Changesets: occt

master bbdf3b5c

2017-03-27 08:56:32


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028585: Wrong value of area computation

Adding new test case.
add - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug28585 Diff File

master 973d410e

2017-03-27 07:18:05


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028641: Data Exchange - Support alpha-channel of color

Use Quantity_ColorRGBA instead Quantity_Color in XCAFDoc_Color attribute
Add methods to color tool for processing RGBA
Update Color driver
Update Draw commands
Affected Issues
mod - src/BinMXCAFDoc/BinMXCAFDoc_ColorDriver.cxx Diff File
mod - src/XCAFDoc/XCAFDoc_Color.cxx Diff File
mod - src/XCAFDoc/XCAFDoc_Color.hxx Diff File
mod - src/XCAFDoc/XCAFDoc_ColorTool.cxx Diff File
mod - src/XCAFDoc/XCAFDoc_ColorTool.hxx Diff File
mod - src/XDEDRAW/XDEDRAW.cxx Diff File
mod - src/XDEDRAW/XDEDRAW_Colors.cxx Diff File
add - tests/bugs/xde/bug28641 Diff File

master c0a1a35f

2017-03-24 13:04:05


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028605: Improve the algorithm of calculation of valid intersection range of an edge

- New method BRepLib::FindValidRange() has been added. It computes the range of the edge not covered by boundary vertices.
- The algorithm of calculation of valid intersection range in the class IntTools_ShrunkRange has been corrected to use the new method.
- The method BOPTools_AlgoTools::MakeSplitEdge() has been improved to protect against errors in the case of reversed orientation of the input edge.
- Two new Draw commands have been added:
validrange - it calls the new method BRepLib::FindValidRange().
tolsphere - it shows tolerances of vertices by drawing a sphere around each vertex of the shape.
- The test cases "offset shape_type_i_c YE1,YE2" became better. The scripts have been corrected to reflect the new state.
Affected Issues
mod - dox/user_guides/draw_test_harness/ Diff File
mod - dox/user_guides/modeling_algos/ Diff File
mod - src/BOPTools/BOPTools_AlgoTools_2.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepLib/BRepLib.hxx Diff File
add - src/BRepLib/BRepLib_1.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepLib/FILES Diff File
mod - src/BRepTest/BRepTest_CheckCommands.cxx Diff File
mod - src/IntTools/IntTools_ShrunkRange.cxx Diff File
mod - tests/offset/shape_type_i_c/YE1 Diff File
mod - tests/offset/shape_type_i_c/YE2 Diff File

master 811d6b7d

2017-03-24 09:25:37


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
Elimination of compiler warnings
mod - src/BOPAlgo/BOPAlgo_CellsBuilder.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepOffsetAPI/BRepOffsetAPI_DraftAngle.cxx Diff File
mod - src/SWDRAW/SWDRAW_ShapeUpgrade.cxx Diff File

master 521efa92

2017-03-24 09:24:08


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028589: Data Exchange - Writing face with NaturalRestriction flag to IGES

Add additional check for infinite surfaces

Correction of test case for issue CR28589
mod - src/BRepToIGES/BRepToIGES_BRShell.cxx Diff File
add - tests/bugs/iges/bug28589 Diff File

master ea6e5378

2017-03-22 07:31:58


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028449: Data Exchange - Wrong orientation of Annotation Plane in GD&T

Fix orientation.
update test cases
Affected Issues
mod - src/STEPCAFControl/STEPCAFControl_Reader.cxx Diff File
add - tests/bugs/step/bug28449 Diff File
mod - tests/gdt/dimensions/A8 Diff File

master 2967828d

2017-03-21 15:30:03


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028580: Misprint in IntPatch_WLineTool.cxx file

Code correction.
Affected Issues
mod - src/IntPatch/IntPatch_SpecialPoints.hxx Diff File
mod - src/IntPatch/IntPatch_WLineTool.cxx Diff File

master 3b77eff6

2017-03-21 12:47:34


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028577: Get rid of the TopOpeBRep* algorithms in TKOffset toolkit

