occt: master 98730279

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
pkv bugmaster master 2014-03-19 03:02:28 master 679ecdee
Changeset 0024733: Subshape IDs change between two executions of a same script

1. class BOPTools_Set
   - method:
void BOPTools_Set::AddEdges(const TopoDS_Shape& aS)
has been removed as redundant

2. class BOPTools_Set
   - method:
Standard_Boolean BOPTools_Set::IsEqual (const BOPTools_Set& theOther)const
has been modified to take into account Locations of the shapes

3. class BOPAlgo_Builder
   - method:
void BOPAlgo_Builder::FillSameDomainFaces()
has been modified in accordance with the modifications done in II.1.
mod - src/BOPAlgo/BOPAlgo_Builder_2.cxx Diff File
mod - src/BOPTools/BOPTools_Set.cdl Diff File
mod - src/BOPTools/BOPTools_Set.cxx Diff File
rm - src/BOPTools/BOPTools_Set.lxx Diff File