Changesets: occt

master 778cd667

2016-09-19 20:40:07


Details Diff
0027860: Visualization - clean up Transformation Persistence API

Graphic3d_Camera::TransformMatrices redundant NCollection_Handle usage
has been replaced with validity flags.

Graphic3d_TransModeFlags now defined as enumeration, not integer bit flags.
Graphic3d_TMF_PanPers and Graphic3d_TMF_FullPers have been removed.
Graphic3d_TMF_ZoomRotatePers has been introduced.

Graphic3d_TransformPers is now inherits Standard_Transient.
Graphic3d_TransformPers now defines dedicated constructors
for 3D persistence (zoom / rotate) and 2D persistence (2d / trihedron).
2D persistence now supports dedicated values for X and Y offsets.
The corner is now specified by enumeration Aspect_TypeOfTriedronPosition
instead of indirect interpretation of anchor point values.
Fixed handling of Graphic3d_TMF_ZoomRotatePers (combination of Graphic3d_TMF_RotatePers + Graphic3d_TMF_ZoomPers).

PrsMgr_PresentableObject, Graphic3d_CStructure now hold
Handle(Graphic3d_TransformPers) instead of a value.
Method ::SetTransformPersistence(), ::TransformPersistence()
now works with Handle(Graphic3d_TransformPers).
Old methods have been marked deprecated.
Affected Issues
mod - dox/dev_guides/upgrade/ Diff File
mod - samples/mfc/standard/Common/OCC_BaseView.cpp Diff File
mod - samples/mfc/standard/Common/Primitive/Sample2D_Face.cpp Diff File
mod - src/AIS/AIS_InteractiveContext.cxx Diff File
mod - src/AIS/AIS_InteractiveContext.hxx Diff File
mod - src/AIS/AIS_Manipulator.cxx Diff File
mod - src/AIS/AIS_Manipulator.hxx Diff File
mod - src/AIS/AIS_MultipleConnectedInteractive.cxx Diff File
mod - src/AIS/AIS_MultipleConnectedInteractive.hxx Diff File
mod - src/AIS/AIS_RubberBand.cxx Diff File
mod - src/AIS/AIS_TextLabel.cxx Diff File
mod - src/Aspect/Aspect_TypeOfTriedronPosition.hxx Diff File
mod - src/Graphic3d/FILES Diff File
mod - src/Graphic3d/Graphic3d_Camera.cxx Diff File
mod - src/Graphic3d/Graphic3d_Camera.hxx Diff File
mod - src/Graphic3d/Graphic3d_CStructure.hxx Diff File
mod - src/Graphic3d/Graphic3d_CView.cxx Diff File
mod - src/Graphic3d/Graphic3d_Structure.cxx Diff File
mod - src/Graphic3d/Graphic3d_Structure.hxx Diff File
rm - src/Graphic3d/Graphic3d_Structure.lxx Diff File
add - src/Graphic3d/Graphic3d_TransformPers.cxx Diff File
mod - src/Graphic3d/Graphic3d_TransformPers.hxx Diff File
mod - src/Graphic3d/Graphic3d_TransModeFlags.hxx Diff File
mod - src/MeshVS/MeshVS_Mesh.cxx Diff File
mod - src/NCollection/NCollection_Mat4.hxx Diff File
mod - src/OpenGl/OpenGl_BackgroundArray.cxx Diff File
mod - src/OpenGl/OpenGl_BVHClipPrimitiveTrsfPersSet.cxx Diff File
mod - src/OpenGl/OpenGl_GraduatedTrihedron.cxx Diff File
mod - src/OpenGl/OpenGl_Layer.cxx Diff File
mod - src/OpenGl/OpenGl_Structure.cxx Diff File
mod - src/OpenGl/OpenGl_Structure.hxx Diff File
mod - src/OpenGl/OpenGl_StructureShadow.cxx Diff File
mod - src/OpenGl/OpenGl_View.cxx Diff File
mod - src/PrsMgr/PrsMgr_PresentableObject.cxx Diff File
mod - src/PrsMgr/PrsMgr_PresentableObject.hxx Diff File
mod - src/QABugs/QABugs_11.cxx Diff File
mod - src/SelectMgr/SelectMgr_SelectableObject.cxx Diff File
mod - src/SelectMgr/SelectMgr_SelectableObjectSet.cxx Diff File
mod - src/SelectMgr/SelectMgr_SelectableObjectSet.hxx Diff File
mod - src/SelectMgr/SelectMgr_ViewerSelector.cxx Diff File
mod - src/StdSelect/StdSelect_BRepOwner.cxx Diff File
mod - src/StdSelect/StdSelect_ViewerSelector3d.cxx Diff File
mod - src/StdSelect/StdSelect_ViewerSelector3d.hxx Diff File
mod - src/V3d/V3d_View.cxx Diff File
mod - src/ViewerTest/ViewerTest.cxx Diff File
mod - src/ViewerTest/ViewerTest_ObjectCommands.cxx Diff File
mod - src/ViewerTest/ViewerTest_ViewerCommands.cxx Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/vis/bug23120 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/vis/bug25783_1 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/vis/bug26149 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/vis/bug26344 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/vis/bug27739 Diff File
mod - tests/v3d/glsl/tiles Diff File