The TKOffset toolkit has been cleared from the usage of the obsolete TopOpeBRep* classes.
Affected Issues
mod - src/BRepLib/BRepLib_FuseEdges.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepOffset/BRepOffset_Inter3d.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepOffset/BRepOffset_Tool.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepOffsetAPI/BRepOffsetAPI_DraftAngle.cxx Diff File

master f1b2eddc

2017-03-20 13:54:37


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028576: Get rid of the TopOpeBRep* algorithms in TKFeat toolkit

The TKFeat toolkit has been cleared from the usage of TopOpeBRep* classes.
Affected Issues
mod - dox/dev_guides/upgrade/ Diff File
mod - src/BRepFeat/BRepFeat_Form.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepFeat/BRepFeat_Form.hxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepFeat/BRepFeat_MakeLinearForm.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepFeat/BRepFeat_MakeRevolutionForm.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepFeat/BRepFeat_RibSlot.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepFeat/BRepFeat_RibSlot.hxx Diff File
mod - src/LocOpe/FILES Diff File
mod - src/LocOpe/LocOpe.hxx Diff File
rm - src/LocOpe/LocOpe_HBuilder.cxx Diff File
rm - src/LocOpe/LocOpe_HBuilder.hxx Diff File
rm - src/LocOpe/LocOpe_HBuilder.lxx Diff File
mod - src/TopTrans/TopTrans_SurfaceTransition.cxx Diff File

master 7868210d

2017-03-20 12:30:00


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028574: Get rid of the TestTopOpe* packages

1. The TestTopOpe* packages have been removed.

2. The commands *compare*, *issubshape* and *projponf* have been moved to BRepTest package.

3. The possibility to change the Extrema options has been added to projection algorithm (GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnSurf).

4. Documentation has been updated.
Affected Issues
mod - adm/UDLIST Diff File
mod - adm/upgrade.dat Diff File
mod - dox/dev_guides/upgrade/ Diff File
mod - dox/user_guides/draw_test_harness/ Diff File
mod - src/BOPTest/BOPTest.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepAlgo/BRepAlgo_DSAccess.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepTest/BRepTest_BasicCommands.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepTest/BRepTest_SurfaceCommands.cxx Diff File
mod - src/ChFi3d/ChFi3d_Builder.cxx Diff File
mod - src/GeomAPI/GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnSurf.hxx Diff File
mod - src/IntTools/IntTools_Context.cxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpe/FILES Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpe/TestTopOpe.cxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpe/TestTopOpe.hxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpe/TestTopOpe_BOOP.cxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpe/TestTopOpe_BOOP.hxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpe/TestTopOpe_BOOPCommands.cxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpe/TestTopOpe_CORCommands.cxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpe/TestTopOpe_DSF.cxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpe/TestTopOpe_EditBOOP.cxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpe/TestTopOpe_HDSCommands.cxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpe/TestTopOpe_HDSDisplayer.cxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpe/TestTopOpe_HDSDisplayer.hxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpe/TestTopOpe_KroBOOP.cxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpe/TestTopOpe_MesureCommands.cxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpe/TestTopOpe_MiscBOOP.cxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpe/TestTopOpe_OtherCommands.cxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpe/TestTopOpe_VarsTopo.cxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpe/TestTopOpe_VarsTopo.hxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeDraw/FILES Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeDraw/TestTopOpeDraw.cxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeDraw/TestTopOpeDraw.hxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeDraw/TestTopOpeDraw_Array1OfDrawableMesure.hxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeDraw/TestTopOpeDraw_Array1OfDrawableP3D.hxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeDraw/TestTopOpeDraw_Displayer.cxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeDraw/TestTopOpeDraw_Displayer.hxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeDraw/TestTopOpeDraw_DrawableC2D.cxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeDraw/TestTopOpeDraw_DrawableC2D.hxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeDraw/TestTopOpeDraw_DrawableC3D.cxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeDraw/TestTopOpeDraw_DrawableC3D.hxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeDraw/TestTopOpeDraw_DrawableMesure.cxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeDraw/TestTopOpeDraw_DrawableMesure.hxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeDraw/TestTopOpeDraw_DrawableP2D.cxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeDraw/TestTopOpeDraw_DrawableP2D.hxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeDraw/TestTopOpeDraw_DrawableP3D.cxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeDraw/TestTopOpeDraw_DrawableP3D.hxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeDraw/TestTopOpeDraw_DrawableSHA.cxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeDraw/TestTopOpeDraw_DrawableSHA.hxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeDraw/TestTopOpeDraw_DrawableSUR.cxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeDraw/TestTopOpeDraw_DrawableSUR.hxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeDraw/TestTopOpeDraw_HArray1OfDrawableMesure.hxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeDraw/TestTopOpeDraw_HArray1OfDrawableP3D.hxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeDraw/TestTopOpeDraw_ListIteratorOfListOfPnt2d.hxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeDraw/TestTopOpeDraw_ListOfPnt2d.hxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeDraw/TestTopOpeDraw_OtherCommands.cxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeDraw/TestTopOpeDraw_SaveRestore.cxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeDraw/TestTopOpeDraw_TTOT.cxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeDraw/TestTopOpeDraw_TTOT.hxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeTools/FILES Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeTools/TestTopOpeTools.cxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeTools/TestTopOpeTools.hxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeTools/TestTopOpeTools_Array1OfMesure.hxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeTools/TestTopOpeTools_HArray1OfMesure.hxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeTools/TestTopOpeTools_Mesure.cxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeTools/TestTopOpeTools_Mesure.hxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeTools/TestTopOpeTools_OtherCommands.cxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeTools/TestTopOpeTools_PMesure.hxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeTools/TestTopOpeTools_Trace.cxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeTools/TestTopOpeTools_Trace.hxx Diff File
rm - src/TestTopOpeTools/TestTopOpeTools_TraceCommands.cxx Diff File
mod - src/TKTopTest/PACKAGES Diff File
mod - src/TopOpeBRep/TopOpeBRep_EdgesIntersector.cxx Diff File
mod - src/TopOpeBRepBuild/TopOpeBRepBuild_ShapeSet.cxx Diff File
mod - src/TopOpeBRepBuild/TopOpeBRepBuild_ShellFaceSet.cxx Diff File
mod - src/TopOpeBRepBuild/TopOpeBRepBuild_WireEdgeSet.cxx Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug26565_8 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/moddata_1/bug22489_2 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/moddata_3/bug24138 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/moddata_3/bug25223 Diff File

