Changesets: occt

master 2f33e340

2022-11-24 16:24:14


Committer: smoskvin Details Diff
0032934: Modelling Algorithms - BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape returns two solutions instead of one

distmini of two edges returns two solution points instead one.
Second unneeded solution point is the same as first.

The problem was in fact that second edge has continuity C0.
In this case additional extremas analysis performed in special procedure


And second point found in this procedure.
Folowing code of

BRepExtrema_DistanceSS::Perform (variant for Edge/Edge)

we should this additional solution extremas set
to be object of test TRI_SOLUTION before pushing
into main list of solution.
This solves the problem.
Corresponding test and compound with edges has been created.

Additionally, in the function


an obvious error has fixed.
mod - src/BRepExtrema/BRepExtrema_DistanceSS.cxx Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug32934 Diff File

master 7ea3eff4

2022-11-24 12:48:22


Committer: smoskvin Details Diff
0033218: Data Exchange - XCAFPrs_Texture not allow to use classes inherited from Image_Texture

Type of field XCAFPrs_Texture::myImageSource was changed from Image_Texture to Handle(Image_Texture)
mod - src/XCAFDoc/XCAFDoc_VisMaterial.cxx Diff File
mod - src/XCAFPrs/XCAFPrs_Texture.cxx Diff File
mod - src/XCAFPrs/XCAFPrs_Texture.hxx Diff File

master 3837b3bf

2022-11-22 16:46:06


Committer: smoskvin Details Diff
0033217: DRAW - Missed Standard_EXPORT attribute in DrawTrSurf_Set* functions Affected Issues
mod - src/DrawTrSurf/DrawTrSurf_Debug.cxx Diff File

master b0afa94d

2022-11-22 14:30:24


Committer: vglukhik Details Diff
0027848: Visualization - sensitivity of lines is too high

Improved objects sorting by depth.

The sensitivity calculation for the manipulator has been changed.
Now the sensitivity of the elements of the manipulator depends on its size.

Also fixed the problem of erroneous selection of unfilled circles (SelectMgr_Frustum<N>::hasCircleOverlap() function).

Test case vselect/bugs/bug27848 added.
mod - src/AIS/AIS_Manipulator.cxx Diff File
mod - src/SelectMgr/SelectMgr_Frustum.lxx Diff File
mod - src/SelectMgr/SelectMgr_SortCriterion.hxx Diff File
mod - src/SelectMgr/SelectMgr_ViewerSelector.cxx Diff File
mod - tests/v3d/dimensions/bug24389 Diff File
mod - tests/v3d/manipulator/dragg Diff File
mod - tests/v3d/manipulator/drag_in_2d_view Diff File
mod - tests/v3d/manipulator/rotate Diff File
mod - tests/v3d/manipulator/translate Diff File
mod - tests/vselect/bugs/bug23012 Diff File
mod - tests/vselect/bugs/bug23539_2 Diff File
add - tests/vselect/bugs/bug27848 Diff File
mod - tests/vselect/edge/A10 Diff File

master 9b7f1aea

2022-11-21 20:04:09


Committer: smoskvin Details Diff
0031865: Mesh - triangulation fails with large deflection values due to unhandled Standard_OutOfRange, BRepMesh_PairOfIndex::Append()

Define minimum number of points for specific types of curves like it was done for circular edges.
Affected Issues
mod - src/BRepMesh/BRepMesh_CurveTessellator.cxx Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/mesh/bug27845 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/mesh/bug31449_1 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/mesh/bug31449_3 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/mesh/bug31865 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_2/bug264_6 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_2/bug264_7 Diff File
mod - tests/de_mesh/shape_write_stl/A8 Diff File
mod - tests/hlr/poly_hlr/A3 Diff File
mod - tests/hlr/poly_hlr/bug27979_2 Diff File
mod - tests/hlr/poly_hlr/C13 Diff File
mod - tests/hlr/poly_hlr/C15 Diff File
mod - tests/hlr/poly_hlr/C20 Diff File
mod - tests/hlr/poly_hlr/C23 Diff File
mod - tests/hlr/poly_hlr/C24 Diff File
mod - tests/hlr/poly_hlr/C3 Diff File
mod - tests/hlr/poly_hlr/C6 Diff File
mod - tests/hlr/poly_hlr/C8 Diff File

master 58390c4e

2022-11-21 18:13:43


Committer: ichesnok Details Diff
0032666: Data Exchange - Cannot write STEP file from an XCAF document containing only triangulations in the faces

