occt: master bd92cc2a

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
aba aba master 2012-12-14 12:08:27 master d27ea0ef
Affected Issues  0023323: Duplicate if-clause in Visual3d_View.cxx
Changeset 0023323: Duplicate if-clause in Visual3d_View.cxx

Changed an outer condition.
Deleted MyMatOfOriIsModified and MyMatOfMapIsModified flags.Deleted all modification flags from ViewOrientationReset() and SetViewOrientation() functions.
Checkings of view modifications in SetViewOrientation() and ViewOrientationReset() methods were returned
CustomIsModified flag was replaced by ScaleIsModified flag in modification checking.
Added 'IsInitialized' flag to check if orientation matrix was set
mod - src/Visual3d/Visual3d_View.cxx Diff File
mod - src/Visual3d/Visual3d_View.pxx Diff File