master 2c26a53d

2017-03-20 11:43:32


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0027079: Bad approximation of intersection curves with variable curvature

1. Method Approx_ComputeLine::Perform is modified: now it contains also recursive calls after new line computation made by new method ApproxInt_MultiLine::MakeMLOneMorePoint.
2. New method MakeMLOneMorePoint is added to ApproxInt_MultiLine: it builds new sub-line as a part of main line with new point added into the middle of the longest interval between existing points.
3. Method ShapeConstruct_ProjectCurveOnSurface::ApproxPCurve is modified to avoid regressions: now it takes care of the set of initial points to be enough close to each other so that an interval between two adjacent points is less than half-period of the surface.
4. Modification in ShapeConstruct_ProjectCurveOnSurface: correction of pcurves of edges which extremities are in the singularities of surface.
mod - dox/dev_guides/upgrade/ Diff File
mod - src/AppDef/AppDef_Compute.hxx Diff File
mod - src/AppDef/AppDef_MyLineTool.cxx Diff File
mod - src/AppDef/AppDef_MyLineTool.hxx Diff File
mod - src/Approx/Approx_ComputeLine.gxx Diff File
mod - src/ApproxInt/ApproxInt_Approx.gxx Diff File
mod - src/ApproxInt/ApproxInt_ImpPrmSvSurfaces.gxx Diff File
mod - src/ApproxInt/ApproxInt_MultiLine.gxx Diff File
mod - src/ApproxInt/ApproxInt_MultiLineTool.lxx Diff File
mod - src/ApproxInt/ApproxInt_PrmPrmSvSurfaces.gxx Diff File
mod - src/ApproxInt/ApproxInt_SvSurfaces.hxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepApprox/BRepApprox_TheComputeLineBezierOfApprox.hxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepApprox/BRepApprox_TheImpPrmSvSurfacesOfApprox.hxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepApprox/BRepApprox_TheMultiLineOfApprox.hxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepApprox/BRepApprox_TheMultiLineToolOfApprox.hxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepApprox/BRepApprox_ThePrmPrmSvSurfacesOfApprox.hxx Diff File
mod - src/GeomInt/GeomInt_TheComputeLineBezierOfWLApprox.hxx Diff File
mod - src/GeomInt/GeomInt_TheImpPrmSvSurfacesOfWLApprox.hxx Diff File
mod - src/GeomInt/GeomInt_TheMultiLineOfWLApprox.hxx Diff File
mod - src/GeomInt/GeomInt_TheMultiLineToolOfWLApprox.hxx Diff File
mod - src/GeomInt/GeomInt_ThePrmPrmSvSurfacesOfWLApprox.hxx Diff File
mod - src/LocOpe/LocOpe_WiresOnShape.cxx Diff File
mod - src/ShapeAnalysis/ShapeAnalysis_Surface.cxx Diff File
mod - src/ShapeAnalysis/ShapeAnalysis_Surface.hxx Diff File
mod - src/ShapeConstruct/ShapeConstruct_ProjectCurveOnSurface.cxx Diff File
mod - src/ShapeConstruct/ShapeConstruct_ProjectCurveOnSurface.hxx Diff File
mod - src/ShapeFix/ShapeFix_Edge.cxx Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug27079_1 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug27079_2 Diff File

