occt: master c7a422d8

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
apn bugmaster master 2013-09-19 10:47:04 master c7b66568
Affected Issues  0024182: It's necessary to add TODO in test cases to avoid known regressions and improvements on MacOS
Changeset 0024182: It's necessary to add TODO in test cases to avoid known regressions and improvements on MacOS
mod - tests/3rdparty/export/A1 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/caf/bug23489 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/iges/bug700 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/moddata_2/bug22572 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/vis/bug21091_3 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/xde/bug22898 Diff File
mod - tests/heal/data/standard/D7 Diff File
mod - tests/heal/data/standard/E4 Diff File
mod - tests/heal/split_closed_faces/G1 Diff File
mod - tests/heal/surface_to_bspline/G3 Diff File
mod - tests/mesh/data/advanced/A8 Diff File
mod - tests/sewing/tol_0_01/A6 Diff File
mod - tests/xcaf/igs_to_dxc/E6 Diff File