Changesets: occt

master c727abe0

2017-07-31 12:13:28


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028960: Coding Rules - eliminate GCC compiler warning -Wfor-loop-analysis Affected Issues
mod - src/GCPnts/GCPnts_TangentialDeflection.pxx Diff File

master c5b39011

2017-07-31 06:23:49


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028962: Configuration, genproj.bat - add /LARGEADDRESSAWARE option to 32-bit target executables Affected Issues
mod - adm/templates/template.vc10x Diff File

master 1d949423

2017-07-30 18:29:17


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028680: Data Exchange - allow reading of multi-domain STL files

Method RWStl::Read() is improved to support reading multi-domain STL files.

Test added: bugs stlvrml bug28680
mod - src/RWStl/RWStl_Reader.cxx Diff File
mod - src/RWStl/RWStl_Reader.hxx Diff File
add - tests/bugs/stlvrml/bug28680 Diff File

master 471a2ca0

2017-07-29 06:42:16


Committer: abv Details Diff
0028959: Configuration, genproj - provide warning on update of scripts in root folder (msvc.bat etc.)

When updating files msvc.bat and draw.bat/sh in the root folder by copying template from adm/templates, procedure genproj will give a warning (unless the files are already the same); if the target file is newer, its copy is saved with additional extension .bak.
Affected Issues
mod - adm/genproj.tcl Diff File
mod - dox/dev_guides/building/ Diff File

master fc935b4f

2017-07-28 11:22:22


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028944: Cannot find section between two faces

Test case has been created because the problem is not reproduced on the current version of OCCT.
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug28944 Diff File

master 8dbf0462

2017-07-28 06:42:11


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028956: Coding Rules - eliminate several trivial compiler warnings

Eliminated GCC warning -Wsign-compare introduced by patch for #0028786.
Eliminated (false) GCC warning -Wuninitialized introduced by patch for 0027117.

Suppressed GCC warning "-Wunused-but-set-variable" with OCCT_DEBUG defined
Affected Issues
mod - src/Bisector/Bisector_BisecAna.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepClass3d/BRepClass3d_SClassifier.cxx Diff File
mod - src/DNaming/DNaming_Line3DDriver.cxx Diff File
mod - src/GccAna/GccAna_Circ2d3Tan_1.cxx Diff File
mod - src/GccAna/GccAna_Circ2d3Tan_6.cxx Diff File
mod - src/GccAna/GccAna_Circ2d3Tan_8.cxx Diff File
mod - src/IntCurveSurface/IntCurveSurface_Inter.gxx Diff File
mod - src/Message/Message_Report.cxx Diff File

master a131689d

2017-07-26 15:44:20


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028952: Configuration, CMake - define OCCT_NO_DEPRECATED while building OCCT by obsolete gcc versions Affected Issues
mod - adm/cmake/occt_toolkit.cmake Diff File

master 1f9eb890

2017-07-26 15:21:08


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
Test for 0024424: BRepAlgoAPI_Cut throws Standard_ConstructionError with disjoint, but adjacent solids
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug24424 Diff File

master 14bbbdcb

2017-07-26 13:40:36


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0027398: Integrate Qt Browser Widget to Open CASCADE Technology