master aea33d0a

2016-09-19 12:03:00


Details Diff
0010234: BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipeShell fails on spine built from two segments and profile built from arc

Adding testing case
Affected Issues
add - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug10234 Diff File

master 5da00540

2016-09-19 10:35:27


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0027822: Exception access violation is raised in BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipeShell during of build

New public method IsDone() is added to abstract class BRepFill_SectionLaw.

Test case bugs/modlag_6/bug27822 has been added
mod - src/BRepFill/BRepFill_NSections.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepFill/BRepFill_PipeShell.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepFill/BRepFill_SectionLaw.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepFill/BRepFill_SectionLaw.hxx Diff File
mod - src/BRepFill/BRepFill_ShapeLaw.cxx Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug27822 Diff File

master e620e285

2016-09-19 08:46:27


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0027880: Samples - fix handling of Unicode paths within MFC import/export sample Affected Issues
mod - samples/mfc/standard/02_Modeling/src/ModelingDoc.cpp Diff File
mod - samples/mfc/standard/03_Viewer2d/src/Viewer2dDoc.cpp Diff File
mod - samples/mfc/standard/04_Viewer3d/src/TexturesExt_Presentation.cpp Diff File
mod - samples/mfc/standard/05_ImportExport/src/ImportExportApp.cpp Diff File
mod - samples/mfc/standard/06_Ocaf/src/OcafDoc.cpp Diff File
mod - samples/mfc/standard/Common/DimensionDlg.cpp Diff File
mod - samples/mfc/standard/Common/ImportExport/ImportExport.cpp Diff File
mod - samples/mfc/standard/Common/OCC_BaseDoc.cpp Diff File

master 1f7f5a90

2016-09-17 16:33:53


Details Diff
0025180: Visualization - Homogeneous transformation API in TKV3d

PrsMgr_PresentableObject, Graphic3d_Structure now consistently
take and store Handle(Geom_Transformation) instead of
TColStd_Array2OfReal / Graphic3d_Mat4.
Low-level advanced methods have been modified to pass Handle(Geom_Transformation).
High-level methods have been preserved accepting old syntax taking gp_Trsf.