master 431d0f18

2017-03-20 09:09:36


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028573: Get rid of the old Boolean Operations in QA commands

The QA commands have been modified to use new Boolean operations instead of old.
Affected Issues
mod - src/QABugs/QABugs_10.cxx Diff File
mod - src/QABugs/QABugs_11.cxx Diff File
mod - src/QABugs/QABugs_13.cxx Diff File
mod - src/QABugs/QABugs_17.cxx Diff File
mod - src/QABugs/QABugs_19.cxx Diff File
mod - src/QABugs/QABugs_2.cxx Diff File
mod - src/QABugs/QABugs_3.cxx Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_2/bug426 Diff File
rm - tests/bugs/modalg_2/bug426_1 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_4/bug822_1 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_4/bug822_2 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_4/bug823 Diff File
rm - tests/bugs/modalg_4/bug823_1 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_4/bug824 Diff File
rm - tests/bugs/modalg_4/bug824_1 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_4/bug825 Diff File
rm - tests/bugs/modalg_4/bug825_1 Diff File
rm - tests/bugs/modalg_4/bug825_2 Diff File
rm - tests/bugs/modalg_4/bug826_1 Diff File
rm - tests/bugs/modalg_4/bug827_1 Diff File
rm - tests/bugs/modalg_4/bug827_2 Diff File
rm - tests/bugs/modalg_4/bug827_3 Diff File

master e45b5ff7

2017-03-17 11:33:50


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028567: Get rid of the unused DRAW commands based on old Boolean Operations (BRepAlgo)

1. Removal of the traces of the usage of old Boolean operations in BRepFeat package.

2. The DRAW commands *fubl* and *cubl* based on old Boolean operations have been removed.
The alternative for these commands are the commands *bfuseblend* and *bcutblend* respectively.
The last two commands are based on the modern Boolean operations.

3. The DRAW command *ksection* based on old Boolean operations has been removed.
The command *bsection* should be used as alternative.

Test cases which have been using the *ksection* command have been modified to use the *bsection* command.