Added support of reading and writing of the triangulated_surface_set.
Prevented creation of tesselated geometry under the schemas different from AP242DIS.
test step_read corrected, switched parameter write.step.schema to AP242DIS in begin and back to AP214CD at the end
mod - src/RWStepAP214/RWStepAP214_GeneralModule.cxx Diff File
mod - src/RWStepAP214/RWStepAP214_ReadWriteModule.cxx Diff File
mod - src/RWStepVisual/FILES Diff File
add - src/RWStepVisual/RWStepVisual_RWTriangulatedSurfaceSet.cxx Diff File
add - src/RWStepVisual/RWStepVisual_RWTriangulatedSurfaceSet.hxx Diff File
mod - src/StepAP214/StepAP214_Protocol.cxx Diff File
mod - src/STEPControl/STEPControl_ActorRead.cxx Diff File
mod - src/StepToTopoDS/StepToTopoDS_Builder.cxx Diff File
mod - src/StepToTopoDS/StepToTopoDS_Builder.hxx Diff File
mod - src/StepToTopoDS/StepToTopoDS_TranslateFace.cxx Diff File
mod - src/StepToTopoDS/StepToTopoDS_TranslateFace.hxx Diff File
mod - src/StepVisual/FILES Diff File
mod - src/StepVisual/StepVisual_TriangulatedFace.cxx Diff File
mod - src/StepVisual/StepVisual_TriangulatedFace.hxx Diff File
add - src/StepVisual/StepVisual_TriangulatedSurfaceSet.cxx Diff File
add - src/StepVisual/StepVisual_TriangulatedSurfaceSet.hxx Diff File
mod - src/TopoDSToStep/TopoDSToStep_Builder.cxx Diff File
mod - src/TopoDSToStep/TopoDSToStep_MakeShellBasedSurfaceModel.cxx Diff File
mod - src/TopoDSToStep/TopoDSToStep_MakeTessellatedItem.cxx Diff File
mod - src/TopoDSToStep/TopoDSToStep_MakeTessellatedItem.hxx Diff File
mod - tests/de_mesh/step_read/begin Diff File
mod - tests/de_mesh/step_read/end Diff File
mod - tests/de_mesh/step_write/begin Diff File
add - tests/de_mesh/step_write/D1 Diff File
add - tests/de_mesh/step_write/D2 Diff File
mod - tests/de_mesh/step_write/end Diff File

master 3eb891ec

2022-11-17 10:25:36


Committer: smoskvin Details Diff
0033180: We had a problem calling the OCC library at the customer site, and the program crashed

Added status for thrusection operations and changed throw constructions to set of the status and break the function.
Affected Issues
mod - src/BRepFill/BRepFill_CompatibleWires.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepFill/BRepFill_CompatibleWires.hxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepFill/BRepFill_Generator.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepFill/BRepFill_Generator.hxx Diff File
add - src/BRepFill/BRepFill_ThruSectionErrorStatus.hxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepFill/FILES Diff File
mod - src/BRepOffsetAPI/BRepOffsetAPI_ThruSections.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepOffsetAPI/BRepOffsetAPI_ThruSections.hxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepTest/BRepTest_SweepCommands.cxx Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug26636 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_8/bug33180 Diff File
mod - tests/thrusection/bugs/bug24997 Diff File

master 195aac3a

2022-11-12 20:45:36


Committer: vglukhik Details Diff
0033193: Modeling Algorithms - Regression: UnifySameDomain raises SIGSEGV

ShapeUpgrade_UnifySameDomain.cxx - method ReconstructMissedSeam is improved.