Geom_Transformation now inlines most methods.
Affected Issues
mod - src/AIS/AIS_ConnectedInteractive.cxx Diff File
mod - src/AIS/AIS_ConnectedInteractive.hxx Diff File
mod - src/AIS/AIS_Manipulator.cxx Diff File
mod - src/AIS/AIS_Manipulator.hxx Diff File
mod - src/AIS/AIS_MultipleConnectedInteractive.cxx Diff File
mod - src/AIS/AIS_MultipleConnectedInteractive.hxx Diff File
mod - src/AIS/AIS_Trihedron.cxx Diff File
mod - src/AIS/AIS_Trihedron.hxx Diff File
mod - src/Geom/Geom_Transformation.cxx Diff File
mod - src/Geom/Geom_Transformation.hxx Diff File
mod - src/gp/gp_Trsf.hxx Diff File
mod - src/Graphic3d/Graphic3d_CStructure.hxx Diff File
mod - src/Graphic3d/Graphic3d_CView.cxx Diff File
mod - src/Graphic3d/Graphic3d_CView.hxx Diff File
mod - src/Graphic3d/Graphic3d_Structure.cxx Diff File
mod - src/Graphic3d/Graphic3d_Structure.hxx Diff File
mod - src/Graphic3d/Graphic3d_StructureManager.cxx Diff File
mod - src/Graphic3d/Graphic3d_StructureManager.hxx Diff File
mod - src/OpenGl/OpenGl_MatrixState.hxx Diff File
mod - src/OpenGl/OpenGl_Structure.cxx Diff File
mod - src/OpenGl/OpenGl_Structure.hxx Diff File
mod - src/OpenGl/OpenGl_StructureShadow.cxx Diff File
mod - src/OpenGl/OpenGl_View.hxx Diff File
mod - src/OpenGl/OpenGl_View_Raytrace.cxx Diff File
mod - src/Prs3d/Prs3d_Presentation.cxx Diff File
mod - src/Prs3d/Prs3d_Presentation.hxx Diff File
mod - src/PrsMgr/PrsMgr_ListOfPresentableObjects.hxx Diff File
mod - src/PrsMgr/PrsMgr_PresentableObject.cxx Diff File
mod - src/PrsMgr/PrsMgr_PresentableObject.hxx Diff File
mod - src/PrsMgr/PrsMgr_Presentation.cxx Diff File
mod - src/PrsMgr/PrsMgr_Presentation.hxx Diff File
mod - src/PrsMgr/PrsMgr_PresentationManager.cxx Diff File
mod - src/PrsMgr/PrsMgr_Prs.cxx Diff File
mod - src/PrsMgr/PrsMgr_Prs.hxx Diff File
mod - src/V3d/V3d_CircularGrid.cxx Diff File
mod - src/V3d/V3d_Plane.cxx Diff File
mod - src/V3d/V3d_RectangularGrid.cxx Diff File

master 14cb22a1

2016-09-17 10:32:13


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0027879: Draw Harness, ViewerTest - disable VSync within non-interactive mode Affected Issues
mod - src/ViewerTest/ViewerTest_ViewerCommands.cxx Diff File

master 84bd2552

2016-09-16 12:31:29


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0027875: GeomFill_NSections constructor crash on sequence of curve containing only one curve

The GeomFill_NSections algorithm cannot create any surface from sequence with single curve only.

Therefore, return is provided in corresponding place of the code. Additionally, some public methods of GeomFill_NSections class checks if the surface has been created earlier.

Test case for this issue has been created.

Compiler error has been eliminated.
mod - src/GeomFill/GeomFill_NSections.cxx Diff File
mod - src/QABugs/QABugs_20.cxx Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug27875 Diff File

master b1c54665

2016-09-16 11:49:16


Details Diff
0006768: Problems making offset wires

Adding testing case
Affected Issues
add - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug6768 Diff File

master e8e26df0

2016-09-15 14:53:06


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0027873: Exception is raised in BRepFill_Filling::FindExtremitiesOfHoles()

The reason of exception has been eliminated.
Creation of the test case for this issue.
Correction of unstable test case.

Some test cases have been adjusted according to their new behavior.
mod - src/BRepFill/BRepFill_Filling.cxx Diff File
mod - src/GeomPlate/GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface.cxx Diff File
mod - src/QABugs/QABugs_11.cxx Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug27873 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/moddata_2/bug525 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/step/bug11856 Diff File

master 46f4a251

2016-09-14 11:22:59


Details Diff
0022037: Exception (Construction Error) during splitting face with hole by another face

Adding test case
add - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug22037 Diff File

master 3202bf1e

2016-09-14 10:44:47


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0027816: Visualization - provide an API for overriding clipping planes list

Graphic3d_SequenceOfHClipPlane now inherits Standard_Transient.
PrsMgr_PresentableObject, Graphic3d_Structure, Graphic3d_CStructure,
V3d_View, OpenGl_View now manages the plane list by Handle.
The getters ::GetClipPlanes() has been removed,
setters taking non-handle ::SetClipPlanes() has been marked deprecated.

OpenGl_Structure::Render() and SelectMgr_ViewerSelector::checkOverlap()
now disable global (view) clipping planes for objects
with flags Graphic3d_TMF_TriedronPers and Graphic3d_TMF_2d
or with new flag Graphic3d_SequenceOfHClipPlane::ToOverrideGlobal().