4. The class QANewBRepNaming_BooleanOperation has been modified to use modern Boolean operations.

The class QANewBRepNaming_BooleanOperation has been removed as not used.
The class QANewBRepNaming_BooleanOperationFeat has been renamed to QANewBRepNaming_BooleanOperation as it has nothing to do with Feat algorithm.
Affected Issues
mod - dox/dev_guides/upgrade/ Diff File
mod - dox/user_guides/draw_test_harness/ Diff File
mod - src/BRepFeat/BRepFeat.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepFeat/BRepFeat_Form.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepFeat/BRepFeat_MakeDPrism.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepFeat/BRepFeat_MakeLinearForm.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepFeat/BRepFeat_MakePipe.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepFeat/BRepFeat_MakeRevol.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepFeat/BRepFeat_MakeRevolutionForm.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepFeat/BRepFeat_RibSlot.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepTest/BRepTest_FilletCommands.cxx Diff File
mod - src/QABugs/QABugs_3.cxx Diff File
mod - src/QANewBRepNaming/FILES Diff File
mod - src/QANewBRepNaming/QANewBRepNaming.hxx Diff File
mod - src/QANewBRepNaming/QANewBRepNaming_BooleanOperation.cxx Diff File
mod - src/QANewBRepNaming/QANewBRepNaming_BooleanOperation.hxx Diff File
rm - src/QANewBRepNaming/QANewBRepNaming_BooleanOperationFeat.cxx Diff File
rm - src/QANewBRepNaming/QANewBRepNaming_BooleanOperationFeat.hxx Diff File
mod - src/QANewBRepNaming/QANewBRepNaming_Common.cxx Diff File
mod - src/QANewBRepNaming/QANewBRepNaming_Common.hxx Diff File
mod - src/QANewBRepNaming/QANewBRepNaming_Cut.cxx Diff File
mod - src/QANewBRepNaming/QANewBRepNaming_Cut.hxx Diff File
mod - src/QANewBRepNaming/QANewBRepNaming_Fuse.cxx Diff File
mod - src/QANewBRepNaming/QANewBRepNaming_Fuse.hxx Diff File
mod - src/QANewBRepNaming/QANewBRepNaming_Intersection.cxx Diff File
mod - src/QANewBRepNaming/QANewBRepNaming_Intersection.hxx Diff File
mod - src/QANewBRepNaming/QANewBRepNaming_Limitation.cxx Diff File
mod - src/QANewBRepNaming/QANewBRepNaming_Limitation.hxx Diff File
mod - src/QANewDBRepNaming/QANewDBRepNaming_FeatureCommands.cxx Diff File
mod - src/ViewerTest/ViewerTest_FilletCommands.cxx Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_1/buc60669 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_1/buc60682 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_1/buc60744 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_4/pro19626 Diff File

master 8b956afe

2017-03-17 08:34:21


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028562: Replacement of old Boolean operations (BRepAlgo) with new ones (BRepAlgoAPI) in BRepAlgo_NormalProjection

The usage of the old Boolean operations (implemented in the class BRepAlgo_BooleanOperations) in the
BRepAlgo_NormalProjection algorithm has been replaced with the usage of new Boolean operations
(implemented in the class BRepAlgoAPI_BooleanOperations).
Affected Issues
mod - src/BRepAlgo/BRepAlgo_NormalProjection.cxx Diff File

master 176a7959

2017-03-15 13:36:47


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028558: Test bugs modalg_6 bug26150_17 is failed with FPE switched on

Avoid division by zero in the method BRepFill_CompatibleWires::SameNumberByACR.
Affected Issues
mod - src/BRepFill/BRepFill_CompatibleWires.cxx Diff File

master f80842e3

2017-03-15 06:15:46


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028556: Invalid result of Fuse operation in the test case bugs moddata_2 bug469

1. Using appropriate intersection tolerance for splitting the degenerated edges in Boolean operations (void BOPAlgo_PaveFiller::FillPaves()).

2. Avoid creation of the wires consisting of degenerated edges only (BOPAlgo_WireSplitter).

3. Test case bugs/moddata_2/bug469 has been corrected to obtain valid result of operation. TODO statements have been removed from the case.
Affected Issues
mod - src/BOPAlgo/BOPAlgo_PaveFiller_8.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BOPAlgo/BOPAlgo_WireSplitter_1.cxx Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/moddata_2/bug469 Diff File

master 19e7092d

2017-03-14 14:33:46


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028553: Incorrect result of the ShapeUpgrade_ShapeDivideContinuity algorithm

The cause of the bug was computation of incorrect UVBounds in the method ShapeAnalysis::GetFaceUVBounds. In this patch the computation of a box for a 2D curve in the method ShapeAnalysis_Curve::FillBndBox() has been improved taking into account intervals of C2 continuity.
Also the fix makes little extension of bounds when making the new surface in ShapeUpgrade_FaceDivide::SplitSurface(), so that all p-curves were fully inside.