tests/bugs/heal/bug33193 - new test case added
mod - src/ShapeUpgrade/ShapeUpgrade_UnifySameDomain.cxx Diff File
add - tests/bugs/heal/bug33193 Diff File

master 185d29b9

2022-11-11 20:04:00


Committer: smoskvin Details Diff
0033198: Using a third-party Draco to compile in DEBUG mode

Added new CMake variables to build using DRACO
Windows OS works with Debug and Release configuration DRACO
Linux works with Release configuration DRACO
Affected Issues
mod - adm/cmake/draco.cmake Diff File
mod - adm/cmake/occt_toolkit.cmake Diff File

master 2923ef0d

2022-11-09 18:27:55


Details Diff
fixed compilation by the genproj tool
mod - src/Standard/Standard_MMgrTBBalloc.cxx Diff File
mod - src/TKDraw/EXTERNLIB Diff File

master 402ad277

2022-11-02 22:10:10


Committer: smoskvin Details Diff
0033190: Error on de_wrapper/configuration/A3

Removing from the test because this parameter doesn't exist inside the Vrml_ConfigurationNode class
Affected Issues
mod - tests/de_wrapper/configuration/A3 Diff File

master eeba62cb

2022-11-02 13:27:07


Details Diff
Increment OCCT version up to 7.8.0dev
mod - src/Standard/Standard_Version.hxx Diff File

master 3e88d19e

2022-11-02 13:27:07


Details Diff
Increment OCCT version up to 7.8.0dev
mod - src/Standard/Standard_Version.hxx Diff File

master 1e96cf65

2022-10-28 16:38:45


Committer: smoskvin Details Diff
0033156: Modeling Algorithms - Planar face creation problem

BRepLib_MakeFace::BRepLib_MakeFace: deleted degenerative edges from the input wire;
add test tests\mkface\mkplane\bug33156.
mod - src/BRepLib/BRepLib.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepLib/BRepLib_MakeFace.cxx Diff File
add - tests/mkface/mkplane/bug33156 Diff File

master f9990707

2022-10-26 16:59:54


Committer: vglukhik Details Diff
0033187: Modeling Algorithms - Crash in postprocessing of imported shape

Problem: Desynchronization of behaviors of GeomAdaptor_Curve::NbIntervals and
GeomAdaptor_Curve::Intervals functions. First calculates number of intervals, then
array is created and second fills the array. In some cases the size of array
is less than need for filling.

1. Added function BSplCLib::Intervals that calculates number of interval and fills
the array with its (if needed).
2. Simplified the algorithm of intervals calculation.
3. GeomAdaptor_Curve::NbIntervals/Intervals and Geom2dAdaptor_Curve::NbIntervals/Intervals
use BSplCLib::Intervals.
4. When creating an adapter for the base curve, the boundaries of the adapter for the offset curve are applied.
5. Test for problem shape was created: bugs modalg_8 bug33187.

Result: The new approach eliminates the problem of writing outside the array bounds.
Affected Issues
mod - src/BSplCLib/BSplCLib.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BSplCLib/BSplCLib.hxx Diff File
mod - src/Geom2dAdaptor/Geom2dAdaptor_Curve.cxx Diff File
mod - src/GeomAdaptor/GeomAdaptor_Curve.cxx Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_8/bug33187 Diff File
mod - tests/hlr/poly_hlr/A1 Diff File
mod - tests/hlr/poly_hlr/A2 Diff File
mod - tests/hlr/poly_hlr/A3 Diff File
mod - tests/hlr/poly_hlr/A4 Diff File
mod - tests/hlr/poly_hlr/A5 Diff File
mod - tests/hlr/poly_hlr/A6 Diff File
mod - tests/hlr/poly_hlr/A7 Diff File

master c325231d

2022-10-24 12:25:03


Committer: vglukhik Details Diff
0033179: Modeling Algorithms - Crash in ShapeFix_Shape with the attached object, when healing for fixing SameParameterFlag

BSplCLib_2.cxx - method MergeBSplineKnots is modified in order to have always not empty result.
Geom2dConvert.cxx - in static function MultNumandDenom tolerance for comparing knots is decreased.

tests/bugs/modalg_8/bug33179 test case added
mod - src/BSplCLib/BSplCLib_2.cxx Diff File
mod - src/Geom2dConvert/Geom2dConvert.cxx Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_8/bug33179 Diff File

master 03275c0b

2022-10-21 16:28:30


Committer: smoskvin Details Diff
0022821: Crash with BRepFilletAPI_MakeFillet

test bugs modalg_7 bug22821 failed on fillet shape with 5-th edge.
Experimentally has been found that reducing of parameter
ChFi3d_Builder::tolesp for this task solves the issue.