OpenGl_Clipping now implements interface for managing clipping planes
without copying the sequences.
The filtering of duplicates is no more performed by OpenGl_Clipping
- application is responsible to not do this.
OpenGl_Clipping tries avoiding unnecessary allocations for managing
list of active planes.

MFC sample has been updated to use V3d_View::ClipPlanes() method.
Affected Issues
mod - samples/mfc/standard/04_Viewer3d/src/ModelClippingDlg.cpp Diff File
mod - src/Graphic3d/Graphic3d_CStructure.hxx Diff File
mod - src/Graphic3d/Graphic3d_CView.hxx Diff File
mod - src/Graphic3d/Graphic3d_SequenceOfHClipPlane.hxx Diff File
mod - src/Graphic3d/Graphic3d_Structure.cxx Diff File
mod - src/Graphic3d/Graphic3d_Structure.hxx Diff File
mod - src/OpenGl/OpenGl_CappingAlgo.cxx Diff File
mod - src/OpenGl/OpenGl_Clipping.cxx Diff File
mod - src/OpenGl/OpenGl_Clipping.hxx Diff File
mod - src/OpenGl/OpenGl_ShaderManager.cxx Diff File
mod - src/OpenGl/OpenGl_Structure.cxx Diff File
mod - src/OpenGl/OpenGl_View.hxx Diff File
mod - src/OpenGl/OpenGl_View_Redraw.cxx Diff File
mod - src/PrsMgr/FILES Diff File
mod - src/PrsMgr/PrsMgr_PresentableObject.cxx Diff File
mod - src/PrsMgr/PrsMgr_PresentableObject.hxx Diff File
rm - src/PrsMgr/PrsMgr_PresentableObject.lxx Diff File
mod - src/PrsMgr/PrsMgr_PresentationManager.cxx Diff File
mod - src/SelectMgr/SelectMgr_BaseFrustum.hxx Diff File
mod - src/SelectMgr/SelectMgr_RectangularFrustum.cxx Diff File
mod - src/SelectMgr/SelectMgr_RectangularFrustum.hxx Diff File
mod - src/SelectMgr/SelectMgr_SelectingVolumeManager.cxx Diff File
mod - src/SelectMgr/SelectMgr_SelectingVolumeManager.hxx Diff File
mod - src/SelectMgr/SelectMgr_ViewerSelector.cxx Diff File
mod - src/StdSelect/StdSelect_ViewerSelector3d.cxx Diff File
mod - src/V3d/V3d_View.hxx Diff File
mod - src/V3d/V3d_View_2.cxx Diff File

master d0aafb06

2016-09-14 09:20:37


Details Diff
0025138: SIGSEGV when sweeping along helix

Adding test case
Affected Issues
add - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug25138 Diff File

master 4aaadad7

2016-09-13 08:07:03


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0027867: Visualization - AIS_InteractiveContext::HasSelectedShape() returns true if selected interactive is instance of AIS_Shape only Affected Issues
mod - src/AIS/AIS_InteractiveContext_1.cxx Diff File

master 935069d2

2016-09-13 07:47:23


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0027808: Some geometric_tolerances are not imported.

Process datum_feature entity during collecting shape_aspects of GDT.
Update test cases.
mod - src/STEPCAFControl/STEPCAFControl_Reader.cxx Diff File
mod - tests/gdt/export/A6 Diff File
mod - tests/gdt/export/A7 Diff File
mod - tests/gdt/export/A8 Diff File
mod - tests/gdt/export/B1 Diff File
mod - tests/gdt/export/B2 Diff File
mod - tests/gdt/export/B4 Diff File
mod - tests/gdt/export/B5 Diff File
mod - tests/gdt/presentation/A5 Diff File
mod - tests/gdt/presentation/A6 Diff File
mod - tests/gdt/presentation/A7 Diff File
mod - tests/gdt/presentation/A9 Diff File
mod - tests/gdt/presentation/B1 Diff File
mod - tests/gdt/presentation/B3 Diff File
mod - tests/gdt/presentation/B4 Diff File

master c204d492

2016-09-12 14:48:59


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0027851: Wrong result of classification of the point relative to the solid

Test case creation.
add - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug27851 Diff File

master 359cdde7

2016-09-12 10:52:36


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0027358: ShapeAnalysis_Curve::GetSamplePoints iteration logic isn't robust