The following implementation has been made:
- CMake procedure is extended to compile Qt tools. This is optional and is handled by USE_QT_TOOLS option(OFF by default)
- It is possible to build Qt tools using Qt5 or Qt4, it is settled with USE_QT4 option.
- Sample of DFBrowser tool is available in samples/tools/TInspectorEXE. It is build with tools, executable is placed in binaries. To start the sample, use dfbrowser.bat command.
- DFBrowser tool may be started from DRAW
mod - adm/cmake/3rdparty_macro.cmake Diff File
mod - adm/cmake/occt_macros.cmake Diff File
add - adm/cmake/occt_toolkit_tool.cmake Diff File
add - adm/cmake/qt5.cmake Diff File
add - adm/cmake/qt5_macro.cmake Diff File
mod - adm/cmake/vardescr.cmake Diff File
mod - adm/genproj.tcl Diff File
mod - adm/templates/ Diff File
mod - adm/templates/ Diff File
mod - adm/templates/ Diff File
mod - adm/templates/ Diff File
add - adm/templates/dfbrowser.bat Diff File
add - adm/templates/ Diff File
mod - adm/templates/ Diff File
mod - adm/templates/ Diff File
add - adm/TOOLS Diff File
mod - CMakeLists.txt Diff File
add - samples/tools/TInspectorEXE/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
add - samples/tools/TInspectorEXE/EXTERNLIB Diff File
add - samples/tools/TInspectorEXE/FILES Diff File
add - samples/tools/TInspectorEXE/icons/folder_export.png Diff File
add - samples/tools/TInspectorEXE/icons/folder_import.png Diff File
add - samples/tools/TInspectorEXE/icons/folder_open.png Diff File
add - samples/tools/TInspectorEXE/TInspectorEXE.cxx Diff File
add - samples/tools/TInspectorEXE/TInspectorEXE.qrc Diff File
add - samples/tools/TInspectorEXE/TInspectorEXE_OpenFileDialog.cxx Diff File
add - samples/tools/TInspectorEXE/TInspectorEXE_OpenFileDialog.hxx Diff File
add - samples/tools/TInspectorEXE/TInspectorEXE_OpenFileViewModel.cxx Diff File
add - samples/tools/TInspectorEXE/TInspectorEXE_OpenFileViewModel.hxx Diff File
add - samples/tools/TStandalone/adm/cmake/occt.cmake Diff File
add - samples/tools/TStandalone/adm/cmake/occt_toolkit_standalone.cmake Diff File
add - samples/tools/TStandalone/adm/cmake/standalone_macros.cmake Diff File
add - samples/tools/TStandalone/adm/templates/ Diff File
add - samples/tools/TStandalone/adm/templates/ Diff File
add - samples/tools/TStandalone/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
add - samples/tools/TStandalone/src/DFBrowser/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
add - samples/tools/TStandalone/src/DFBrowser/EXTERNLIB Diff File
add - samples/tools/TStandalone/src/DFBrowserPane/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
add - samples/tools/TStandalone/src/DFBrowserPane/EXTERNLIB Diff File
add - samples/tools/TStandalone/src/DFBrowserPaneXDE/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
add - samples/tools/TStandalone/src/DFBrowserPaneXDE/EXTERNLIB Diff File
add - samples/tools/TStandalone/src/ShapeView/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
add - samples/tools/TStandalone/src/ShapeView/EXTERNLIB Diff File
add - samples/tools/TStandalone/src/TInspector/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
add - samples/tools/TStandalone/src/TInspector/EXTERNLIB Diff File
add - samples/tools/TStandalone/src/TInspectorAPI/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
add - samples/tools/TStandalone/src/TInspectorAPI/EXTERNLIB Diff File
add - samples/tools/TStandalone/src/TInspectorEXE/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
add - samples/tools/TStandalone/src/TInspectorEXE/EXTERNLIB Diff File
add - samples/tools/TStandalone/src/TreeModel/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
add - samples/tools/TStandalone/src/TreeModel/EXTERNLIB Diff File
add - samples/tools/TStandalone/src/View/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
add - samples/tools/TStandalone/src/View/EXTERNLIB Diff File
add - samples/tools/TStandalone/src/VInspector/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
add - samples/tools/TStandalone/src/VInspector/EXTERNLIB Diff File
mod - src/DrawResources/DrawPlugin Diff File
add - tests/tools/begin Diff File
add - tests/tools/dfbrowser/A1 Diff File
add - tests/tools/dfbrowser/A2 Diff File
add - tests/tools/end Diff File
add - tests/tools/grids.list Diff File
add - tests/tools/parse.rules Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser.qrc Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_AttributePaneStack.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_AttributePaneStack.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_AttributePaneType.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_Communicator.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_Communicator.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_DumpView.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_DumpView.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_HighlightDelegate.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_HighlightDelegate.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_Item.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_Item.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_ItemApplication.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_ItemApplication.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_ItemBase.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_ItemBase.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_ItemDocument.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_ItemDocument.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_ItemRole.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_Module.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_Module.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_OpenApplication.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_OpenApplication.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_PropertyPanel.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_PropertyPanel.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_SearchItemInfo.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_SearchLine.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_SearchLine.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_SearchLineModel.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_SearchLineModel.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_SearchView.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_SearchView.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_Shortcut.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_Shortcut.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_Thread.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_Thread.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_ThreadItem.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_ThreadItemSearch.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_ThreadItemSearch.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_ThreadItemUsedShapesMap.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_ThreadItemUsedShapesMap.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_Tools.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_Tools.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_TreeLevelLine.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_TreeLevelLine.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_TreeLevelLineDelegate.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_TreeLevelLineDelegate.