Changesets: occt

master 956d6346

2017-08-21 13:24:06


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028287: CMake install does not copy pdb files in RelWithDebInfo mode

Installation of .pdb files was corrected.
Affected Issues
mod - adm/cmake/occt_toolkit.cmake Diff File
mod - adm/cmake/occt_toolkit_tool.cmake Diff File

master 5b83cdb6

2017-08-21 12:22:39


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028332: Unstable tests in group gdt export

Add initialization of variable GDTMode in STEP writer.
Affected Issues
mod - src/STEPCAFControl/STEPCAFControl_Writer.cxx Diff File
mod - src/STEPCAFControl/STEPCAFControl_Writer.hxx Diff File

master c3cca015

2017-08-21 10:19:46


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028964: Draw - need to have command to apply ShapeFix_FixSmallFace tool

DRAW command fixsmallfaces is added to fix (remove) small faces in the shape.
Command OCC22586 is removed (replaced by fixsmallfaces).

Test bug28112_2 using that command is added for the two last shapes in issue #28112; test bug28112 is renamed to bug28112_1.
Test bug22586 is changed to use the new command.
mod - src/QABugs/QABugs_11.cxx Diff File
mod - src/SWDRAW/SWDRAW_ShapeFix.cxx Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_2/bug22586 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug28112_2 Diff File

master a41ccd91

2017-08-21 10:08:27


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0027018: Documentation - blockquotes are incorrectly formatted in PDF

Trailing space is removed after ">" to avoid breaking the quote block in PDF output.

A section about quotes are added in the documentation guide.
Affected Issues
mod - dox/dev_guides/contribution_workflow/ Diff File
mod - dox/dev_guides/documentation/ Diff File

master aa17dac8

2017-08-19 11:40:40


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0029021: Coding Rules - eliminate GCC warnings in Qt sample Affected Issues
mod - samples/qt/Common/src/ApplicationCommon.cxx Diff File
mod - samples/qt/Common/src/MDIWindow.cxx Diff File
mod - samples/qt/Common/src/View.cxx Diff File
mod - samples/qt/FuncDemo/src/BaseDriver.cpp Diff File
mod - samples/qt/FuncDemo/src/SimpleDriver.cpp Diff File
mod - samples/qt/Interface/src/Translate.cxx Diff File

master f523acf0

2017-08-18 13:00:07


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028913: UnifySameDomain crashes with error: "a shape is modified and removed simultaneously"

Correct filling of the history of the modifications of the shapes in ShapeUpgrade_UnifySameDomain algorithm.

Test cases for the issue.
Affected Issues
mod - src/ShapeUpgrade/ShapeUpgrade_UnifySameDomain.cxx Diff File
mod - src/ShapeUpgrade/ShapeUpgrade_UnifySameDomain.hxx Diff File
mod - tests/heal/unify_same_domain/A4 Diff File
add - tests/heal/unify_same_domain/A6 Diff File
add - tests/heal/unify_same_domain/A7 Diff File
add - tests/heal/unify_same_domain/A8 Diff File
add - tests/heal/unify_same_domain/A9 Diff File
add - tests/heal/unify_same_domain/B1 Diff File
add - tests/heal/unify_same_domain/B2 Diff File
add - tests/heal/unify_same_domain/B3 Diff File
add - tests/heal/unify_same_domain/B4 Diff File
add - tests/heal/unify_same_domain/B5 Diff File
add - tests/heal/unify_same_domain/end Diff File

master 6b55f8e3

2017-08-18 12:05:34


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028478: Scope Names Are Swallowed in Message_ProgressSentry Constructors

Tests are added to control output and performance of progress indicator (bugs fclasses bug28478 and perf fclasses progress, respectively).

Implementation of class Draw_ProgressIndicator is improved to update indicator basing on achieved total progress (1% by default) instead of elapsed time since last update.

Method OSD_Chronometer::Restart() is fixed to actually reset the counter.

DRAW command readstl is improved to show progress indicator if configured (by command XProgress).

Description of class Message_ProgressIndicator is updated; code example is added in description of Message_ProgressSentry.
Affected Issues
mod - src/Draw/Draw_ProgressIndicator.cxx Diff File
mod - src/Draw/Draw_ProgressIndicator.hxx Diff File
mod - src/Message/Message_ProgressIndicator.hxx Diff File
mod - src/Message/Message_ProgressSentry.hxx Diff File
mod - src/OSD/OSD_Chronometer.cxx Diff File
mod - src/QABugs/QABugs_11.cxx Diff File
add - tests/bugs/fclasses/bug28478 Diff File
add - tests/perf/fclasses/progress Diff File

master 569c9582

2017-08-18 11:48:13


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0027760: [regression] BRepAlgoAPI_Common returns empty result

Problem is not reproduced on current master. Issue must be closed on 7.2.0.
Test case was added only.
Affected Issues
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug27760 Diff File

master cc77a38d

2017-08-18 10:31:57


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028995: UnifySameDomain produces invalid shape

Synchronization of the ShapeAnalysis_Edge behavior with the BRepCheck_Edge by adding check for 2d curves on planes.