So, as soluton it is proposed to link parameter toleps with parameter range of
spine curve. So, production coefficient has been set to pass all tests and
2 teset was extended: tests/blend/complex/A6, tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug22821

first has been extended to test different scaling factors,
second has been extended to make fillet on all edges from 12.

- fixed misusage of tolesp in contexts where tolerance of point in 3d is excepted;
In some context usage of tol_esp is irrelevant, because its essentiality - tolerance of the parameter on the 3d curve.
So, in such context it has been replaced with new parameter tol3d (with fix value 1.0e-4).
Get rid of tolapp3d duplication constant - tol_3d
- tolesp = 5.0e-5 * (umax - umin)
- tolesp replaced by tolpoint2d/tolpoint3d in several classes.
Instead `tolesp` - `tolgui` is employed in contexts where tolerance of guide curve parameter is excepted.
Instead `tolesp` - `tolpoint2d` or `tolpoint3d` is employed in contexts where tolerance of point in 2d or 3d space is excepted.
- Replace tolesp with tolpoint2d/tolpoint3d in BBPP function argument.
- Use tolapp3d instead tolesp in BonVoisin function,
Affected Issues
mod - src/Blend/Blend_CSWalking_1.gxx Diff File
mod - src/Blend/Blend_CSWalking_2.gxx Diff File
mod - src/Blend/Blend_CSWalking_3.gxx Diff File
mod - src/Blend/Blend_CSWalking_4.gxx Diff File
mod - src/Blend/Blend_Walking_1.gxx Diff File
mod - src/Blend/Blend_Walking_2.gxx Diff File
mod - src/Blend/Blend_Walking_3.gxx Diff File
mod - src/Blend/Blend_Walking_4.gxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepBlend/BRepBlend_CSWalking.hxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepBlend/BRepBlend_RstRstLineBuilder.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepBlend/BRepBlend_RstRstLineBuilder.hxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepBlend/BRepBlend_SurfRstLineBuilder.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepBlend/BRepBlend_SurfRstLineBuilder.hxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepBlend/BRepBlend_Walking.hxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepFilletAPI/BRepFilletAPI_MakeFillet.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepTest/BRepTest_FeatureCommands.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepTest/BRepTest_FilletCommands.cxx Diff File
mod - src/ChFi3d/ChFi3d_Builder.cxx Diff File
mod - src/ChFi3d/ChFi3d_Builder.hxx Diff File
mod - src/ChFi3d/ChFi3d_Builder_1.cxx Diff File
mod - src/ChFi3d/ChFi3d_Builder_2.cxx Diff File
mod - src/ChFi3d/ChFi3d_Builder_6.cxx Diff File
mod - src/ChFi3d/ChFi3d_Builder_C1.cxx Diff File
mod - src/ChFi3d/ChFi3d_Builder_C2.cxx Diff File
mod - src/ChFi3d/ChFi3d_Builder_CnCrn.cxx Diff File
mod - src/ChFi3d/ChFi3d_Builder_SpKP.cxx Diff File
mod - src/ChFi3d/ChFi3d_ChBuilder.cxx Diff File
mod - src/ChFi3d/ChFi3d_ChBuilder_C3.cxx Diff File
mod - src/ChFi3d/ChFi3d_FilBuilder.cxx Diff File
mod - src/ChFi3d/ChFi3d_FilBuilder_C2.cxx Diff File
mod - src/ChFi3d/ChFi3d_FilBuilder_C3.cxx Diff File
mod - src/ChFiDS/ChFiDS_Spine.cxx Diff File
mod - src/ChFiDS/ChFiDS_Spine.hxx Diff File
mod - src/ChFiDS/ChFiDS_Spine.lxx Diff File
mod - src/FilletSurf/FilletSurf_InternalBuilder.cxx Diff File
mod - src/QABugs/QABugs_11.cxx Diff File
mod - src/QABugs/QABugs_17.cxx Diff File
mod - src/ViewerTest/ViewerTest_FilletCommands.cxx Diff File
mod - tests/blend/complex/A6 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug22821 Diff File

