occt: master 6fa29cbf

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
jgv bugmaster master 2015-10-08 07:21:38 master d0fcf95a
Changeset 0026717: Error in IntPatch_PrmPrmIntersection: change of local resolution leads to break of walking line

Test case for issue CR26717

Correction of test cases for issue CR26717

Test case for issue CR26717
mod - src/IntWalk/IntWalk_PWalking.cxx Diff File
mod - src/IntWalk/IntWalk_PWalking.hxx Diff File
mod - tests/boolean/bsection/R9 Diff File
mod - tests/boolean/gdml_private/G7 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_1/buc60462_1 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_1/buc60462_2 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_4/pro18892 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug26717 Diff File