Implementation of the BRep_Tool::CurveOnPlane method to avoid code duplication for making PCurve of the edge on planar face.
mod - src/BRep/BRep_Tool.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BRep/BRep_Tool.hxx Diff File
mod - src/ShapeAnalysis/ShapeAnalysis_Edge.cxx Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug27004 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug28995 Diff File
mod - tests/de/step_3/C5 Diff File
mod - tests/heal/unify_same_domain/B4 Diff File
mod - tests/heal/unify_same_domain/B5 Diff File

master 41f97958

2017-08-18 09:33:23


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0029016: Configuration, genproj.tcl - add missing definition of CSF_dl Affected Issues
mod - adm/genproj.tcl Diff File

master c231f393

2017-08-18 08:00:24


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0029015: Testdiff - possibility to visualize image differences by toggling

Command testdiff is improved to make HTML elements in the report showing diff images interactive: when user clicks on a diff image by mouse, it triggers between the A and B images.
The diff image is shown back when the mouse cursor leaves the image.
Affected Issues
mod - src/DrawResources/TestCommands.tcl Diff File

master fe93e33a

2017-08-18 07:40:19


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0029014: Managing Binary Format Version Is Not Possible for Own TDF_Attributes

CDM_Application has been extended to provide application name and version.

Application name and version is stored by BinLDrivers_DocumentStorageDriver.

BinLDrivers_DocumentStorageDriver propagates application name and version
by passing it to BinMDataStd.

Made BinObjMgt_RRelocationTable store a handle to the header data of the file
begin read in to make it accessible by binary attribute drivers.

Undone storing application name and version as static fields in BinMDataStd
which is bad style and not thread-safe.

Moved method implementations to .cxx files.

Clearing a BinObjMgt_RRelocationTable now nullifies the reference to the
file header data and BinLDrivers_DocumentRetrievalDriver therefore sets
the reference after the relocation table has been cleared before reading
in the document subtree.
mod - src/BinLDrivers/BinLDrivers_DocumentRetrievalDriver.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BinLDrivers/BinLDrivers_DocumentStorageDriver.cxx Diff File
add - src/BinObjMgt/BinObjMgt_RRelocationTable.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BinObjMgt/BinObjMgt_RRelocationTable.hxx Diff File
mod - src/BinObjMgt/FILES Diff File
mod - src/CDM/CDM_Application.cxx Diff File
mod - src/CDM/CDM_Application.hxx Diff File

master fe21f796

2017-08-18 07:40:19


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0029014: Managing Binary Format Version Is Not Possible for Own TDF_Attributes

CDM_Application has been extended to provide application name and version.

Application name and version is stored by BinLDrivers_DocumentStorageDriver.

BinLDrivers_DocumentStorageDriver propagates application name and version
by passing it to BinMDataStd.

Made BinObjMgt_RRelocationTable store a handle to the header data of the file
begin read in to make it accessible by binary attribute drivers.

Undone storing application name and version as static fields in BinMDataStd
which is bad style and not thread-safe.

Moved method implementations to .cxx files.

Clearing a BinObjMgt_RRelocationTable now nullifies the reference to the
file header data and BinLDrivers_DocumentRetrievalDriver therefore sets
the reference after the relocation table has been cleared before reading
in the document subtree.
Affected Issues
mod - src/BinLDrivers/BinLDrivers_DocumentRetrievalDriver.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BinLDrivers/BinLDrivers_DocumentStorageDriver.cxx Diff File
add - src/BinObjMgt/BinObjMgt_RRelocationTable.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BinObjMgt/BinObjMgt_RRelocationTable.hxx Diff File
mod - src/BinObjMgt/FILES Diff File
mod - src/CDM/CDM_Application.cxx Diff File
mod - src/CDM/CDM_Application.hxx Diff File

master fd3f6bd0

2017-08-17 15:18:05


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0029011: Draw Harness - simplify diffimage command syntax

Command diffimage now accepts the following syntax:
diffimage imageFile1 imageFile2 [diffImageFile]
[-toleranceOfColor {0..1}=0] [-blackWhite {on|off}=off] [-borderFilter {on|off}=off]
[-display viewName prsName1 prsName2 prsNameDiff] [-exitOnClose]