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_TreeLevelLineModel.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_TreeLevelLineModel.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_TreeLevelView.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_TreeLevelView.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_TreeLevelViewModel.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_TreeLevelViewModel.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_TreeModel.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_TreeModel.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_TreeView.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_TreeView.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_Window.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/DFBrowser_Window.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/FILES Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/icons/item_type_folder.png Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/icons/item_type_folder_40x40.png Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/icons/level_change.png Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/icons/search.png Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/icons/search_cancel.png Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/icons/treeline_backward.png Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/icons/treeline_forward.png Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowser/icons/treeline_update.png Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane.qrc Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_AttributePane.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_AttributePane.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_AttributePaneAPI.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_AttributePaneCreator.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_AttributePaneCreator.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_AttributePaneCreatorAPI.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_AttributePaneModel.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_AttributePaneModel.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_AttributePaneSelector.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_AttributePaneSelector.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_HelperArray.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_HelperArray.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_HelperExport.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_HelperExport.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_HelperGroupContent.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_HelperGroupContent.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_ItemDelegateButton.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_ItemDelegateButton.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_ItemRole.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_OcctEnumType.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_SelectionKind.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TableView.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TableView.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdAsciiString.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdAsciiString.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdBooleanArray.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdBooleanArray.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdBooleanList.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdBooleanList.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdByteArray.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdByteArray.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdComment.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdComment.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdCurrent.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdCurrent.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdDirectory.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdDirectory.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdExpression.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdExpression.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdExtStringArray.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdExtStringArray.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdExtStringList.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdExtStringList.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdInteger.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdInteger.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdIntegerArray.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdIntegerArray.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdIntegerList.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdIntegerList.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdIntPackedMap.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdIntPackedMap.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdName.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdName.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdNamedData.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdNamedData.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdNoteBook.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdNoteBook.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdReal.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdReal.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdRealArray.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdRealArray.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdRealList.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdRealList.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdReferenceArray.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdReferenceArray.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdReferenceList.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdReferenceList.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdRelation.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdRelation.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdTick.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdTick.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdTreeNode.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdTreeNode.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdTreeNodeItem.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdTreeNodeItem.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdTreeNodeModel.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdTreeNodeModel.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdUAttribute.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdUAttribute.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdVariable.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDataStdVariable.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDFReference.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDFReference.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDFTagSource.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDFTagSource.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDocStdModified.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDocStdModified.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDocStdOwner.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDocStdOwner.