myEdges,
                  BOPAlgo_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfEdgeInfo& mySmartMap);

void RefineAngles(const TopoDS_Vertex& aV,
                  const TopoDS_Face& myFace,
                  const BOPCol_MapOfShape& aMBE,
                  BOPAlgo_ListOfEdgeInfo& aLEI);

Standard_Boolean RefineAngle2D(const TopoDS_Vertex& aV,
                               const TopoDS_Edge& aE,
                               const TopoDS_Face& myFace,
                               const Standard_Real aA1,
                               const Standard_Real aA2,
                               Standard_Real& aA);

The treatment p-curves convergent in node.
The refining the angles of p-curves taking into account
bounging curves if exist.

Test case for issue CR24655
mod - src/BOPAlgo/BOPAlgo_WireSplitter_1.cxx Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_5/bug24655 Diff File