Command vinit now accepts the following syntax:
vinit [-name viewName] [-left leftPx] [-top topPx] [-width widthPx] [-height heightPx]
[-exitOnClose] [-display displayName]

Compatibility with old syntax is also preserved.
diffimage now can display compared images in 3D viewer.
The new option -exitOnClose can be used to exit application when closing the 3D View.
Affected Issues
mod - src/ViewerTest/ViewerTest_ViewerCommands.cxx Diff File

master fe6c26dc

2017-08-17 13:17:20


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0029010: Launch custom.bat in samples before calling general environment

Replace calling custom.bat and general env.bat in samples.
mod - samples/qt/FuncDemo/env.bat Diff File
mod - samples/qt/IESample/env.bat Diff File
mod - samples/qt/Tutorial/env.bat Diff File

master efe9d997

2017-08-17 08:50:31


Committer: abv Details Diff
0029009: Configuration - provide a way to get visual dif of SVG images

New helper script svgdiff.bat is added in adm folder.
It can be used for enabling visual diff for SVG images in TortouseGit; see Git guide for details.
Affected Issues
add - adm/svgdiff.bat Diff File
mod - dox/dev_guides/git_guide/ Diff File
add - dox/dev_guides/git_guide/images/OCCT_GitGuide_V2_svgdiff.png Diff File

master 905b0e31

2017-08-17 08:43:08


Committer: abv Details Diff
0028527: Visualization, AIS_InteractiveContext - custom selection presentation is never removed from View Affected Issues
mod - src/AIS/AIS_InteractiveContext.cxx Diff File
mod - src/SelectMgr/SelectMgr_SelectableObject.cxx Diff File
mod - src/SelectMgr/SelectMgr_SelectableObject.hxx Diff File

master cba287d6

2017-08-17 07:39:08


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
Update of tests database

Test for 0025930: thickness of spherical cap is invalid
Test for 0025939: SIGSEGV in MakeThickSolid
Test for 0025940: MakeThickSolid creates C0 continuous edges
Test for 0026604: GeomFill_Pipe doesn't fit given bounds
Test for 0026655: ChFi3d_Builder algorithm fails to build fillets if some input edges connect with seam edges
Test for 0026697: BRepFeat_MakePrism returns empty compound
Test for 0026716: Mesher cannot create a mesh of brep model due to ShapeFix_Wire::FixShifted()
Test for 0026735: Adjacent perpendicular edges are detected as overlapped by DRAW command checkoverlap.
Test for 0026793: General Fuse algorithm produces incorrect result
Test for 0026795: Unable to perform General Fuse operation on the attached faces
Test for 0026842: bopsection result does not contain any edges.
Test for 0026882: Edge/Edge intersection algorithm produces incorrect result
Test for 0026883: Wrong result of Boolean Operation
Test for 0026889: Very poor mesh result from shape
Test for 0026928: Edges are meshed too coarsly
Test for 0026933: Section works unstably due to incorrect work of the method IsExistingPaveBlock
Test for 0026943: Wrong projection of helix on cylinder by ShapeConstruct_ProjectCurveOnSurface
Test for 0026957: Unify same domain operation is slow for multiple shells
Test for 0026978: Interactive selection is insensitive to swept shell
Test for 0027004: ShapeUpgrade_UnifySameDomain produces invalid result
Test for 0026280: Mechanism 'ShapeFix' is unable to heal a shape
Test for 0026282: Mechanism 'ShapeFix' has errors revealed by wire tool 'FixTails'
Test for 0026291: BRepMesh produces mesh with gap on the attached shape
Test for 0026382: BRepMesh produces internal nodes outside the face interior
Test for 0027453: Wrongly meshed surface
Test for 0027524: The command checkshape does not find the maximal deviation between curves representations
Test for 0026225: Wrong result of chamfer in case of coinciding bound of chamfer's surface with bound of a face
Test for 0026295: Sweep fails with BRepFill_ContactOnBorder
Test for 0026374: GeomFill_Profiler fails to unify BSplines if one has knot distance less than PConf
Test for 0026558: Failing to build isoline for offset surface
Test for 0026563: Boolean cut operation in new API multi-tool mode performs fuse instead of cut
Test for 0026568: Exception when creating pipe
Test for 0027419: Incorrect result of Edge/Face intersection
Test for 0027469: Regression vs 6.9.1: Wrong result of Edge/Face intersection
Test for 0027471: Wrong result of pipe
Test for 0027472: Wrong result of cut
Test for 0027614: Sewing returns result with too high tolerance
Test for 0026154: Visualization - v3d viewer grid disappears due to automatic z-fit
Test for 0026174: Loss of color after the second write of file (iges).
add - tests/bugs/heal/bug26280 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/heal/bug26282 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/heal/bug26716 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/heal/bug26735 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/heal/bug26943 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/heal/bug26957 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/mesh/bug26291 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/mesh/bug26382 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/mesh/bug26889 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/mesh/bug26928 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/mesh/bug27453 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug27524 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug25104 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug25879 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug25930 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug25939 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug26225_1 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug26225_2 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug26295 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug26374 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug26558 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug26563 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug26568 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug26604 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug26655 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug26697 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug26793_1 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug26793_2 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug26795 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug26842_1 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug26842_2 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug26882 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug26883_1 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug26883_2 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug26883_3 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug26883_4 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug26933 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug27004 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug27419 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug27469_1 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug27469_2 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug27471 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug27472 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug27614 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/moddata_3/bug25693_1 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/moddata_3/bug25693_2 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/moddata_3/bug25940 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/vis/bug26154 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/xde/bug26174 Diff File
add - tests/v3d/ivtk/bug26978 Diff File