The iterating logic in ShapeAnalysis_Curve::GetSamplePoints() is made more robust: instead of iterative incrementing parameter by adding step, parameter at each point is calculated independently from index.
This avoids possible accumulation of numeric errors, and ensures that generated points are equally spaced and their quantity is respected in all cases.
Affected Issues
mod - src/ShapeAnalysis/ShapeAnalysis_Curve.cxx Diff File

master a165f002

2016-09-12 09:17:48


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0027863: Geom_BSplineSurface::SetVKnot(const Standard_Integer, const Standard_Real) has no effect

Fix Geom_BSplineSurface::SetVKnot function to have the same behavior as SetUKnot.
Affected Issues
mod - src/Geom/Geom_BSplineSurface.cxx Diff File

master ef444297

2016-09-12 07:21:53


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0027862: Exception in BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipeShell

Check if the shape is not null before querying its ShapeType.
Create test case for the bug.

Small correction of test case for issue CR27862
mod - src/BRepFill/BRepFill_Sweep.cxx Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug27862 Diff File

master 70ca46fe

2016-09-12 06:54:55


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0027844: Foundation Classes - remove method OSD_File::Print() Affected Issues
mod - adm/cmake/occt_csf.cmake Diff File
mod - adm/genproj.tcl Diff File
mod - src/OSD/FILES Diff File
mod - src/OSD/OSD.hxx Diff File
mod - src/OSD/OSD_File.cxx Diff File
mod - src/OSD/OSD_File.hxx Diff File
rm - src/OSD/OSD_Printer.cxx Diff File
rm - src/OSD/OSD_Printer.hxx Diff File
mod - src/OSD/OSD_WhoAmI.hxx Diff File
mod - src/TKernel/EXTERNLIB Diff File

master 49e5d238

2016-09-10 12:38:05


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0027861: Configuration - include ApplicationFramework to UWP list Affected Issues
mod - adm/cmake/vardescr.cmake Diff File
mod - CMakeLists.txt Diff File

master 7b3aef35

2016-09-09 13:10:56


Details Diff
0025423: Incorrect result of splitting some shapes

Adding testing case
add - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug25423_1 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug25423_2 Diff File

master 099f3513

2016-09-09 12:53:58


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0027739: Visualization, TKV3d - implement individual acceleration data structure for selection of 2D persistent objects

Low-level selection algorithms has been improved to explicitly support 2D
transformation persistent objects. This patch generally touches:

1) SelectMgr_SelectableObjectSet - the lists of objects has been split onto three
subsets (regular, 3d-persistent, 2d-persistent). Each subset has individual BVH
tree. The algorithms are now have more flexibility to update only those trees
that is really required for actual camera state.

2) SelectMgr_ViewerSelector - explicitly supports Eye space selection operations
on BVH tree for 2d-persistent subset. Change of camera position does not
anymore affect acceleration data structure (BVH tree) of 2d-persistent selectable objects.

3) Other classes from SelectMgr have been fine-tuned to provide appropriate API.

Porting notes:

This patch touches very low-level selection classes. If the low-level features were used
the following modifications may need to be considered for porting:

1) Iteration over objects of SelectMgr_SelectableObjectSet should now
be implemented with corresponding Iterator class.

2) SelectMgr_BaseFrustum::ScaleAndTransform and derived classes return
Handle(SelectMgr_BaseFrustum) instead of NCollection_Handle<> type.