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDocStdXLink.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDocStdXLink.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDocStdXLinkRoot.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TDocStdXLinkRoot.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TFunctionFunction.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TFunctionFunction.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TFunctionGraphNode.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TFunctionGraphNode.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TFunctionScope.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TFunctionScope.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TNamingNamedShape.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TNamingNamedShape.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TNamingNaming.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TNamingNaming.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TNamingUsedShapes.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TNamingUsedShapes.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_Tools.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_Tools.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TPrsStdAISPresentation.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TPrsStdAISPresentation.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TPrsStdAISViewer.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/DFBrowserPane_TPrsStdAISViewer.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/FILES Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/icons/attribute.png Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/icons/attribute_40x40.png Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/icons/export_shape.png Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/icons/folder_export.png Diff File
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add - tools/DFBrowserPane/icons/imageres_5.ico Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/icons/label.png Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/icons/label_folder_16x16.png Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/icons/label_folder_20x20.png Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/icons/label_folder_40x40.png Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/icons/label_folder_expand_16x16.png Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/icons/label_folder_expand_20x20.png Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/icons/label_folder_expand_40x40.png Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/icons/named_shape.png Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPane/icons/named_shape_40x40.png Diff File
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add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/DFBrowserPaneXDE_AttributeCommonPane.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/DFBrowserPaneXDE_AttributePaneCreator.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/DFBrowserPaneXDE_AttributePaneCreator.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/DFBrowserPaneXDE_Tools.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/DFBrowserPaneXDE_Tools.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/DFBrowserPaneXDE_XCAFDocArea.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/DFBrowserPaneXDE_XCAFDocArea.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/DFBrowserPaneXDE_XCAFDocCentroid.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/DFBrowserPaneXDE_XCAFDocCentroid.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/DFBrowserPaneXDE_XCAFDocColor.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/DFBrowserPaneXDE_XCAFDocColor.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/DFBrowserPaneXDE_XCAFDocColorTool.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/DFBrowserPaneXDE_XCAFDocColorTool.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/DFBrowserPaneXDE_XCAFDocDatum.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/DFBrowserPaneXDE_XCAFDocDatum.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/DFBrowserPaneXDE_XCAFDocDimension.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/DFBrowserPaneXDE_XCAFDocDimension.hxx Diff File
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add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/DFBrowserPaneXDE_XCAFDocDimTol.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/DFBrowserPaneXDE_XCAFDocDimTolTool.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/DFBrowserPaneXDE_XCAFDocDimTolTool.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/DFBrowserPaneXDE_XCAFDocDocumentTool.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/DFBrowserPaneXDE_XCAFDocDocumentTool.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/DFBrowserPaneXDE_XCAFDocGeomTolerance.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/DFBrowserPaneXDE_XCAFDocGeomTolerance.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/DFBrowserPaneXDE_XCAFDocGraphNode.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/DFBrowserPaneXDE_XCAFDocGraphNode.hxx Diff File
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add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/DFBrowserPaneXDE_XCAFDocLayerTool.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/DFBrowserPaneXDE_XCAFDocLocation.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/DFBrowserPaneXDE_XCAFDocLocation.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/DFBrowserPaneXDE_XCAFDocMaterial.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/DFBrowserPaneXDE_XCAFDocMaterial.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/DFBrowserPaneXDE_XCAFDocMaterialTool.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/DFBrowserPaneXDE_XCAFDocMaterialTool.hxx Diff File
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add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/DFBrowserPaneXDE_XCAFDocShapeMapTool.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/DFBrowserPaneXDE_XCAFDocShapeTool.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/DFBrowserPaneXDE_XCAFDocShapeTool.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/DFBrowserPaneXDE_XDEDRAW.cxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/DFBrowserPaneXDE_XDEDRAW.hxx Diff File
add - tools/DFBrowserPaneXDE/FILES Diff File
add - tools/ShapeView/FILES Diff File
add - tools/ShapeView/icons/folder_import.png Diff File
add - tools/ShapeView/icons/folder_open.png Diff File
add - tools/ShapeView/ShapeView.qrc Diff File
add - tools/ShapeView/ShapeView_Communicator.cxx Diff File
add - tools/ShapeView/ShapeView_Communicator.hxx Diff File
add - tools/ShapeView/ShapeView_ItemBase.hxx Diff File
add - tools/ShapeView/ShapeView_ItemRoot.cxx Diff File
add - tools/ShapeView/ShapeView_ItemRoot.hxx Diff File
add - tools/ShapeView/ShapeView_ItemShape.cxx Diff File
add - tools/ShapeView/ShapeView_ItemShape.hxx Diff File
add - tools/ShapeView/ShapeView_OpenFileDialog.cxx Diff File
add - tools/ShapeView/ShapeView_OpenFileDialog.hxx Diff File
add - tools/ShapeView/ShapeView_OpenFileViewModel.cxx Diff File
add - tools/ShapeView/ShapeView_OpenFileViewModel.hxx Diff File
add - tools/ShapeView/ShapeView_Tools.cxx Diff File
add - tools/ShapeView/ShapeView_Tools.hxx Diff File
add - tools/ShapeView/ShapeView_TreeModel.cxx Diff File
add - tools/ShapeView/ShapeView_TreeModel.hxx Diff File
