occt: master 4391df89

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
ifv bugmaster master 2021-08-06 11:49:14 master 872a7e3a
Affected Issues  0026269: Modeling Data - Analytical extrema does not take into account trimmed input data
Changeset 0026269: Modeling Data - Analytical extrema does not take into account trimmed input data

Treatment of trimmed data is added

Test cases added

Test cases are modified according to new behavior of algorithm
mod - src/Extrema/Extrema_ExtCC.cxx Diff File
mod - src/Extrema/Extrema_ExtCC.hxx Diff File
add - tests/lowalgos/extcc/bug26269_1 Diff File
add - tests/lowalgos/extcc/bug26269_2 Diff File
mod - tests/lowalgos/extcc/bug29712_13 Diff File
mod - tests/lowalgos/extcc/bug29712_21 Diff File
mod - tests/lowalgos/extcc/bug29712_22 Diff File
mod - tests/lowalgos/extcc/bug29712_24 Diff File
mod - tests/lowalgos/extcc/bug29712_25 Diff File
mod - tests/lowalgos/extcc/bug29712_29 Diff File
mod - tests/lowalgos/extcc/bug29712_3 Diff File
mod - tests/lowalgos/extcc/bug29712_32 Diff File
mod - tests/lowalgos/extcc/bug29712_37 Diff File
mod - tests/lowalgos/extcc/bug29712_5 Diff File