master d21ddc4f

2017-08-16 17:08:04


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0029007: Visualization, AIS_InteractiveContext - the method for accessing Detected owners iterator is missing

Added new method AIS_InteractiveContext::DetectedCurrentOwner().
AIS_InteractiveContext header has been restructured (methods moved into groups)
and description has been cleaned up.
Affected Issues
mod - src/AIS/AIS_InteractiveContext.cxx Diff File
mod - src/AIS/AIS_InteractiveContext.hxx Diff File
mod - src/AIS/AIS_InteractiveContext_1.cxx Diff File
mod - src/AIS/AIS_LocalContext.hxx Diff File
mod - src/AIS/AIS_LocalContext_1.cxx Diff File

master fbd0023f

2017-08-16 13:55:19


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028967: Boolean cut fails the first time, works the second time Affected Issues
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug28967 Diff File

master 0ef598d0

2017-08-16 13:40:01


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028249: Upgrade Guide - mention need to use option -std=c++0x when using GCC Affected Issues
mod - dox/dev_guides/upgrade/ Diff File

master cee2b556

2017-08-16 11:06:29


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028323: Documentation - explain highlighting logic of AIS_InteractiveObject in the upgrade guide
mod - dox/dev_guides/upgrade/ Diff File
mod - src/PrsMgr/PrsMgr_PresentableObject.hxx Diff File

master 51004f1c

2017-08-16 09:58:46


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0027381: Visualization - update description of method AIS_InteractiveContext::SetPixelTolerance() Affected Issues
mod - src/AIS/AIS_InteractiveContext.cxx Diff File
mod - src/AIS/AIS_InteractiveContext.hxx Diff File
mod - src/SelectMgr/SelectMgr_ToleranceMap.cxx Diff File
mod - src/StdSelect/FILES Diff File
mod - src/StdSelect/StdSelect_ViewerSelector3d.hxx Diff File
rm - src/StdSelect/StdSelect_ViewerSelector3d.lxx Diff File

master a743814b

2017-08-16 07:30:22


Committer: abv Details Diff
0029000: Update documentation of Boolean operations according to the new Error/Warning reporting system

The documentation of Boolean Component has been updated - calls to ErrorStatus() method have been replaced with calls to HasErrors() method.
Affected Issues
mod - dox/dev_guides/upgrade/ Diff File
mod - dox/user_guides/boolean_operations/ Diff File
add - dox/user_guides/boolean_operations/images/operations_image020.png Diff File
rm - dox/user_guides/boolean_operations/images/operations_image020.svg Diff File
add - dox/user_guides/boolean_operations/images/operations_image064.png Diff File
rm - dox/user_guides/boolean_operations/images/operations_image064.svg Diff File
mod - dox/user_guides/boolean_operations/images/operations_image065.png Diff File
mod - src/BOPAlgo/BOPAlgo_MakerVolume.hxx Diff File

master 7c42f3f4

2017-08-15 18:07:55


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028997: Documentation - Visual3d_Layer removed, but still in the documentation

The User Guide has been checked for presence of removed functionality.
Affected Issues
rm - dox/user_guides/visualization/images/visualization_image016.png Diff File
mod - dox/user_guides/visualization/images/visualization_image018.png Diff File
rm - dox/user_guides/visualization/images/visualization_image019.png Diff File
rm - dox/user_guides/visualization/images/visualization_image020.png Diff File
add - dox/user_guides/visualization/images/visualization_image020.svg Diff File
mod - dox/user_guides/visualization/ Diff File
 First  Prev  1 2 3 ... 30 ... 60 ... 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 ... 120 ... 150 ... 180 ... 210 ... 240 ... 254 255 256  Next  Last