add - tools/ShapeView/ShapeView_Window.cxx Diff File
add - tools/ShapeView/ShapeView_Window.hxx Diff File
add - tools/TInspector/FILES Diff File
add - tools/TInspector/icons/item_algo_folder.png Diff File
add - tools/TInspector/TInspector.qrc Diff File
add - tools/TInspector/TInspector_Communicator.cxx Diff File
add - tools/TInspector/TInspector_Communicator.hxx Diff File
add - tools/TInspector/TInspector_Window.cxx Diff File
add - tools/TInspector/TInspector_Window.hxx Diff File
add - tools/TInspectorAPI/FILES Diff File
add - tools/TInspectorAPI/TInspectorAPI_Communicator.cxx Diff File
add - tools/TInspectorAPI/TInspectorAPI_Communicator.hxx Diff File
add - tools/TInspectorAPI/TInspectorAPI_PluginParameters.cxx Diff File
add - tools/TInspectorAPI/TInspectorAPI_PluginParameters.hxx Diff File
add - tools/TKDFBrowser/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
add - tools/TKDFBrowser/EXTERNLIB Diff File
add - tools/TKDFBrowser/FILES Diff File
add - tools/TKDFBrowser/PACKAGES Diff File
add - tools/TKShapeView/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
add - tools/TKShapeView/EXTERNLIB Diff File
add - tools/TKShapeView/FILES Diff File
add - tools/TKShapeView/PACKAGES Diff File
add - tools/TKTInspector/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
add - tools/TKTInspector/EXTERNLIB Diff File
add - tools/TKTInspector/FILES Diff File
add - tools/TKTInspector/PACKAGES Diff File
add - tools/TKTInspectorAPI/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
add - tools/TKTInspectorAPI/EXTERNLIB Diff File
add - tools/TKTInspectorAPI/FILES Diff File
add - tools/TKTInspectorAPI/PACKAGES Diff File
add - tools/TKToolsDraw/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
add - tools/TKToolsDraw/EXTERNLIB Diff File
add - tools/TKToolsDraw/FILES Diff File
add - tools/TKToolsDraw/PACKAGES Diff File
add - tools/TKTreeModel/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
add - tools/TKTreeModel/EXTERNLIB Diff File
add - tools/TKTreeModel/FILES Diff File
add - tools/TKTreeModel/PACKAGES Diff File
add - tools/TKView/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
add - tools/TKView/EXTERNLIB Diff File
add - tools/TKView/FILES Diff File
add - tools/TKView/PACKAGES Diff File
add - tools/TKVInspector/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
add - tools/TKVInspector/EXTERNLIB Diff File
add - tools/TKVInspector/FILES Diff File
add - tools/TKVInspector/PACKAGES Diff File
add - tools/ToolsDraw/FILES Diff File
add - tools/ToolsDraw/ToolsDraw.cxx Diff File
add - tools/ToolsDraw/ToolsDraw.hxx Diff File
add - tools/TreeModel/FILES Diff File
add - tools/TreeModel/TreeModel_ItemBase.cxx Diff File
add - tools/TreeModel/TreeModel_ItemBase.hxx Diff File
add - tools/TreeModel/TreeModel_ItemRole.hxx Diff File
add - tools/TreeModel/TreeModel_ModelBase.cxx Diff File
add - tools/TreeModel/TreeModel_ModelBase.hxx Diff File
add - tools/View/FILES Diff File
add - tools/View/icons/cursor_rotate.png Diff File
add - tools/View/icons/cursor_zoom.png Diff File
add - tools/View/icons/keep_view_off.png Diff File
add - tools/View/icons/keep_view_off.svg Diff File
add - tools/View/icons/keep_view_on.png Diff File
add - tools/View/icons/keep_view_on.svg Diff File
add - tools/View/icons/view_clear.png Diff File
add - tools/View/icons/view_dm_shading.png Diff File
add - tools/View/icons/view_dm_wireframe.png Diff File
add - tools/View/icons/view_fitall.png Diff File
add - tools/View/icons/view_fitarea.png Diff File
add - tools/View/icons/view_pan.png Diff File
add - tools/View/icons/view_rotate.png Diff File
add - tools/View/icons/view_zoom.png Diff File
add - tools/View/View.qrc Diff File
add - tools/View/View_ContextType.hxx Diff File
add - tools/View/View_Displayer.cxx Diff File
add - tools/View/View_Displayer.hxx Diff File
add - tools/View/View_PresentationType.hxx Diff File
add - tools/View/View_ToolActionType.hxx Diff File
add - tools/View/View_ToolBar.cxx Diff File
add - tools/View/View_ToolBar.hxx Diff File
add - tools/View/View_ViewActionType.hxx Diff File
add - tools/View/View_Viewer.cxx Diff File
add - tools/View/View_Viewer.hxx Diff File
add - tools/View/View_Widget.cxx Diff File
add - tools/View/View_Widget.hxx Diff File
add - tools/View/View_Window.cxx Diff File
add - tools/View/View_Window.hxx Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/FILES Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/VInspectorAPI_CallBack.cxx Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/VInspectorAPI_CallBack.hxx Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/VInspector_CallBack.cxx Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/VInspector_CallBack.hxx Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/VInspector_CallBackMode.hxx Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/VInspector_Communicator.cxx Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/VInspector_Communicator.hxx Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/VInspector_ItemBase.cxx Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/VInspector_ItemBase.hxx Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/VInspector_ItemContext.cxx Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/VInspector_ItemContext.hxx Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/VInspector_ItemEntityOwner.cxx Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/VInspector_ItemEntityOwner.hxx Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/VInspector_ItemHistoryElement.cxx Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/VInspector_ItemHistoryElement.hxx Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/VInspector_ItemHistoryRoot.cxx Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/VInspector_ItemHistoryRoot.hxx Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/VInspector_ItemHistoryType.cxx Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/VInspector_ItemHistoryType.hxx Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/VInspector_ItemHistoryTypeInfo.hxx Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/VInspector_ItemPresentableObject.cxx Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/VInspector_ItemPresentableObject.hxx Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/VInspector_ItemSelection.cxx Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/VInspector_ItemSelection.hxx Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/VInspector_ItemSensitiveEntity.cxx Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/VInspector_ItemSensitiveEntity.hxx Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/VInspector_SelectionType.hxx Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/VInspector_ToolActionType.hxx Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/VInspector_ToolBar.cxx Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/VInspector_ToolBar.hxx Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/VInspector_Tools.cxx Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/VInspector_Tools.hxx Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/VInspector_ViewModel.cxx Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/VInspector_ViewModel.hxx Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/VInspector_ViewModelHistory.cxx Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/VInspector_ViewModelHistory.hxx Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/VInspector_Window.cxx Diff File
add - tools/VInspector/VInspector_Window.hxx Diff File