Test case for issue CR28553
mod - src/ShapeAnalysis/ShapeAnalysis_Curve.cxx Diff File
mod - src/ShapeUpgrade/ShapeUpgrade_FaceDivide.cxx Diff File
add - tests/bugs/heal/bug28553 Diff File

master 3b6ffeac

2017-03-13 13:03:07


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028492: Boolean common does not produce expected result

Generation of 3D-steps shorter than 3D tolerance has been allowed in the fix to build Walking-line.

Now, 3D-step is limited by Precision::Confusion value.
mod - src/IntWalk/IntWalk_PWalking.cxx Diff File
mod - tests/boolean/bopfuse_complex/J6 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_5/bug25319_1 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_5/bug25319_2 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug27896 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug28492_1 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug28492_2 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug28492_3 Diff File
mod - tests/chamfer/data/complex/C1 Diff File

master 4d597f3e

2017-03-13 10:28:32


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028537: Extend 'Draw' procedure 'checkprops' to specify the relative precision to compare corresponding values

'Draw' procedure 'checkprops' was extended by an option to set the relative precision to compare corresponding values.
Affected Issues
mod - dox/dev_guides/tests/ Diff File
mod - src/DrawResources/CheckCommands.tcl Diff File

master 7581b642

2017-03-10 12:56:19


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028535: BOP Fuse reports "ErrorStatus : 11" on two attached faces

The reason of exception has been eliminated.
mod - src/IntWalk/IntWalk_PWalking.cxx Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug28535 Diff File

master e8b9db57

2017-03-10 12:13:48


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028508: Make the CellsBuilder algorithm to work with multi-dimensional arguments

1. The CellsBuilder algorithm has been extended to work with multi-dimensional arguments.
It has become possible not only simulate Boolean expressions, but also perform non-supported
Boolean operations, like cutting face from solid, or fusing face with edge.

2. Test cases with multi-dimensional input shapes have been created.

3. Documentation has been updated.
Affected Issues
mod - dox/user_guides/boolean_operations/ Diff File
add - dox/user_guides/boolean_operations/images/cells_algorithm_001.png Diff File
add - dox/user_guides/boolean_operations/images/cells_algorithm_002.png Diff File
add - dox/user_guides/boolean_operations/images/cells_algorithm_003.png Diff File
add - dox/user_guides/boolean_operations/images/cells_algorithm_004.png Diff File
add - dox/user_guides/boolean_operations/images/cells_algorithm_005.png Diff File
add - dox/user_guides/boolean_operations/images/cells_algorithm_006_1.png Diff File
add - dox/user_guides/boolean_operations/images/cells_algorithm_006_2.png Diff File
add - dox/user_guides/boolean_operations/images/cells_algorithm_007.png Diff File
add - dox/user_guides/boolean_operations/images/cells_algorithm_008.png Diff File
mod - src/BOPAlgo/BOPAlgo_CellsBuilder.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BOPAlgo/BOPAlgo_CellsBuilder.hxx Diff File
mod - src/BOPTest/BOPTest_CellsCommands.cxx Diff File
add - tests/boolean/cells_test/J1 Diff File
add - tests/boolean/cells_test/J2 Diff File
add - tests/boolean/cells_test/J3 Diff File
add - tests/boolean/cells_test/J4 Diff File
add - tests/boolean/cells_test/J5 Diff File
add - tests/boolean/cells_test/J6 Diff File

master 20aa0d3f

2017-03-09 16:20:43


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028226: Incorrect history support in ShapeUpgrade_UnifySameDomain algorithm

- The methods "Modified" and "IsDeleted" have been added for history support in "ShapeUpgrade_UnifySameDomain" class.
- The new Draw commands "unifysamedommod" and "unifysamedomisdel" have been added.
- Adoption of other algorithms using this one to its new behavior.