master b77de43f

2022-10-20 21:09:09


Committer: smoskvin Details Diff
0032053: Mesh - Invalid mesh after shape scaling

Added test case
add - tests/bugs/mesh/bug32053 Diff File

master 3b5a94a1

2022-10-20 14:25:26


Committer: smoskvin Details Diff
0033050: [Regression to OCCT 7.3.0] Mesh - meshing deflection is not reached

Add parameter EnableControlSurfaceDeflectionAllSurfaces to IMeshTools_Parameters enabling possibility to optimize mesh even on analytical surfaces;
Add corresponding parameter -surf_def_all to incmesh Draw command.
mod - src/BRepMesh/BRepMesh_MeshAlgoFactory.cxx Diff File
mod - src/IMeshTools/IMeshTools_Parameters.hxx Diff File
mod - src/MeshTest/MeshTest.cxx Diff File
add - tests/bugs/mesh/bug33050 Diff File

master aba5c241

2022-10-20 13:15:07


Committer: vglukhik Details Diff
0033144: Modeling Algorithms - Wrong result of Shape Proximity

Added step of refinement the coarser of the two shapes meshes to produce two meshes with approximately the same density.
Added tests lowalgos/proximity.

Fixed accounting of parameters to adjust number of initial sample points
mod - src/BRepExtrema/BRepExtrema_ProximityDistTool.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepExtrema/BRepExtrema_ProximityDistTool.hxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepExtrema/BRepExtrema_ProximityValueTool.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepExtrema/BRepExtrema_ProximityValueTool.hxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepExtrema/BRepExtrema_ShapeProximity.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepExtrema/BRepExtrema_ShapeProximity.hxx Diff File
rm - tests/lowalgos/proximity/B6 Diff File
add - tests/lowalgos/proximity/D4 Diff File
add - tests/lowalgos/proximity/E3 Diff File

master 3c9178dd

2022-10-19 12:15:09


Committer: smoskvin Details Diff
0033165: Data exchange - Instance name is not saved during writing step file

Instance name is saved also with identity location transformation
mod - src/STEPControl/STEPControl_ActorWrite.cxx Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_8/bug33165 Diff File

master a24391a1

2022-10-19 00:49:02


Committer: smoskvin Details Diff
0033163: Bad definition of values in IMeshData_Status

Corrected value of status enum
Affected Issues
mod - src/IMeshData/IMeshData_Status.hxx Diff File

master 3a24514d

2022-10-18 15:50:59


Committer: smoskvin Details Diff
0031476: Wrong shading of a toroidal face from a SAT file

Added test case
add - tests/bugs/mesh/bug31476 Diff File

master 25b5e83a

2022-10-18 09:39:03


Committer: smoskvin Details Diff
0032691: Modeling Algorithms - Exception when trying to build solid during sweep algorithm

Changed the condition for checking the correctness of the sweep algorithm. Exception is no longer raised, algorithm finishes with "Not done" status.
mod - src/BRepFill/BRepFill_Sweep.cxx Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_7/bug32691 Diff File

master 8175a70c

2022-10-17 17:22:44


Committer: vglukhik Details Diff
0033173: Modeling Algorithms - Regression in BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape causing Standard_OutOfRange exception

Extrema/Extrema_ExtCC.cxx - checking number of solutions is added

tests/bugs/modalg_8/bug33173 - test case added
Affected Issues
mod - src/Extrema/Extrema_ExtCC.cxx Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_8/bug33173 Diff File
 First  Prev  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 30 ... 60 ... 90 ... 120 ... 150 ... 180 ... 210 ... 240 ... 254 255 256  Next  Last