master cdec5927

2017-07-26 10:47:04


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028950: Generation of draw_test_harness and upgrade pdf files is crashed

Template for LaTeX header used in generation of PDF manuals is corrected to avoid multiple errors during processing by LaTeX (which can eventually lead to LaTeX aborting if their count exceeds 100).

Names of log files generated by gendoc command are made dependent on target format and (for PDF output) document name.

Formatting bug is fixed in DRAW User Guide
Affected Issues
mod - adm/gendoc.tcl Diff File
mod - dox/resources/occt_pdf_template.tex Diff File
mod - dox/resources/occt_ug_pdf.doxyfile Diff File
mod - dox/user_guides/draw_test_harness/ Diff File

master bbf03a4e

2017-07-25 17:17:32


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028951: MathJax CDN shutting down

Correct all links using old MathJax version.
mod - adm/gendoc.tcl Diff File
mod - dox/CMakeLists.txt Diff File
mod - dox/dev_guides/documentation/ Diff File

master dc2cc135

2017-07-25 12:49:53


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028945: Visualization - StdPrs_ToolTriangulatedShape::ComputeNormals() is extremely slow for triangulation-only surface

StdPrs_ToolTriangulatedShape::ComputeNormals() now calls Poly::ComputeNormals() for triangulation-only surfaces.
Poly::ComputeNormals() now averages normal considering triangle size.
Affected Issues
mod - src/Poly/Poly.cxx Diff File
mod - src/StdPrs/StdPrs_ToolTriangulatedShape.cxx Diff File

master d483647d

2017-07-25 10:03:24


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
Test for 0024145: OCCT fails to project a wire onto BSplineSurface using BRepAlgo_NormalProjection
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug24145_1 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug24145_2 Diff File

master 04db3d1c

2017-07-24 15:50:27


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
Test for 0023638: Reading IGES file produced invalid shape
mod - tests/bugs/iges/bug23638 Diff File