Small correction of test case for issue CR27739
mod - src/SelectMgr/FILES Diff File
mod - src/SelectMgr/SelectMgr_BaseFrustum.cxx Diff File
mod - src/SelectMgr/SelectMgr_BaseFrustum.hxx Diff File
mod - src/SelectMgr/SelectMgr_FrustumBuilder.cxx Diff File
mod - src/SelectMgr/SelectMgr_FrustumBuilder.hxx Diff File
mod - src/SelectMgr/SelectMgr_RectangularFrustum.cxx Diff File
mod - src/SelectMgr/SelectMgr_RectangularFrustum.hxx Diff File
mod - src/SelectMgr/SelectMgr_SelectableObjectSet.cxx Diff File
mod - src/SelectMgr/SelectMgr_SelectableObjectSet.hxx Diff File
rm - src/SelectMgr/SelectMgr_SelectableObjectTrsfPersSet.cxx Diff File
rm - src/SelectMgr/SelectMgr_SelectableObjectTrsfPersSet.hxx Diff File
mod - src/SelectMgr/SelectMgr_SelectingVolumeManager.cxx Diff File
mod - src/SelectMgr/SelectMgr_SelectingVolumeManager.hxx Diff File
mod - src/SelectMgr/SelectMgr_TriangularFrustum.cxx Diff File
mod - src/SelectMgr/SelectMgr_TriangularFrustum.hxx Diff File
mod - src/SelectMgr/SelectMgr_TriangularFrustumSet.cxx Diff File
mod - src/SelectMgr/SelectMgr_TriangularFrustumSet.hxx Diff File
mod - src/SelectMgr/SelectMgr_ViewerSelector.cxx Diff File
mod - src/SelectMgr/SelectMgr_ViewerSelector.hxx Diff File
mod - src/StdSelect/StdSelect_ViewerSelector3d.cxx Diff File
add - tests/bugs/vis/bug27739 Diff File

master 14ea8abd

2016-09-08 19:57:50


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0027830: Infinite HLR looping

Make protection of HLR algo against garbage data in faces. In particular case, there are faces built on a periodical surfaces, which U bounds exceed period thousands times. Such faces are excluded from the process of edges hiding.

In addition, while fitting the intersection point in period for periodical faces, replace looping with the single call to AdjustPeriodic method.

- Add new test case.
- Update tests of HLR according to new numbers of subshapes.

Update of test cases according to the new behavior
mod - src/HLRBRep/HLRBRep_Data.cxx Diff File
mod - src/HLRBRep/HLRBRep_Data.hxx Diff File
mod - src/HLRBRep/HLRBRep_Hider.cxx Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug27341_301 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug27341_306 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug27341_307 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug27341_308 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug27341_313 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug27341_317 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug27341_320 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug27341_324 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug27341_328 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug27830 Diff File

master 4897e58d

2016-09-08 19:54:54


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0027854: Foundation Classes - OSD_Parallel::NbLogicalProcessors() should handle Android specifically

Read CPU info from sysfs.
mod - src/OSD/OSD_Parallel.cxx Diff File

master 8d795b51

2016-09-08 15:20:57


Committer: bugmaster Details Diff
0027720: HLRBrep_Algo BSpline missing edges

The algorithm that builds outlines ("silhouettes") makes an outline in 2d parametric space of the surface starting from some previously detected point where normal is orthogonal to direction of view. So, the surface is previously discretized into (m*n) sample points and some of them become starting points for future outlines.

If the surface has non-uniform parametrization and/or some local extremums of curvature, the outlines can not be built without breaks, so there are several groups of consequent outlines in this case. Unfortunately, it leads to the situation when current number of sample points becomes insufficient to build all the parts of outlines.

The idea is to detect the "holes" between already constructed parts of outlines and then complete the construction.

New auxiliary draw command for testing of HLR.

Correction according to the remarks.

Update of test case according to the developer's directive
mod - src/Contap/Contap_Contour.cxx Diff File
mod - src/Contap/Contap_TheIWalking.hxx Diff File
mod - src/HLRTest/HLRTest.cxx Diff File
mod - src/IntPatch/IntPatch_TheIWalking.hxx Diff File
mod - src/IntSurf/IntSurf_PntOn2S.cxx Diff File
mod - src/IntSurf/IntSurf_PntOn2S.hxx Diff File
mod - src/IntWalk/IntWalk_IWalking_1.gxx Diff File
mod - src/IntWalk/IntWalk_IWalking_2.gxx Diff File
mod - src/IntWalk/IntWalk_IWalking_3.gxx Diff File
mod - src/IntWalk/IntWalk_IWalking_4.gxx Diff File
mod - src/IntWalk/IntWalk_IWalking_6.gxx Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug27341_303 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug27720_1 Diff File
mod - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug27720_2 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug27720_4 Diff File
add - tests/bugs/modalg_6/bug27720_5 Diff File
 First  Prev  1 2 3 ... 30 ... 60 ... 90 ... 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 ... 120 ... 150 ... 180 ... 210 ... 240 ... 254 255 256  Next  Last