Removing code duplication

Correcting regressions

Correcting remarks
Affected Issues
mod - dox/dev_guides/upgrade/ Diff File
mod - src/BOPAlgo/BOPAlgo_CellsBuilder.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepOffsetAPI/BRepOffsetAPI_MiddlePath.cxx Diff File
mod - src/ShapeUpgrade/ShapeUpgrade_UnifySameDomain.cxx Diff File
mod - src/ShapeUpgrade/ShapeUpgrade_UnifySameDomain.hxx Diff File
mod - src/SWDRAW/SWDRAW_ShapeUpgrade.cxx Diff File
add - tests/heal/unify_same_domain/A4 Diff File

master 1b9f3f67

2017-03-09 15:15:00


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028507: Extension of CShapr Wrapper 7.1.0 to support additional set of OCCT classes

Using of DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE macro was added to AIS_ColorScale class.
mod - src/AIS/AIS_ColorScale.hxx Diff File

master 6c4c45b0

2017-03-06 11:16:09


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028468: Sweep with different sections raises Standard_NoSuchObject: BRep_Tool:: no parameter on edge

Method BRepFill_SectionPlacement::Perform is modified to operate vertices and edges of path correct.

Add two test cases.

Minor correction.
mod - src/BRepFill/BRepFill_SectionPlacement.cxx Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug28468_1 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug28468_2 Diff File

master c58055ad

2017-03-03 12:58:11


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0026874: Implementation of the Partition operator in OCCT

1. The partition operation allows splitting an arbitrary number of shapes of an arbitrary dimension
by other arbitrary shapes. The algorithm has been implemented in the class BOPAlgo_Splitter.

The API operator Splitter has been implemented in the class BRepAlgoAPI_Splitter.

2. The draw commands for usage the new algorithm have been implemented - bsplit and bapisplit.
The commands are identical, but one uses the BOPAlgo_Splitter, the other uses BRepAlgoAPI_Splitter.
Both commands should be used after Pave Filler is filled.

3. Test cases for the new algorithm.

4. Documentation has been updated.

Small corrections.
Affected Issues
mod - dox/user_guides/boolean_operations/ Diff File
add - dox/user_guides/boolean_operations/images/bsplit_image001.png Diff File
add - dox/user_guides/boolean_operations/images/bsplit_image002.png Diff File
add - dox/user_guides/boolean_operations/images/bsplit_image003.png Diff File
add - dox/user_guides/boolean_operations/images/bsplit_image004.png Diff File
add - dox/user_guides/boolean_operations/images/bsplit_image005.png Diff File
add - dox/user_guides/boolean_operations/images/bsplit_image006.png Diff File
add - dox/user_guides/boolean_operations/images/operations_image065.png Diff File
rm - dox/user_guides/boolean_operations/images/operations_image065.svg Diff File
mod - dox/user_guides/draw_test_harness/ Diff File
add - src/BOPAlgo/BOPAlgo_Splitter.cxx Diff File
add - src/BOPAlgo/BOPAlgo_Splitter.hxx Diff File
mod - src/BOPAlgo/FILES Diff File
mod - src/BOPTest/BOPTest_APICommands.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BOPTest/BOPTest_Objects.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BOPTest/BOPTest_Objects.hxx Diff File
mod - src/BOPTest/BOPTest_PartitionCommands.cxx Diff File
add - src/BRepAlgoAPI/BRepAlgoAPI_Splitter.cxx Diff File
add - src/BRepAlgoAPI/BRepAlgoAPI_Splitter.hxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepAlgoAPI/FILES Diff File
mod - tests/boolean/grids.list Diff File
add - tests/boolean/splitter/A1 Diff File
add - tests/boolean/splitter/A2 Diff File
add - tests/boolean/splitter/A3 Diff File
add - tests/boolean/splitter/A4 Diff File
add - tests/boolean/splitter/A5 Diff File
add - tests/boolean/splitter/A6 Diff File
add - tests/boolean/splitter/B1 Diff File
add - tests/boolean/splitter/B2 Diff File
add - tests/boolean/splitter/B3 Diff File
add - tests/boolean/splitter/B4 Diff File
add - tests/boolean/splitter/B5 Diff File
add - tests/boolean/splitter/B6 Diff File
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