master 0f3d1d7c

2017-07-24 05:47:30


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028908: Improvement on attachment of attributes to the label Affected Issues
mod - src/QABugs/QABugs_19.cxx Diff File
mod - src/TDF/TDF_CopyTool.cxx Diff File
mod - src/TDF/TDF_Label.cxx Diff File
mod - src/TDF/TDF_Label.hxx Diff File
mod - src/TPrsStd/TPrsStd_AISPresentation.cxx Diff File

master 6a2ed6e8

2017-07-22 11:21:39


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028938: Tests - remove useless file artifacts of test cases perf/de/bug26338 Affected Issues
mod - tests/perf/de/bug26338_1 Diff File
mod - tests/perf/de/bug26338_2 Diff File

master 17b45a29

2017-07-22 10:58:22


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028937: Tests, testdiff - link image in diff to the test cases log Affected Issues
mod - src/DrawResources/TestCommands.tcl Diff File

master 60afea0a

2017-07-21 14:00:38


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
Test for 0023025: OCC exception is raised when making an extrusion with draft angle from a simple line
add - tests/bugs/moddata_3/bug23025 Diff File

master 751b10f2

2017-07-21 13:41:14


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
Test for 0028551: Bad result of general fuse
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug28551 Diff File

master 67908e84

2017-07-21 09:11:19


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028930: Coding Rules - eliminate GCC compiler warnings -Wmisleading-indentation
mod - src/XmlMDataStd/XmlMDataStd_BooleanArrayDriver.cxx Diff File

master 48691eaa

2017-07-19 15:34:09


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028920: Samples - fix msvc.bat for building samples without CMake

Added DevEnvDir to env.bat.
Added window title to "start" command in msvc.bat files.
Affected Issues
mod - adm/templates/env.bat Diff File
mod - adm/templates/msvc.bat Diff File
mod - samples/CSharp/msvc.bat Diff File
mod - samples/CSharp/msvc_D3D.bat Diff File
mod - samples/mfc/standard/msvc.bat Diff File
mod - samples/qt/FuncDemo/msvc.bat Diff File
mod - samples/qt/IESample/msvc.bat Diff File
mod - samples/qt/Tutorial/msvc.bat Diff File

master 7fc0e035

2017-07-19 15:05:42


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
Test for 0023187: Cut with a compound
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug23187 Diff File

master b4fd9d00

2017-07-19 14:38:54


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028927: Visualization - Graphic3d_StructureManager destructor should invalidate its pointer in Graphic3d_Structure

Graphic3d_Structure::myFirstStructureManager - removed unused class field.
~Graphic3d_StructureManager() now removes displayed Structures explicitly.
Affected Issues
mod - src/Graphic3d/Graphic3d_Structure.cxx Diff File
mod - src/Graphic3d/Graphic3d_Structure.hxx Diff File
mod - src/Graphic3d/Graphic3d_StructureManager.cxx Diff File

master 983fd6c0

2017-07-19 09:34:09


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028923: Foundation Classes - Message_Messenger::Send() implementation is not thread-safe

Use (Message_SequenceOfPrinters::Iterator instead of accessing sequence elements by index.
Affected Issues
mod - src/Message/FILES Diff File
mod - src/Message/Message_Messenger.cxx Diff File
mod - src/Message/Message_Messenger.hxx Diff File
rm - src/Message/Message_Messenger.lxx Diff File
mod - src/Message/Message_Printer.cxx Diff File
mod - src/Message/Message_Printer.hxx Diff File
rm - src/Message/Message_Printer.lxx Diff File
mod - src/Message/Message_PrinterOStream.cxx Diff File
mod - src/Message/Message_PrinterOStream.hxx Diff File
rm - src/Message/Message_PrinterOStream.lxx Diff File

master 79884986

2017-07-19 09:09:21


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0028922: Configuration - remove useless Standard_EXPORT in SelectMgr_Frustum::hasOverlap()
mod - src/SelectMgr/SelectMgr_Frustum.hxx Diff File
 First  Prev  1 2 3 ... 30 ... 60 ... 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 ... 120 ... 150 ... 180 ... 210 ... 240 ... 254 255 256  Next  Last